Predefined (and large) windows? Any stream processing frameworks support this? - apache-spark

All the examples I see of windowing involve defining the windows. E.g., tumbling 1-minute windows, or sliding 1-minute windows, etc. In my situation, all my data has timestamped events, but that's not the primary interest.
All my data also has an associated period that I do not have control over. That is the desired window in my case. The periods are time-based, but they vary from 2-3 weeks, roughly.
So, if I look at just the period of a stream of values might look like this (almost everything from the current period, a few stragglers from the last period early on in current period),
It's not clear to me how to handle this situation in terms of watermarks/triggers/etc? If I'm understanding all this terminology correctly I've thought of something like this: the watermark for PERIOD N occurs when the first event with PERIOD (N+1) is processed. The lateness horizon (for garbage collecting state) for the PERIOD N window can be 1-2 days after the timestamp of the first event with PERIOD (N+1). I'd like triggers to be accumulating and every 5 minutes (ideally, I'd like this trigger duration to be increasing: more frequent at beginning of the window, less frequent as time passes).
I'm trying to use terminology from this article, sorry if it's incorrect
I'm particularly confused about how watermarks seem to be continuous and based on event-time. In my case, I have both event-time (timestamp) and event-time (period). If I'm understanding this correctly, the curve of my situation (as in the above article) would look like a step-function?
I haven't yet picked a stream processing framework to use. Does my situation make sense for any of them? Does this require a lot of custom logic? Does any framework make this easier? Is this a known problem with a name?
Any help is appreciated.

In Flink, one way to achieve this is to use the processing time window for aggregation. Then you use a rich map function to maintain the accumulated counts before the window. In the end, you sink the aggregates to long-term data storage
You can take a look at my blog post where we did something similar to this. Take a look at Section A peek into Milestone Two


Stream Analytics: How can I start and stop a TUMBLINGWINDOW aggregation job inorder to reduce costs while still getting the same aggregation results?

I have created a streaming job using Azure portal which aggregates data using a day wise TUMBLINGWINDOW. Have attached a code snippet below, modified from the docs, which shows similar logic.
DATEADD(day, -1, System.Timestamp()) AS WindowStart
System.Timestamp() AS WindowEnd,
GROUP BY TumblingWindow(day, 1), TollId
Now that the job has been running and can see it producing output I want to be able to reduce the costs ideally by setting some sort of time scheduling so that the job can run and still produce the same output without being on all the time.
The only real constraint being that the aggregated output at the end of each TUMBLINGWINDOW has to remain the same as if it were running all the time (no impact of stop-starting on output).
This then brings me to my question.
Update: 2021-02-28
Before going into the question another thing that drove me was that through Azure portal you can manually start and stop a job. When you start/restart a job you can set a custom start time for the job/query. With this level of control say I start a job (or have a job running) and then decide to stop it for majority of the day and then turn it on at say 11:30pm each day with a custom start time of midnight of the current day then it would be able to be on for approx 30min before it would output the results (yet still to my understanding produce the same aggregation results/effect compared to if it was on the whole day up until that point). This job could then be paused again at 00:30am ( the next day for which it stays paused for the majority of the day (1380min total until 11:30pm again) upon which the same above logic is applied.
This way it remains off the majority of the day yet still can produce the same output for each day wise window (correct me if I am wrong in my thinking). The only issue with this to me seems to be the fact someone would have to manually perform this. Thus I was driven to the docs looking for a way to automate this.
How can I start and stop a job in an automated fashion such that the required output would still remain intact but so that the job doesn't have to remain on all the time (like it currently is)?
Does the documentation linked above suffice given the context above, if so what are some possible arrangements for the N minutes (on) and M minutes (off) time variables for this to work?
Is this possible given the scenario that I want to aggregate on a one day TUMBLINGWINDOW window (whereby I want each window to start and end at midnight of each day, as per its default behaviour.)?
Window start: 2022-02-20 00:00:00 Window end: 2022-02-21 00:00:00 (aggregation performed),
Window start: 2022-02-21 00:00:00 Window end: 2022-02-22 00:00:00 (aggregation performed),
Window start: 2022-02-22 00:00:00 Window end: 2022-02-23 00:00:00 (aggregation performed), on
I found this documentation from Microsoft regarding auto-pausing jobs using a few methods
However came across a paragraph (quoted below) which made me doubtful whether it seems reasonable in my particular use case (TUMBLING 1 day window as described in my question section).
There are downsides to auto-pausing a job. The main ones being the loss of the low latency /real time capabilities, and the potential risks from allowing the input event backlog to grow unsupervised while a job is paused. Auto-pausing should not be considered for most production scenarios running at scale.
Could this method
There are 3 ways to lower costs:
downscale your job, you will have higher latency but for a lower cost, up to a point where your job crashes because it runs out of memory over time and/or can't catch up with its backlog. Here you need to keep an eye on your metrics to make sure you can react before it's too late
going further, you can regroup multiple queries into a single job. This job most likely won't be aligned in partitions, so it won't be able to scale linearly (adding SUs is not guaranteed to give you better performance). Same comment as above, plus you need to remember that when you need to scale back up, you probably will have to break down that job into multiple jobs to again be able to scale in a linear fashion
finally you can auto-pause a job, one way to implement that being explained in the doc you linked. I wrote that doc, and what I meant by that comment is that here again you are taking the risk of overloading the job if it can't run long enough to process the backlog of events. This is a risky proposition for most production scenarios
But if you know what you are doing, and are monitoring closely the appropriate metrics (as explained in the doc), this is definitely something you should explore.
Finally, all of these approaches, including the auto-pause one, will deal with tumbling windows transparently for you.
Update: 2022-03-03 following comments here
Update: 2022-03-04 following comments there
There are 3 time dimensions here:
When the job is running or not: the wall clock
When the time window is expected to output results: Tumbling(day,1) -> 00:00AM every day, this is absolute (on the day, on the hour, on the minute...) and independent of the job start time below
What output you want produced from the job, via the job start time
Let's say you have the job running 24/7 for multiple months, and decide to stop it at noon (12:00PM) on the 1st day of March.
It already has generated an output for the last day of February, at 00:00AM Mar1.
You won't see a difference in output until the following day, 00:00AM Mar2, when you expect to see the daily window of Mar1, but it's not output because the job is stopped.
Let's start the job at 01:00AM Mar2 wall clock time. If you want the missing time window, you should either pick a start time at 'when last stopped' (noon the day before), or a custom time any time before 23:59PM Mar1. What you are driving is the output window you want. Here you are telling ASA you want all the windows from that point onward.
ASA will then reload all the data it needs to generate that window (make sure the event hub has enough retention for that, we don't cache data between restarts in the job): Azure Stream Analytics will automatically look back at the data in the input source. For instance, if you start a job “Now” and if your query uses a 5-minutes Tumbling Window, Azure Stream Analytics will seek data from 5 minutes ago in the input. The first possible output event would have a timestamp equal to or greater than the current time, and ASA guarantees that all input events that may logically contribute to the output has been accounted for.

