How can I generate activity map for customer care executives? - excel

I have data of customer care executives which tells about how many calls they have attend from one time another time continuously. I need to find out whether particular executive is either busy or free in a particular period. The timings for the office is 10:00 to 17:00, so I have sliced the time with one hour in each slice from 10:00 to 17:00.
The data that I have would look like as:
The data given here is some part of original data and we have 20 executives and they have 5 to 10 rows of data. For simplification we have used 3 executives with less than 5 rows for each one.
The start timings do not follow any ascending or descending order
Please suggest the formulas with out any sorting and filtering on the given data
Required: The result table should give whether particular executive is busy or free in every hour. If he is on call for one minute it should give busy for that entire one hour period
The result should be like:
The same file is attached here:
Thanks In Advance!!!

You need to put in an extra logical test in your OR function that tests for start times less than the time interval start and end times greater than the time interval end. So in cell G31 your formula should read:


Excel - Formula to filter column based on variable time

I have a column that needs split based on "morning" and "evening" although the morning and evening times move every day (it's based on sidereal day). Calling them morning and evening is a little deceiving though because eventually the time will creep into the next day and I want to keep the groups distinct. It is more accurate to call them group 1 and group 2. It just so happens that they are around 12 hours apart so it looks like you can just separate based on time of day but once the later group creeps into the AM hours, it would start to get counted as "morning" and the earlier group would roll into the afternoon and be counted as "afternoon" See screenshot below for example data.
I need them split so I can perform operations on the value column so I can distinguish the values in the first group from the values in the second group. I thought of doing some sort of flip flop algorithm based on the previous cell but there may be a more elegant way to do it. Also, it's not shown on the example data but sometimes the day may skip but the times more or less continue in the same pattern of increasing by 3-5 minutes each day.
A date with a time stamp is stored as a number in Excel. Days are stored as whole numbers, time is stored in decimals. So, disregarding the date part, look at the decimal of the number and determine if that is before or after the time you want.
0.5 for example is midday, or 12 noon. So if the decimal part of A1 is less than 0.5, the time stamp would be in the morning.
=if(A1-int(A1)<0.5,"before noon","after noon")
It is not clear from your question how sidereal relates to the data in your sample.

Calculate minutes in specific period

I have a spreadsheet which has employee working times, listed as Sat-In and Sat-Out for a specific date. The employee shift spans several ours and each "In-Out" period is recorded as a separate line which means the time between the Sat-Out and the next Sat-In means the employee is on a break. I also calculate the time, in minutes of each "sitting" period.
What I can't seem to figure out is how to add a formula which takes the data and further refines it in this manner:
1. I have a core period of 1030-1530, as an example, which is the busy time and requires the maximum employee coverage. The shifts of employees generally spans this core, but in some cases their shift may start or end in the core.
2. I want to calculate how many minutes the employee worked within the core only. I can obviously do this manually using the data, but a formula would be preferred, if possible.
3. As an example, if a person sat-in at 1445 and sat-out at 1545, the core time calculation would be 45 minutes (1445-1530).
I've attached a snapshot of the data to help my explanation.
FYI - the information is pulled from a database as JSON data and converted to excel. I'm not very familiar with JavaScript, but if someone knows a way to do it programatically, I'm willing to give it a try and learn.
In below example I've used: =MAX(0,MIN($O$2,H2)-MAX($O$1,G2)), and formatted like [mm].
In Excel, units are days, so if you want to calculate the amount of minutes between two timestamps, you need to subtract both and multiply the differencee by 24*60 (being the amount of minutes in one day).
E.g. You start working at 09:07 (cell B2), and finish at 18:07 (cell B3), having a 45-minutes break. Then the time you worked in minutes, is:
Make sure the cell formatting is correct (general), you'll get : 495.

