Can I customize Wechaty UrlLink title - node.js

Wechaty is a Bot SDK for Wechat Individual Account which can help you create a bot in 6 lines of javascript, with cross-platform support including Linux, Windows, Darwin(OSX/Mac) and Docker. see:
I want to send URL Link using wechaty, can I customize this?

Yes, you can.
Relate doc:
Example code in wechaty:
const linkPayload = new UrlLink ({
description : 'WeChat Bot SDK for Individual Account, Powered by TypeScript, Docker, and Love',
thumbnailUrl: '',
title : 'Welcome to Wechaty',
url : '',
await msg.say(linkPayload)
You can change the title you like.


Dialogflow Messenger Integration - Add a chat-icon

I'm trying to change the dialogflow default icon in the web integration using the "Dialogflow Messenger" integration option.
I added the "chat-icon" tag to the "df-messenger" tag and it's not showing the custom logo.
Image of the web integration
Have you checked if the image link you are using is publicly accessible? As you said, you just need to set this on your embed:
<script src=""></script>
chat-icon="<a valid and public link here>"
chat-title="<your chatbot title here>"
agent-id="<your agent id here>"
Maybe you could try using another random image first (ie. a link from google images) just checking if it works and then troubleshooting with your custom image?
I fixed this issue by making the icon exactly 36x36 px as written in the documentation:
I uploaded it to Firebase and got the public link, it works.
Hope it helps!

Can I send Hero cards to whats app by using Twilio

I have chat bot, I build it with bot framework nodejs SDK I integrate this chat bot to whatsapp and I want to display some buttons in the whatsapp chat,
So is there any one found a solution for this problem pleas help me
Note: I try to send a hero card but I run to problem
Error: TwilioWhatsAppAdapter.parseActivity():
An activity text or attachment with contentUrl must be specified.
I don't know how bot framework attempts to send WhatsApp messages with buttons, but I doubt it fits with the way Twilio wants to send them.
Currently, to send a message with buttons, you need to register and use a template message. When you send the text of a message that matches one of your templates, then Twilio will deliver the entire template with buttons as well.
For the future, look out for the Twilio Content API which will streamline templates, buttons and other rich messages across platforms.
It looks like you are using the TwilioWhatsAppAdapter from the botbuilder-community-js repo.
Looking at the adapter's code, it doesn't appear to be configured to handle any card other than a 'signin' card (see here). If you don't mind doing a little leg work on this, I don't see why you couldn't fork this repo and build in functionality that supports a hero card similar to the signin implementation.
I imagine it would look something like this:
case 'application/':
// eslint-disable-next-line no-case-declarations
const hero = attachment.content;
message.body = `${ hero.text }\n\n`;
message.body += (hero.buttons[0].title ? `*${ hero.buttons[0].title }*\n` : '');
message.body += hero.buttons[0].value;
The above may need a little massaging but it wouldn't be far off from this. Then, you just need to build the library for use.

DialogFlow V2 How set fulfillmentText via node js library?

Following this guide:
I created an action for DialogFlow
import { dialogflow, Image, Conversation, BasicCard } from 'actions-on-google';
const app = dialogflow();
app.intent('test', (conv, input) => {
conv.contexts.set('i_see_context_in_web_demo', 1);
conv.ask(`i see this only into actions on google simulator`);
conv.ask(new Image({
url: '',
alt: 'cat',
I then activated Web Demo integration
I saw that the Web Demo integration does not show the cards, the images. I hypothesize that it only shows text, no rich text
I understand that it elaborates only JSON like this:
"fulfillmentText": "Welcome!",
"outputContexts": []
But I did not find any method in the library used to enhance fulfillmentText
can you help me?
You're using the actions-on-google library, which is specifically designed to send messages that will be used by the Google Assistant. The Web Demo uses the generic messages that are available for Dialogflow. The actions-on-google library does not send these generic messages.
If you want to be able to create messages that are usable by both, you'll need to look into the dialogflow fulfillment library, which can create messages that are usable by the Google Assistant as well as other platforms. Be aware, however, that not all rich messages are available on all platforms, but that the basic text responses should be.
You also don't need to use a library - you can create the JSON response yourself.

Chat bot-Can I display html content using node.js in Microsoft bot framework & bot builder

I'm developing a chatbot on azure using node.js. It's a data visualization bot which generates chart in html format using d3 library and display to user.
It seems that Microsoft bot builder doesn't support html format. But I have looked through this link:
It says that there is a way to enable html content:
"If HTML rendering in Web Chat is a critical feature for your applications, you can clone or fork a copy of the Web Chat source code from GitHub, and enable it (on your own custom Web Chat client)."
I tried to clone the file and changed ‘html : false’ to ‘html : true’. But it's not working.
Can anyone tell me what I can do? Really appreciate it!!!
Depending on what data you are attempting to visualize, you might be able to use a service like Google Image Charts:
Using this service, with the following code:
// attach the card to the reply message
var msg = new builder.Message(session).addAttachment(createHeroCard(session));
function createHeroCard(session) {
return new builder.HeroCard(session)
.title('Months with Numbers Bar Chart')
.subtitle('Using a Chart as Image service...')
.text('Build and connect intelligent bots that have charts rendered as images.')
builder.CardImage.create(session, ',y&chxl=0:|Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul')
builder.CardAction.openUrl(session, '', 'Get Started')
Produces this hero card:

How to display images in Skype Bot with Microsoft Bot as Client

I am developing a Bot using Microsoft Bot Framework, In that bot will respond with sending some images to the user. I configured it with slack and skype.
In slack Images are displaying but in Skype nothing coming.
To send pictures I used the following syntax
var replyMessage = "![ImgName](" + ImagesUrl + ")";
return message.CreateReplyMessage(replyMessage);
Reference, The Text property is Markdown section clearly mention how to link an image to reply message.
If I reply with just link like below, skype able to understand and displaying links. But If I mention like above skype not able to understand.
var replyMessage = "[ImgName](" + ImagesUrl + ")";
return message.CreateReplyMessage(replyMessage);
Each channel has it's own peculiarities. Slack happens to be able to process images sent in-line as you've shown above. However, this will not work generically across all channels. To send images generically, add them as attachments:
replyMessage.Attachments.Add(new Attachment()
ContentUrl = "",
ContentType = "image/png"
Every channel has it's own issues when it comes to images and links.
For instance, the way you send links won't work on FB. it will simply show the links and text.
The same way, the only way to render images in skype as of now is to send it as an attachment and explicitly specify the image format.
Please look this link to see how each platform will react to the markdowns.
And also, for your purpose, I feel adaptive cards will work out more.
Try it out and let me know your comments.
