I had done the following in the Azure portal:
1) I created a Resource Group, say, ABCResourceGp
2) I create a web app in Azure, ie: DrinkTest
3) joined a Subscription plan (Min) in order to use Domain Name
4) Buy a domain Name thru azure, say Drink.com
4.1) Add hostname for this Domain name
5) in My ABCResourceGP, I have
5.1) say, www(icon) Drink.com AppService Domain
5.2) say, DNS(icon) Drink.com DNS Zone
5.3) DrinkTest App Service
When I use the Browser, I can see the Drink.com
- when I use Mobile Browser in iPhone, I type either www.drink.com or drink.com, I don't see the website.
#MilkBottle one thing you can try is access your mobile site directly by going to (drink).azurewebsites.net and the site should resolve on the mobile device (assuming everything is default - no code or just a basic ASP.net project). Assuming it does resolve, then like #rickvdbosch suggested, enter your DNS site name at https://www.whatsmydns.net/ and it should return the IP address that's under the Custom Domain blade of your app service. If it doesn't, then you know you have a DNS issue.
I got lost with Traffic Manager setup and custom domain name.
First I had two mobile apps in 2 regions (westeuropeapp.azurewebsites.net and brazilapp.azurewebsites.net) as endpoints of Traffic Manager (trafficmanager.trafficmanager.net). It was Working.
Then I wanted to use a custom domain name with subdomains: westeurope.mydomain.com, brazil.mydomain.com and trafficmanager.mydomain.com. So I followed Azure doc instructions and created CNAME for my subdomains pointing to the two mobile apps and to traffic manager. Then I added westeurope.mydomain.com (resp. brazil.mydomain.com) as hostname for my west europe mobile app (resp. brazil mobile app).
But when I navigate to trafficmanager.mydomain.com I got a 404.
I checked the DNS resolution with Dig, I can see that trafficmanager.mydomain.com has a cname to trafficmanager.trafficmanager.net which has a cname to westeuropeapp.azurewebsites.net which resolve to ip xxxx.This looks good.
If I type that ip into my browser I got 404. But if I type westeuropeapp.azurewebsites.net I got my app running. I also checked westeuropeapp.azurewebsites.net in Dig and it resolves to the same ip as above.
What am I missing? (I don't even talk about SSL, it will be next post.)
You also need to add trafficmanager.mydomain.com to the Mobile Apps as a custom domain.
App Service shares IP addresses across apps, so the only way for it to identify which app your request is bound for is the Host header. By adding the custom domain App Service knows to route requests for that domain to that app.
Once you add the mobile apps to the traffic manager, trafficmanager.mydomain.com will automatically gets added to the mobile app, in the host name assigned to site(App->Custom domain). Wait for sometime for the changes to propagate. After the trafficmanager is propogated, You need to add custom domain to both of your mobile apps.
This video has the details for adding custom domain for the traffic manager. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ggz9qZpVHo
I've recently bought a domain name, and I'm trying to redirect this domain name to an OpenShift v3 web app. (It is my first time setting up things like this, so bear with my ignorance.) Normally, OpenShift provides a hostname, something like:
Based on conversation with support of my domain name registry company (not GoDaddy), I need to have some static IP from my Web Hosting provider to add to the DNS Entry or NameServer to link to my domain name (in my domain name account page). It looks like they don't have a clue that PaaS company like OpenShift don't provide a static IP for hosted Web applications.
What I did, is to get the above URL from OpenShift and add this DNS entry as CNAME type, which still didn't work.
Anyone here who has an idea, what I should get from OpenShift in order to tie my domain name and web app?
The CNAME approach should be used. You don't need a static IP address in that case but would use the FQDN of the OpenShift ingress point. You then also need to expose the service in OpenShift via your FQDN and not let it use the generated one.
If you are using the OpenShift V3 developer preview though, I believe use of custom domains is not enabled. The only way I know to have custom host name with the developer preview is to use a proxy service in front.
BTW, do note that the developer preview only provides you a time limited account. You should not use it for real web sites.
I have bought a domain from OVH and I want to transfert it to my azure subscription.
I Have unlocked the domain in OVH and got my Auth/Info code.
But when I try to buy the unprotected domain on azure, it doesn't appear in the select list.
The domain is a .net domain.
So, do you know how to transfert a, unprotected .net domain from ovh to azure ?
You don't transfer as such, the process is pointing the domain at your specific service. If you are pointing your domain at an Azure App Service then you need to make some DNS changes on your domain.
For Web Apps, the process is at follows:
In your browser, open the Azure Portal.
Click the Browse option on the left side of the page.
