How to get android.jar include startLeDiscovery() Method in BluetoothAdapter class - bluetooth

I saw a page,
create a connection to a BluetoothLE device using Samsung Galaxy S3
But I can't get jar file.
Or Are there any solution to use bluetooth le in android?

You could give this framework a try.
Also, there are code samples on this Android issue (see comments 208/209), but I don't think any of them offer a complete end to end working solution.
You could also attempt to contact Samsung directly and inquire if they have an SDK available (They might, but if they do, it's private at this time).


How to cast Local Video using google cast sdk on iOS Sender

searched for similar issues in this forum, and in the previous replies, someone suggested to embed a webService in iOS platform to implement it, but last year someone suggested to use MediaStore (but this does not apply to the iOS platform, and there is no following in the reply)
I checked google's relevant documents, but I didn't find any API that can implement casting local video/image, maybe I didn't read them carefully enough.
Do you have a good solution?
With the way that senders work, you are expected to implement your own local player. The requirements that your app needs to meet then is to ensure that you are able to transition from the local player to the cast device and vice versa. I would suggest you to look at the cast videos sample for reference. We use a simple AVPlayer in the sample:

How to extend WearableListenerService for WearOS on Handheld Application Side

I am attempting to develop a Wear OS app which is dependent on a paired Android phone to perform some higher complexity computations. To this end I have implemented on the wearable side the proper infrastructure to pass a PutDataMapRequest message to the phone app, where I am having trouble is extending the WearableListenerService class on the phone side. When I alt+enter to see the suggested actions menu, the option to add the requisite library is there. However when I select that option nothing happens and the option is still there afterwards (the error is not rectified). I will caveat this by saying I have only been developing for Android for about 2 weeks so some of this Android Studio and its' quirks are still a little new to me. Prior to this point I had attempted various incarnations of building this app. The first where I had built the apps separately, and on that attempt this same extension caused problems (the IDE didn't even offer any suggestions at that point). I also tried loading the data layer api sample to find an example of the wearable listener service but unfortunately it is only present on the wear side of the app. The original source of this approach was from this tutorial, which I know is a little old at this point (at least one of the calls on the wear side are deprecated which I already worked around). At about 2:00 in the presenter is able to extend WearableListenerService without any issue within his phone side app and I have no idea what I am missing to be able to do that. I also did look into just trying to add the support library manually but to no avail.
Ok so, for anyone who runs into a similar issue down the road. The solution appears to be that when you create a wearable app through the new wizard and attempt to add an application module to the project, you will need to manually add the following lines to your phone app side gradle file under dependencies.
implementation ''
implementation 'androidx.wear:wear:1.1.0'
This allowed the IDE to recognize the requisite classes and import them accordingly into the companion phone side application.

Getting Bluetooth access in Appcelerator titanium for IOS and ANDROID

I am trying to get the list of Bluetooth devices and check if a particular device is connected or not with titanium Appclerator. What is the best approach?
I have used the library but not sure how to achieve what I want.
Did you take a look at the provided API documentation? It's not in the index markdown at the root of the project, but rather here:
I have not used the module but it seems to me like you would startScan with the CentralManager which I'm assuming returns a list of peripherals that you could then connect to.

How do you know the latest chromecast device build?

A user of mine is reporting that there is a new chromecast version and my app broke. I have 4 different devices and they all have build 16041, but I have no idea where to check if that is the latest. I've tried rebooting all 4 of them already.
So is there a page or blog where that is listed?
Also as a bonus question, is there a way to get updates for when the Cast Companion Library is updated? or the sdk?
You can check the build using the Chromecast app for Android or iOS.
Once the app detects a device, select it and then, at the very bottom of the information view, you'll find the build number of the device's firmware.
There is no page to tell you what the latest build is; new builds go out in batches like other updates so not everyone gets them all at the very same time.
As your second question, register yourself on Github for that project to be notified when there is a commit.
In future, it is best if you open different StackOverflow questions for different questions.

customdata in playready license challenge on samsung smart tv

What is the working approach to put custom data into the license challenge for playready von Samsung smart TV? I have tried all suggsted ways but it seems like the PR Server does not receive it. Wireshark traces show nothing. How can I bestdebug this?
Thanks a lot
See chapter 4.1 in this document
If you want to play PlayReady/WMDRM protected content, you should add predefined postfix
“|COMPONENT=WMDRM” to your original URL.
