Getting Bluetooth access in Appcelerator titanium for IOS and ANDROID - bluetooth

I am trying to get the list of Bluetooth devices and check if a particular device is connected or not with titanium Appclerator. What is the best approach?
I have used the library but not sure how to achieve what I want.

Did you take a look at the provided API documentation? It's not in the index markdown at the root of the project, but rather here:
I have not used the module but it seems to me like you would startScan with the CentralManager which I'm assuming returns a list of peripherals that you could then connect to.


How to cast Local Video using google cast sdk on iOS Sender

searched for similar issues in this forum, and in the previous replies, someone suggested to embed a webService in iOS platform to implement it, but last year someone suggested to use MediaStore (but this does not apply to the iOS platform, and there is no following in the reply)
I checked google's relevant documents, but I didn't find any API that can implement casting local video/image, maybe I didn't read them carefully enough.
Do you have a good solution?
With the way that senders work, you are expected to implement your own local player. The requirements that your app needs to meet then is to ensure that you are able to transition from the local player to the cast device and vice versa. I would suggest you to look at the cast videos sample for reference. We use a simple AVPlayer in the sample:

Hololens Device Portal Kiosk Mode web api

I am building a tool in which I am using windows device portal wrapper in order to connect and access hololen's device portal.
I would like to be able to get/set kiosk mode from my tool so I dont need to go to device portal and do it manually.
Windows device portal wrapper doesnt give any functionality to access kiosk mode though.
Does anyone know the web api path for this?
Thanks in advance
So since it looks like you're building a tool for converting HoloLens into Kiosks, you need to do this at scale. If you are looking to create a different method of converting your HoloLens into Kiosks, I think you should go provisiong packages.
Provisioning packages will let you make a package you can keep applying to multiple HoloLens. Also some companies don't like enabling developer mode, and this is a method that doesn't have a security risk. Also device portal only allows a single app Kiosk, where as you could create a Multi app Kiosk if you wanted using other methods.
Do this help things? I know it's not actually what you were looking for, but hopefully it helps. It it doesn't let me know, I might have a different potential solution.
Kiosk Mode can be set via Device Portal’s REST API by doing a POST to /api/holographic/kioskmode/settings with one required query string parameter (“kioskModeEnabled” with a value of “true” or “false”) and one optional parameter (“startupApp” with a value of a package name). Please keep in mind that Device Portal is intended for developers only and should not be enabled on non-developer devices. The REST API is subject to change in future updates/releases. only returns test data

I am trying to develop using the BLE api.
However no matter what I try, I am only getting useless test data back.
A workaround would be possible using Web Bluetooth, however, I can't append a button outside of the plugin iframe.
What would your suggested way of developing with the bluetooth functionality?
Are you sure you turned on the Bluetooth feature in your plugin.json ? See documentation here
Once that is completed make sure you rebuild your app (hard build) since your app need to request permission to access Bluetooth. If you aren’t prompted when you install the app to allow Bluetooth access, then something isn’t right.

How to get android.jar include startLeDiscovery() Method in BluetoothAdapter class

I saw a page,
create a connection to a BluetoothLE device using Samsung Galaxy S3
But I can't get jar file.
Or Are there any solution to use bluetooth le in android?
You could give this framework a try.
Also, there are code samples on this Android issue (see comments 208/209), but I don't think any of them offer a complete end to end working solution.
You could also attempt to contact Samsung directly and inquire if they have an SDK available (They might, but if they do, it's private at this time).

Xcode iPhone SDK (5.x) - CocoaLibSpotify iOS, Loading and Viewing playlists

iOS Spotify API.
I read the documentation on the browse.m example which seems to contain what i am looking for.
But i really don't know how to use it.
When the list of the playlists is called how do i display it in a UITableView ?
If i could joust get started i can probably figure out and accomplish what i want.
So basically i need a "kickstart" help code, and i'll be on my way (Figure of speech).
( Btw, yes i have the AppKey.c needed and i successfully #imported the API)
See the sample projects included with CocoaLibSpotify for a general idea on how to interact with the library.
As for displaying playlists, well, playlists are stored in an NSArray and each have a name property, etc, so you'd put them into a table view just like you would any other list of data in the iOS SDK.