Click the Web Apps blade.
Click the name of your web app.
In the Essentials page, click All settings.
Click Custom domains and SSL.
In the Custom domains and SSL blade, click Bring External Domains. The IP address is located at the bottom of this part.
Then you can create an A record in DNS for your domain pointing to the IP you got from the above steps and a CNAME pointing to yoursite.azurewebsites.net.
For A records, you will need to create a awverify record in DNS, details on how to do this are in the documentation.
To transfer your domain from XYZ domain register, for example https://www.hover.com/, go to Azure Portal and use the App Service Domain service, which is currently in Preview state.
I purchased a custom domain name through Azure, and it was correctly pointing to my Web App, and it was working. I subsequently deleted and recreated the Web app, and the underlying IP has changed. In order to associate the same domain name with the replacement app, Azure requires the CNAME to be set by the DNS provider. However, Azure is the DNS provider, and I can find no way to do this. I see lots of articles discussing how to manage the domain name once it is associated with the app, but not how do to manage it the gap between creation and association, which is the gap where I need to add the CNAME.
Take a look at this: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/waws/archive/2014/10/01/mapping-a-sub-domain-to-an-azure-web-site.aspx
and this: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/cloud-services-custom-domain-name/
Edit: Also, you could do what you are asking for through Powershell: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/dns-web-sites-custom-domain/
The problem occurs because the subscription was changed from a pay-as-you-go subscription to developer benefits subscription. The purchase of the domain name is tied to the subscription with it was purchased. Creating the App under the original subscription enables the management blade.
Did this recently, using "myfunkydomain.com" and "myfunkywebapp" as examples ..
Bought the domain through Azure ("Custom domain and SSL" blade on the WebApp) which you have already done.
The new "DNS preview" service allows you to create DNS Zones and then manage the subdomain recordsets - Create a new zone (I called "myfunkydomain.com" and take note of the 4 DNS servers allocated to the zone.
Then under "Custom domain and SSL" blade of your Web App select the new domain (myfunkydomain.com) under "Managed Domains" and then click the Advanced menu button - this will take you to a seperate site where you can delegate the domain to the 4 DNS servers from step 2. This is what you are missing I think. I took note of the current DNS servers before changing them (but have had no need to change them back)
Once delegated you can create CNAME recordsets under the DNS preview Zone and point the CNAME record to the full domain of your Web App myfunkywebapp.azurewebsites.net and you are in full control of the domain from the Azure portal. There is a WebApi for managing this whole process which we use to create new tenants of our domain programatically.
New to Azure.
I need to point a custom domain to a Linux based Resource Group (Not sure if Resource Group is correct nomenclature).
Here are my steps.
I created a new Linux Virtual machine. (works great!)
It has a built in url: http://mysite.cloudapp.net/. This was
provided during the creation of the resource by Azure, is publicly
available, and works great. I want to customize the url and could
not find any DNS type settings for this particular resource.
In order to customize the domain I created a new Web App and pointed
it to the MySite Resource group, purchased a new domain
(MyAwesomeSite.com) within Azure and associated it to
the Web App. My hope here was that the new domain would magically
point to the MySite resource, it didn't.
When I go to the new url (MyAwesomeSite.com) I see a standard 'Web app successfully
created' message not the Linux server.
Can someone point me in the right direction.
You're misunderstanding some things. Resource groups are simply a container and don't have runtime implications. A Web App is a completely different resource from a VM, it is just an self-contained website, and doesn't affect the VM at all.
To give your VM a custom domain name: make sure your Linux VM has a public IP address, and then go to your registrar and create an A record to that IP Address with host #. Then create a CNAME record with host www to whatever the URL of the machine given by Azure is.
This should work although you may need to change your Apache or Nginx config.
Ok 2 things here, you have 2 resources here
1. A Linux VM
2. A Web App - which is a PAAS based service
Both provide a default URL from azure
your site could be at either , I am not sure where but lets wager that you have it at the LinuxVM which has this default url all you need to do is go to your domain provider and create a CName which points to the "Azure Default URL" of this VM and then go to the Dashboard->Configure->Manage Domains and provide the CNAME here.
These steps do well if you are using manage.windowsazure.com , if you are using the portal.azure.com then select your app or the VM - go to settings->Routing->customdomains & SSL settings.
This link should be able to help you http://candordeveloper.com/2013/04/16/how-to-forward-a-godaddy-domain-to-azure/
Know more about VM and Webapps
1. https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/documentation/articles/choose-web-site-cloud-service-vm/
2. https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/virtual-machines-dotnet-create-visual-studio-powershell/