Site opened with Puppeteer is much slower then in usual Chrome browser - node.js

So, I wanted to parse some page using Puppeteer, but I realised that it is very slow, many times slower than opening the same website in default Chrome browser.Why does it happen?


How I know how much time I spent on distracting website in my mobile?

I also try extension in my browser but it does not work.
I am using Kiwi browser. It's much similar to Chrome browser with some additional features one of is using extension. I'm trying almost every extension to know my web time spent on each website but it does not work.
I am also use Firefox browser but web time tracker didn't work.
Please note that I am talking about browser in my smartphone.
Have you tried using the 'timeyourweb' chrome extension. At a glance, it gives you the time spent on tabs. Check it out here :

Python - Using a browser other than Chrome with webbot package

I am new to programming and my first task, which should be really simple, is to automate a proccess, where I log in in a website with my credentials, I click on some buttons and that is it. I am using Python 3.6 on windows 10.
I am trying to do it using the webbot module, which so far has come really handy but I have one big problem.
The standard browser for webbot is Google Chrome and thus the site always opens with Chrome. I need to open the site with Internet Explorer.
I have set IE as default browser, but nothing changed, Chrome would still open.
I deleted Chrome, but then when I would run the programm nothing would happen.
I checked the file and the drivers folder of the module and I think that this module can only work with chrome.
Is it possible to use IE or does this mean that this package does not support this browser at all?
Which alternatives would you suggest?
Edit: If I am not mistaken Selenium does not support IE11 on windows 10, so that is not an option, unless I am mistaken.
Thanks in advance
There is no support for another browser other than Chrome (as far as the webbot module is concerned).

iCloud Bookmarks and page monitoring add-on/extension in one browser on OS X 10.10 Yosemite

I'd like to use only one browser (preferably safari, chrome oder firefox) where I have my bookmarks from the iCloud on my MacBook running Yosemite. Furthermore, I'd also like to have a page monitoring add on/extension for this certain browser. The methods I found so far are:
Two browsers: Safari for bookmarks and Chrome with Page Monitor add-on.
Chrome with page monitor and this add-on (works only on windows).
Using Safari and installing an extra app (Changes Meter) for monitoring. I tried this app, but it looks like it has troubles with the webpages I'm monitoring as it says after every check, that there were changes, although there weren't.
Using Chrome with Page Monitor and sync bookmarks between Chrome and Safari with Xmarks Sync. But this gives troubles, as iCloud and Xmarks don't really work out together, means the bookmarks I add in Chrome are synced with Xmarks to Safari, but then won't added to cloud bookmarks...
As these methods are not satisfying for me I'd like to ask if you have a solution for this (using one browser with both features)?

open webpage in firefox

i am not there any chance to open my webpage in firefox. for example i am browsing mywebsite using IE. when ever i click link of the page then automatically it will open in firefox. this option is not for all pages only for specified page.
If this were the case, ie6 would have gone out long ago. The best you can do here, would be to check which browser they are using (get_browser if you are using php) and refuse to show content to people using browsers other than firefox.
Instead you could redirect them to a page explaining why they need to be using firefox to access your websites services (I guess a link to the firefox download page would be nice too)
Sorry, it's not possible from plain HTML to open a webpage in a different browser. You can, at most, open the page in a new window of the same browser.
However, what you ask is not completely impossible. You could write a browser plugin that handles links and runs the Firefox executable
I would seriously hope this isn't possible.
What you ask for is not possible , but you could display a warning to your users that the page works best in the desired browser.

Chrome extension performance

I have developed a chrome extension. The extension itself works fine and fast.
But when I start the browser and click on the toolbar icon of my extension it takes about 2 seconds for the popup to appear and to show its content (this happens anytime the browser is restarted).
Any idea what causes this and how to fix that?
Tip 1:
Use your popup page for rendering exclusively. It should be as light as possible. All the heavy loading/processing (localStorage, XMLHttpRequests, blocking javascript) must be done in the background page.
The background page is loaded when Google Chrome starts. Basically, it allows you to execute code and keep a page always running (although the popup is not present). For instance, streaming audio in a html5 tag with no popup.
Note: If you are not using a background page yet, you should be taking a look to message passing first.
Tip 2: Warning: This could fail
I haven't tested this yet, but maybe using the HTML5 manifest.cache can help you preventing loading again resources stored locally. But beware, this is HTML5 and is prone to changes and unstability across versions. (also, I am not completely sure that the cached resources will be loaded in memory before the popup is opened)
Hope it helps!
