am trying to install wekan on ubuntu but when i do
sudo snap install wekan
i get certificates warning
> - Download snap "core" (6531) from channel "stable" (Get
> x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid)
so i wonder how to bypass the certificates check i know with wget we use --no-check-certificate flag to bypass certificates check so i wonder what is the flag for snap
Try to check the Date / Time because it was my issue. I set the date and time and snap start working for me.
I had the same problem. To fix I've installed and enabled ntp service (network time protocol) and ran dpkg-reconfigure tzdata (timezone database) to set a correct timezone. Snap install should work like a charm. No need to bypass certificate check.
I am running Visual Studio Code and dotnet 5 on Mx Linux 19.3_x64 (Debian 10), when i try to run dotnet restore i get the following error:
error : Unable to load the service index for source error : The remote certificate
is invalid because of errors in the certificate chain: UntrustedRoot
Thinking that this could somehow be related to ca-certificates i tried to run dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates and update-ca-certificates --fresh, i also tried to install the unstable version of ca-certificates and reinstalling dotnetcore 5 but i wasn't able to solve this problem. Any help?
Thank you in advance.
This is related to this issue with certificates on Debian-based distributions. According to that link, Debian 10.8 should have resolved that issue.
Edited to add: The Ubuntu ticket has the two certificates that need to be reenabled for this to work. I just followed these instructions, and mine now works.
When trying to run the following command from puppet agent node:
puppet agent --test --verbose
The following error was prompted
Error: certificate verify failed [unable to get local issuer certificate for]
I have already added FQDN to my hosts in /etc/hosts file.
I deleted the SSL folder in puppet directory and everything worked fine then after.
rm -rf /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/
puppet agent --test --verbose
You can check your logs using the command
journalctl -u puppet
I went round in circles on this - i was using the standard Ubuntu repo and just installed puppet on my client machines....
My docker puppetmaster is running 6.14 but the agent I pulled from standard Ubuntu world was version 5. The bellow as I am sure you will know will add puppetlabs to your repos and then install the upto date version 6 agent.
sudo dpkg -i puppet6-release-bionic.deb
sudo apt update
sudo apt install puppet-agent
All the answers I have seen to any puppet cerficate type errors just say regenerate your certificate and I could find nothing that offered any further help.
I would suggest check your server and client versions match after my experiance!
To add to #shubham-singh answer, on some system the ssl directory may not be in /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/.
You can run:
sudo find / -name puppet.conf
to find puppet.conf file and look for the value of ssldir property in puppet.conf and then delete/rename the ssl directory and rerun:
puppet agent --test
The rerun may give you error and ask to run additional commands at server and agent to clear the certificate.
Follow the commands and then rerun:
puppet agent --test
and it should work now.
If you are still having issue, it may be due to different versions of puppet on server and agent. Check the puppet version using below command on master and agent and make sure the versions are matching.
puppet --version
The RDP doesnt connect to the Azure Linux VM suddenly, the error is:
Password failed, error- problem connecting.
This is the first time its happening. And I tried restarting the VM, Resetting the password and also removing the credentials and adding again to the rdp. Please support on this.
I have encountered exactly the same issue on ubuntu 14.06 running on AWS today.
I checked the /var/log/apt/history.log and found out that the system updated the xrdp package automatically xrdp:amd64 (0.6.1-2, 0.6.1-2ubuntu0.1)
I downgraded the package and it now works again.
sudo apt-get install xrdp=0.6.1-2
Then, I decided to exclude xrdp from automatically being updated.
sudo apt-mark hold xrdp
xrdp set on hold.
Unable to update ubuntu 16.04 due to error
Signature by key 3B068FB4789ABE4AEFA3BB491397BC53640DB551 uses weak digest algorithm (SHA1).
Kindly share if any one have its solution.
Actually what you are seeing is probably just a warning you get using
sudo apt-get update
This is probably an issue on Google end and it just reports the issue.
But this command just check for the updates ... Maybe I am wrong but I don't think it should prevent you from upgrading your packages.
To check if any packages upgrades are available (and then install) them you should run:
sudo apt-get upgrade
I'm trying to install GCC in my Debian but when I execute ./contrib/download_prerequisites command, I receive a "Forbidden" error, indicating that I'm not allowed to retrieve one or more packages from its resources due to proxy restrictions.
I'm not able to bypass proxy neither contact administrator in order to get permission. So, I'd like to download a complete set of GCC packages, if available. Unfortunately my Linux is quite spartan and apt-get and aptitude very often don't work due to dependencies issues. So, a tar-gz/bz approach would be fine.
Thanks for helping.
I've managed to setup aptitude to install all the required dependencies. Fortunatelly, these resources weren't blocked by proxy's firewall, and all them could be downloaded. Thanks to aptitude.