Tracking a counter value in application insights

I'm trying to use application insights to keep track of a counter of number of active streams in my application. I have 2 goals to achieve:
Show the current (or at least recent) number of active streams in a dashboard
Activate a kind of warning if the number exceeds a certain limit.
These streams can be quite long lived, and sometimes brief. So the number can sometimes change say 100 times a second, and sometimes remain unchanged for many hours.
I have been trying to track this active streams count as an application insights metric.
I'm incrementing a counter in my application when a new stream opens, and decrementing when one closes. On each change I use the telemetry client something like this
var myMetric = myTelemetryClient.GetMetric("Metricname");
When I query my metric values with Kusto, I see that because of these clusters of activity within a 10 sec period, my metric values get aggregated. For the purposes of my alarm, I can live with that, as I can look at the max value of the aggregate. But I can't present a dashboard of the number of active streams, as I have no way of knowing the number of active streams between my measurement points. I know the min value, max and average, but I don't know the last value of the aggregate period, and since it can be somewhere between 0 and 1000, its no help.
So the solution I have doesn't serve my needs, I thought of a couple of changes:
Adding a scheduled pump to my counter component, which will send the current counter value, once every say 5 minutes. But I don't like that I then have to add a thread for each of these counters.
Adding a timer to send the current value once, 5 minutes after the last change. Countdown gets reset each time the counter changes. This has the same problem as above, and does an excessive amount of work to reset the counter when it could be changing thousands of times a second.
In the end, I don't think my needs are all that exotic, so I wonder if I'm using app insights incorrectly.
Is there some way I can change the metric's behavior to suit my purposes? I appreciate that it's pre-aggregating before sending data in order to reduce ingest costs, but it's preventing me from solving a simple problem.
Is a metric even the right way to do this? Are there alternative approaches within app insights?
You can use TrackMetric instead of the GetMetric ceremony to track individual values withouth aggregation. From the docs:
Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.TelemetryClient.TrackMetric is not the preferred method for sending metrics. Metrics should always be pre-aggregated across a time period before being sent. Use one of the GetMetric(..) overloads to get a metric object for accessing SDK pre-aggregation capabilities. If you are implementing your own pre-aggregation logic, you can use the TrackMetric() method to send the resulting aggregates.
But you can also use events as described next:
If your application requires sending a separate telemetry item at every occasion without aggregation across time, you likely have a use case for event telemetry; see TelemetryClient.TrackEvent (Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.DataContracts.EventTelemetry).

