The collection with url was not found - visual-studio-2012

Hi I am working on TFS Migration form on-premises to VSTS online and also I am Upgrade the my TFS Server as a new Version.
Here I am Facing the problem is when I am running the validation commend in Command Prompt I am getting the below exception and I am passing the command is like below
TfsMigrator validate /collection:http://desktop-qvs5g7f:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection
when I am running the above command I am getting the below exception
The collection with url was not found: 'http://desktop-qvs5g7f:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection'
and with in the Log folder it creates one log description like in the below
TfsMigrator validate /collection:http://desktop-qvs5g7f:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection
Connection string not specified, trying to use the one from the Application Tier's web.config
Using the framework connection string Data Source=DESKTOP-QVS5G7F\SqlExpress;Initial Catalog=Tfs_Configuration;Integrated Security=True
Exception Message: The collection with url was not found: 'http://desktop-qvs5g7f:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection' (type ArgumentException)
Exception Stack Trace: at TfsMigrator.TfsMigratorCommand.CreateCollectionRequestContext(String collectionUrl)
at TfsMigrator.TfsMigratorCommandValidate.RunValidations(Boolean validateFiles)
at TfsMigrator.TfsMigratorCommandValidate.RunImpl()
at TfsMigrator.TfsMigratorCommand.Run()
For the above exception how to resolve that and for the validation Commands I am following the below URL as Reference is


azure entity framework issues with error code Unknown error: 0x80070057

I having issues with entity framework on Azure Database, I can open up the models and update the database entities but when I try to run the application the first data call get error Entity Framework is throwing an error “Unable to evaluate the expression. Operation not supported. Unknown error: 0x80070057.”
I'm thinking if I can open the model up and update the entities i have the correct permissions.
I'm not getting the same issues when running localhost with localhost database.

Opening SqlConnection inside TransactionScope error

We have been trying to use a SqlConnection within a TransactionScope. When we build the site and try this database call we run into an error:
A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the server. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.)
The error involved occurs on the line cnn.Open().
using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
using (var cnn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
int result = cnn.QuerySingle<int>("SELECT 1");
We created a console application to figure out what was wrong and discovered that by changing our connection string keyword 'Pooling' from 'false' to 'true' allows this to run in the console application and successfully return our result.
We made the same change to our site connection string, the same error as before returns.
Is there any reason this code is not working?
I was under the assumption that the web.config was law, as viewing the file through the Kudu service showed my expected connection string, but apparently this isn't the case in Azure.
I discovered that Azure Publish Profile is overriding our web.config connection string, this override still contained 'Pooling=false'.
Removing this now allows our code to run as intended.
This blog post explains more:
"When this code runs on a developer’s local machine, the value returned will be the one from the web.config file. However when this code runs in Windows Azure Web Sites, the value returned will instead be overridden with the value entered in the portal"

validation error when project parameter sensitive property is set to true in SSIS 2012

I am using SSIS 2012 and deploying projects via project deployment model. I have 3 project connection managers and passing the password information to the connection manager through a project parameter. When I set the Sensitive property of password parameter to False the package runs fine but when I set it to true it gives the below error :
Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "ConnManager" failed with error code 0xC0202009
It is erroring because you are trying to touch a Parameter that is marked as Sensitive. You cannot use the "old" approach for configuring connection managers. For the project deployment model and Connection managers, in the SSISDB, you right click on the project and select Configure.
There is where you overlay a password.
Otherwise, you then need to use the GetSensitiveValue method to access the value instead of the standard Getter property.
See Matt's article Retrieving the Value of a Sensitive Parameter in a Script

Server Error in '/DotNetNuke_Community' Application

I'm getting the following error when attempting to run DotNetNuke 7.1 from IIS.
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Source Error:
Line 572: //first call GetProviderPath - this insures that the Database is Initialised correctly
Line 573: //and also generates the appropriate error message if it cannot be initialised correctly
Line 574: string strMessage = DataProvider.Instance().GetProviderPath();
Line 575: //get current database version from DB
Line 576: if (!strMessage.StartsWith("ERROR:"))
I've tried running it from Visual Studio 2012 after downloading and extracting the source code to a folder, then running, but I get the same error (also, VS loads about 13 instances of it's built in webserver which can't be correct).
Clearly, there is something wrong with the database. From what I've read in the past, there should have been a start up configuration page (for configuring settings the first time you run the project).
I did look at the local version of IIS (running on Windows 8) and it created the site fine there, however, for some reason the internal webserver attempts to run (and the option to run on an external IIS is greyed out).
Anyone run into this problem with DNN Community edition? I've tried running as admin and setting permissions with no luck at all.
Any way to fix this?
Ok, the key is to delete the Database.mdf file completely.
Then create a new empty database of your choice in SQL Server (2008 or greater).
Create a new user account with db_owner access (as it must be able to create tables, etc).
Change the connection strings in the release.config and development.config to connect to the database.
DELETE the web.config file.
RENAME either config file to "web.config"
Set the default project to the web project in VS
set the default page to default.aspx
I made the erroneous assumption that running the app would rename the config file for me (not sure why I assumed that).

How to re-enable Orchard CMS features without Dashboard or command line

I just disabled the Comments feature on my Orchard installation, not realising it was a dependency of Disqus, and now the entire site including admin dashboard fails with this error:
None of the constructors found with policy 'Orchard.Environment.AutofacUtil.DynamicProxy2.ConstructorFinderWrapper' on type 'Disqus.Comments.Services.DisqusCommentUpdateService' can be invoked with the available services and parameters: Constructor 'Void .ctor(Orchard.IOrchardServices, Disqus.Comments.Services.IDisqusMappingService, Orchard.Comments.Services.ICommentService)' parameter resolution failed at parameter 'Orchard.Comments.Services.ICommentService commentService'.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: Autofac.Core.DependencyResolutionException: None of the constructors found with policy 'Orchard.Environment.AutofacUtil.DynamicProxy2.ConstructorFinderWrapper' on type 'Disqus.Comments.Services.DisqusCommentUpdateService' can be invoked with the available services and parameters: Constructor 'Void .ctor(Orchard.IOrchardServices, Disqus.Comments.Services.IDisqusMappingService, Orchard.Comments.Services.ICommentService)' parameter resolution failed at parameter 'Orchard.Comments.Services.ICommentService commentService'.
The Orchard installation is running on a web host and I do not have access to the command line there. I have FTP access, and access to the MS SQL database. Is there any way I can re-enable the Comments feature without access to the command line or web admin interface?
There is a file, /orchard.web/app_data/cache.dat, which is an xml containing a list of which features are enabled.
The documentation warns that modifying it may have unpredictable results, so be warned:'sinApp_Data?
There is a table in the database called Settings_ShellFeatureStateRecord, which stores the state for each module's feature. I re-enabled Orchard.Comments on my local installation (using SQL Server Compact Edition) with the following SQL:
update Settings_ShellFeatureStateRecord
set InstallState = 'Up',
EnableState = 'Up'
where Name = 'Orchard.Comments'
Good luck!
