azure entity framework issues with error code Unknown error: 0x80070057 - azure

I having issues with entity framework on Azure Database, I can open up the models and update the database entities but when I try to run the application the first data call get error Entity Framework is throwing an error “Unable to evaluate the expression. Operation not supported. Unknown error: 0x80070057.”
I'm thinking if I can open the model up and update the entities i have the correct permissions.
I'm not getting the same issues when running localhost with localhost database.


Why can't I commit transactions with Caliper to Hyperledger Fabric?

I've got Caliper configured as a subtree of my custom Fabric blockchain. I have it configured correctly in order to connect the network and am running a small set of tests at the moment. The arguments I'm providing are absolutely correct in terms of the custom chaincode being run, but whenever I try to create a transaction via Caliper I get the error:
Failed to perform submit transaction [CreateAsset] using arguments [<ARGS>], with error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'status' of undefined
Anybody encountered this before with Caliper V0.4.2? It's interfacing with a Fabric 2.3.3 instance on local machine via Kubernetes, with the latest SDK bound.
The error occurs on line 237 of transactions.js inside the node_module fabric-network, where there is a strict property comparison on a commit object.
Also it's worth noting that the querying part of my test rounds is yielding expected results... none of those assets get created due to the error thrown, and when querying for a given asset an error like so occurs:
Failed to perform query transaction [ReadAsset] using arguments [<ID>], with error: Error: error in simulation: transaction returned with failure: Error: The asset <ID> does not exist
The closest thing I've been able to find is this ~2 year old issue which isn't exactly what I'm facing but it's the same sort of error at least... any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated because I'm struggling to glean useful information. (Link:
The issue was due to the host names being converted to localhost when you want to work anything except a network running locally via docker. You need to launch caliper with the following extra option
--caliper-fabric-gateway-localhost false


I am deploying a Service Fabric application and encountered this error for a resource of type Microsoft.ServiceFabric/clusters/applicationTypes/versions:
Status: Failed
Code: ClusterChildResourceOperationFailed
Message: Resource operation failed. Operation: CreateOrUpdate. Error details: {
Has anyone run into this issue before? If so, what was the root cause of the error?
When I encountered this error, my application type name in my manifest did not match the application type name that I was deploying to.
It is possible to view far more useful/relevant error messages under these scenarios by going to the Service Fabric Explorer.
NOTE: The "new" UI does not show these useful error details, you need to select the "View old SFX" interface option
Then clicking on the "Type" that I was uploading the application to, revelaed far more descriptive and helpful errors:
From my experience, this is an issue with the version number of the sfpkg not aligning with the version in the template's Microsoft.ServiceFabric/clusters/applicationTypes/versions. Try looking into the application package's ApplicationManifest.xml file for ApplicationTypeVersion for the right version.

The collection with url was not found

Hi I am working on TFS Migration form on-premises to VSTS online and also I am Upgrade the my TFS Server as a new Version.
Here I am Facing the problem is when I am running the validation commend in Command Prompt I am getting the below exception and I am passing the command is like below
TfsMigrator validate /collection:http://desktop-qvs5g7f:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection
when I am running the above command I am getting the below exception
The collection with url was not found: 'http://desktop-qvs5g7f:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection'
and with in the Log folder it creates one log description like in the below
TfsMigrator validate /collection:http://desktop-qvs5g7f:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection
Connection string not specified, trying to use the one from the Application Tier's web.config
Using the framework connection string Data Source=DESKTOP-QVS5G7F\SqlExpress;Initial Catalog=Tfs_Configuration;Integrated Security=True
Exception Message: The collection with url was not found: 'http://desktop-qvs5g7f:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection' (type ArgumentException)
Exception Stack Trace: at TfsMigrator.TfsMigratorCommand.CreateCollectionRequestContext(String collectionUrl)
at TfsMigrator.TfsMigratorCommandValidate.RunValidations(Boolean validateFiles)
at TfsMigrator.TfsMigratorCommandValidate.RunImpl()
at TfsMigrator.TfsMigratorCommand.Run()
For the above exception how to resolve that and for the validation Commands I am following the below URL as Reference is

CoreData app not syncing with iCloud

I am running an iPad app on iOS7, XCode 6; I have the device iCloud enabled for Documents and the app enabled for iCloud. Nothing shows up in iCLoud when I run my app on the device and make changes to the Core Data store in the app (using MagicalRecord).
Is there something else I need to do? (I want to have device sharing and backup capabilities of the Core Data store using MagicalRecord)
Made these changes:
(I was unable to check "JRSD9A598D" for a container)
and this is line of code giving me a run-time error:
[MagicalRecord setupCoreDataStackWithiCloudContainer:#"rolfbucket" localStoreNamed:#"saori.sqlite"];
This is the error:
2014-11-05 07:53:15.156 SalonBook[223:1607] *** -[NSFileManager URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier:]: An error occurred while getting ubiquity container URL: Error Domain=LibrarianErrorDomain Code=11 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (LibrarianErrorDomain error 11 - The requested container identifier is not permitted by the client's entitlement.)" UserInfo=0x1456bb50 {NSDescription=The requested container identifier is not permitted by the client's entitlement.}
I appear to be making progress, but what is causing this error?
The problem was I had picked the wrong container; it should have been the one with my bundle ID. Fixed that and the error went away.

Entity Framework MetadataWorkspace error

Using a Code-First approach with Entity Framework 5 for a Silverlight to WCF RIA Services project. During solution build, I receive the following error and warning:
No persistent classes found. Is the metadata information missing?
Failed to get the MetadataWorkspace for the DbContext type
I'm running off a local Database, and placed the custom connection string information in the constructor for the DbContext.