Hazelcast Jet sliding window unit of measurement

Sorry for may be silly question but it is unclear from docs what is the unit of measurement for sliding window? Is it milliseconds, seconds or number of items in the stream?
I've noticed the aggregation operation was producing empty results and I had to filter them explicitly because probably there was no data available for that window, so I guess last point it not an option.
Jet doesn't specify a unit for windows, instead the windows are calculated based on the same unit that your timestamps are specified in. Typically if your timestamps are UNIX-style timestamps then it would be in milliseconds, but you could also use nanoseconds, seconds, or minutes if that's how your timestamps are defined. It refers to specifically event time and is not related to number of events in the stream, only to their timestamps.

Spark streaming - waiting for data for window aggregations?

I have data in the format { host | metric | value | time-stamp }. We have hosts all around the world reporting metrics.
I'm a little confused about using window operations (say, 1 hour) to process data like this.
Can I tell my window when to start, or does it just start when the application starts? I want to ensure I'm aggregating all data from hour 11 of the day, for example. If my window starts at 10:50, I'll just get 10:50-11:50 and miss 10 minutes.
Even if the window is perfect, data may arrive late.
How do people handle this kind of issue? Do they make windows far bigger than needed and just grab the data they care about on every batch cycle (kind of sliding)?
In the past, I worked on a large-scale IoT platform and solved that problem by considering that the windows were only partial calculations. I modeled the backend (Cassandra) to receive more than 1 record for each window. The actual value of any given window would be the addition of all -potentially partial- records found for that window.
So, a perfect window would be 1 record, a split window would be 2 records, late-arrivals are naturally supported but only accepted up to a certain 'age' threshold. Reconciliation was done at read time. As this platform was orders of magnitude heavier in terms of writes vs reads, it made for a good compromise.
After speaking with people in depth on MapR forums, the consensus seems to be that hourly and daily aggregations should not be done in a stream, but rather in a separate batch job once the data is ready.
When doing streaming you should stick to small batches with windows that are relatively small multiples of the streaming interval. Sliding windows can be useful for, say, trends over the last 50 batches. Using them for tasks as large as an hour or a day doesn't seem sensible though.
Also, I don't believe you can tell your batches when to start/stop, etc.

Multiple windows of different durations in Spark Streaming application

I would like to process a real-time stream of data (from Kafka) using Spark Streaming. I need to compute various stats from the incoming stream and they need to be computed for windows of varying durations. For example, I might need to compute the avg value of a stat 'A' for the last 5 mins while at the same time compute the median for stat 'B' for the last 1 hour.
In this case, what's the recommended approach to using Spark Streaming? Below are a few options I could think of:
(i) Have a single DStream from Kafka and create multiple DStreams from it using the window() method. For each of these resulting DStreams, the windowDuration would be set to different values as required. eg:
// pseudo-code
val streamA = kafkaDStream.window(Minutes(5), Minutes(1))
val streamB = kafkaDStream.window(Hours(1), Minutes(10))
(ii) Run separate Spark Streaming apps - one for each stat
To me (i) seems like a more efficient approach. However, I have a couple of doubts regarding that:
How would streamA and streamB be represented in the underlying
Would they share data - since they originate from the
KafkaDStream? Or would there be duplication of data?
Also, are there more efficient methods to handle such a use case.
Thanks in advance
Your (i) streams look sensible, will share data, and you can look at WindowedDStream to get an idea of the underlying representation. Note your streams are of course lazy, so only the batches being computed upon are in the system at any given time.
Since the state you have to maintain for the computation of an average is small (2 numbers), you should be fine. I'm more worried about the median (which requires a pair of heaps).
One thing you haven't made clear, though, is if you really need the update component of your aggregation that is implied by the windowing operation. Your streamA maintains the last 5 minutes of data, updated every minute, and streamB maintains the last hour updated every 10 minutes.
If you don't need that freshness, not requiring it will of course should minimize the amount of data in the system. You can have a streamA with a batch interval of 5mins and a streamB which is deducted from it (with window(Hours(1)), since 60 is a multiple of 5) .