Excel: Count Total Schedules at 30 Minute intervals taking day into account

In assessing how many agents can be added to certain times of day without exceeding the number of seats in the call center, I'm trying to discern how many agents are scheduled for each half hour interval on each day of the week.
Using the =SUMPRODUCT(((A$2:A$1000<=D2)+(B$2:B$1000>D2)+(A$2:A$1000>B$2:B$1000)=2)+0) formula I've been able to identify how many total agents work for each interval, however this doesn't take the day of week into account.
I currently have my spreadsheet setup this way:
K is the start time of the shift, L is the end time of the shift, M to S pulls data from another sheet that shows a 1 if the agent works on that day of the week and 0 if they do not, and then U has all the time intervals listed out. In the example, it's cut off but the columns continue down as needed. U goes to 49 and I've just been using a range from 2 to 500 for the others as we currently do not have that many shifts and I'm leaving space for the moment.
After some Googling, I tried =SUMPRODUCT(--(M2:M500="1"),(((K$2:K$1000<=U2)+(L$2:L$1000>U2)+(K$2:K$1000>L$2:L$1000)=2)+0)) but it only returns #VALUE! so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Any suggestions of how I can make this work? Please let me know if more information would be useful. Thanks.
That will count the number of occurrences where the start time is less than or equal to the time in U2 AND the end time is greater than or equal to U2. It will check time from row 2 to row 1000. Any time one condition is checked and its true the comparison will result in value of TRUE and FALSE when its not true. The * act like an AND condition while at the same time converts TRUE and FALSE values to 1 and 0. So both conditions have to be true for a value of 1 to result. Sumproduct then totals up all the 1 and 0 to get you a count.
In order to consider the days of the week, you will need one thing to be true. Your headers in M1:S1 will need to be unique (which I believe they are). You will need to either repeat them in adjacent columns to M or in say V1 you have a cell that can change to the header of the day of the week you are interested in. I would assume the former so you can see each day at the same time.
In order to do this you want to add more conditions and pay attention to you reference locks $.
In V2 you could use the following formula and copy down and to the right as needed:
ISSUE 1 Time ranges ending the following day (after midnight)
It is based on the assumption that the ending time is later than the start time. When a shift starts at 22:00 and end at 6:30 as an example, our mind says that the 0630 is later than 22:00 because it is the following day. Excel however has no clue that 0630 is the following day and without extra information assumes it to be the same day. In excel date is stored as an integer and time is stored as a decimal. When you only supply the time during entry it uses 0 for the date.
In excel the date is the number of days since 1900/01/00. So one way to deal with your time out is to add a day to it. This way excel will know your out time is after your in time when the hour is actually earlier in the day.
See your sample data below.
Using your sample data, I did a straight copy of the value in L and placed it in M (=L3 and copy down). I then changed the cell display format from time to general. This allows you to see how excel sees the time. Note how all the time is less than 1.
In column N I added 1 to the value when the out time was less than the in time to indicate that it was the following day and we had not actually invented time travel. I also used the trick of a math operation will convert a TRUE/FALSE result to 1 or 0 to shorten the equation. I used =M3+(L3<K3) and copied down. You will notice in the green bands that the values are now greater than 1.
In the next column I just copied the values from N over using =N3 copied down, and then I applied just a time display format for the cell. Because it is only time format, the date is ignored and visually your time in column O looks the same as column L. The big difference is excel now knows that it is the following day.
you can quickly fix your out times by using the following formula in a blank column and then copying the results and pasting them back over the source column using paste special values.
The next part is for your time check. When looking at the 12:00 time you need to look at 1200 of the current day incase a shift started at 12:00 and you need to look at the 1200 period of the following day. In order to do that we need to modify the the original formula as follows:
Note that the + in the middle of (M$2:M$1000) + ($K$2:$K$1000<=$U2+1)? This + acts like an OR function.
Issue 2 Time In/Out 15 minute increments, range 30 minute increments
You may be able to achieve this with the ROUNDDOWN Function or MROUND. I would combine this with the TIME function. Basically you want to have any quarter hour start time be treated as 15 minutes sooner.
Where E3 is your time to be converted
So your formula may wind up looking something like:
similar option could be used for the leaving time and rounding it up to the next 30 minute interval. In which case just use the ROUNDUP function. Though I am not sure it is required.

Excel, MIN for overnight times

My current data is like so:
I use the MIN formula to get the minimum of these times. I am measuring a process time, so the time on T is the least, and T+1 is actually greater. How can I alter my MIN formula to account the 11:51 as the min time?
I can use MAX for above problem, but then when times are 3, 4 , 5 AM, it will give me 5 AM when I want MIN throughout.
One way around this is to add the date to the time. You do not need to display it, but you do need the date as part of the time. JNevill is all over this without coming right out and saying it. You can either do as Jnevil suggest and offsetting all your time by an equal amount so it is all in the same day or you have to add +1 to the time when it crosses the midnight threshold. Adding +1 to your time will tell excel that it is on the following day.
In Excel time is stored as a decimal and days are stored as integers. So any time with no date attached will go from to when +1 is added. The cell will still display xxx as time and the 1 does not enter in to the display. However the 1 will be very important in determining MIN or MAX because of that integer of 0 or 1 out front.
You will probably need to do this through a helper column. Without seeing a column of data it is hard to say if you only need to add 1 or if you will need to add 2 or more depending on how many days the data covers

How do I transform my maths totals into a time duration?

At work we use a spreadsheet to calculate how long delivery will take to complete, depending on people working on delivery and the amount we receive.
It frustrates me that we end up with a value of say 3.75 hours.
The .75 actually represents .75 of an hour and not 1hr 25minutes like you may first have thought.
I'm wanting the spreadsheet to say the time 3:45 minutes, not 3:75 minutes.
Is this even possible?
It gets more tricky though as we have to assume we will process 200 pieces per hour so the formula is slightly backwards. For example:
Fill Grade: 55 (pieces in each crate)
Crates: 10
Total Pieces 550 (fill grade * crates)
Process Time: (total pieces /200)
Clear rail time (puting stock out on shop floor, total pieces/400)
Total time = ???
I'm wanting to do this because of the stupidity of our current system. We print the spreadsheet then use a calculator to add up all the values. We are effectively just using the grid of the Excel spreadsheet to rota in people's time.
***** Updated information *****
Click here to see a screenshot of the current situation.
You can see that 'Pro Time' and 'C/R Time' is now correct but the total is wrong. I'm also having to total 'Pro Time' and 'C/R Time' by adding up in the boxes just to the right-hand side as you can see.
The way to do this is whatever your formula in Total time is - let's assume it is (Process Time + Clear Rail time), then enter the formula there as (Process Time + Clear Rail time)/24.
IMP: That divide by 24 should be included, which is an addition to whatever formula you had there before.
Then select your Total Time column>> Format Cells (also Ctrl+1)>>Select Time (HH:MM:SS type)
This will show your value in hours, mins and seconds.
PS: (based on comments) IMP - if you use divide by 24 on on Process Time and Clear Rail Time, then you should not use it on Total Time, as the conversion is already done. In such a case, Total time is just addition of the previous two.
Illustrative Image
Take the fractional(modulus) part e.g. the .75. divide by 100 and then multiply by 60. (or just simply multiply by 0.6.
e.g. (where C4 contains the hours and centi hours (if that's the correct term).
=MOD(C4,1) * 0.6
Assuming the above is in D4 ..
Then in E4 =INT(C4)+D4
However datetime might be a better route. Note sue of the functions but then you could add. In short datetime, if I recall correctly is a number eg something like Date+1 adds a day.
