using zgrep to find phone numbers in a directory - linux

I need to create a script that will search for US phone numbers in files that are in a directory that has been passed in as a parameter to your script. The script must recognize phone numbers in the following formats: (570)555-1212, 570.555.1212, 570-555-1212, and +1.570.555.1212. My script should also be able attempt to minimize false positives. The script should work on files that are compressed or uncompressed.
The output should be similar to the following.
letter.docx: (312)555-1212 570.389.3000
intro.txt: 570-389-3000
I have no idea where to start other than
zgrep -e 1 -q '[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}','[0-9]{3}.[0-9]{3}.[0-9]{4}','+1.[0-9]{3}.[0-9]{3}.[0-9]{4}'
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then echo matches ; else echo "no match found" ; fi


Issues trying to execute bash script on windows using cygwin

I'm trying to run a bash script on Windows 7, using cygwin. The script takes two lists of file destinations (files are the same sprinkled in different pairs of folders), iterates through them and detects if the files changed.
for (( i=0; i<${arraylength}; i++ ));
DIFF=$(diff -u ${src[$i]} ${dest[$i]})
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
echo "$DIFF"
echo "Files ${src[$i]} and ${dest[$i]} are not equal!"
exit 1
echo "All files are equal"
When I run the command like ./, the command executes without errors, but displays nothing (no echo message). Even when I manualy change one of the index.js or index_2.js files - it doesn't detect the change.
Any idea what I could be doing wrong?
You are misusing diff in passing the file arguments; you can compare two files or two directories, not two list of files.
diff [OPTION]... FILES
FILES are 'FILE1 FILE2' or 'DIR1 DIR2' or 'DIR FILE' or 'FILE DIR'. If
--from-file or --to-file is given, there are no restrictions on
FILE(s). If a FILE is '-', read standard input. Exit status is 0 if
inputs are the same, 1 if different, 2 if trouble.
diff -uR src client/src

Check if D.userid exists in a directory shell

We assume the current directory has a number of directories named D.userid, each of which contains submitted Java files. How to detect if there is D.userid present in a directory? What should be the code. I dont this mine is rite
if [ -d "$D.*" ]
echo "no .java file(s) submitted"
Since you assume there are files, and only want to be informed that there are none, I think this is reasonable:
ls D.* > /dev/null # try to list the files. we don't need output
return=$? # save the return value of ls just in case
if [ $return -ne 0 ]; # compare it to 0 (success)
echo "No files."
ls returns 2 if the files are not found, so if you want you can use that directly. Of course, it doesn't check that they are directories, but it's just another way.

What is the error in this shell script

I never used shell script, but now I have to , here is what I'm trying to do :
echo running the program
var = ($(ls FODLDER |wc -l)) #check how many files the folder contains
echo $var
if( ["$var" -gt "2"] #check if there are more the 2file
then ./second
the scriopt crashes at the if statement. how may I solve this
var = ($(ls FODLDER |wc -l))
This is wrong, you cannot have those spaces around =.
if( ["$var" -gt "2"]
Your ( is not doing anything there, so it has to be deleted. Also, you need spaces around [ and ].
All together, this would make more sense:
echo "running the program"
var=$(find FOLDER -maxdepth 1 -type f|wc -l) # better find than ls
echo "$var"
if [ "$var" -gt "2" ]; then
quote whenever you echo, specially when handling variables.
see another way to look for files in a given path. Parsing ls is kind of evil.
indent your code for better readibility.
Edit your script.bash file as follow:
#!/bin/env bash
echo "running the program"
dir_list=( $dir/* ) # list files in directory
echo ${#dir_list[#]} # count files in array
if (( ${#dir_list[#]} > 2 )); then # test how many files
script.bash /tmp/
You need to learn bash to avoid dangerous actions!
pass the directory to work with as first argument in the command line (/tmp/ → `$1)
use glob to create an array (dir_list) containing all file in given directory
count items in array (${#dir_list[#]})
test the number of item using arithmetic context.

How to create a shell script that can scan a file for a specific word?

one of the questions that I have been given to do for my Computer Science GCSE was:
Write a shell script that takes a string input from a user, asks for a file name and reports whether that string is present in the file.
However way I try to do it, I cannot create a shell script.
I don't need you to tell me the whole number, however, I have no idea where to start. I input the variable and the file name, however, I have no idea how to search for the chosen word in the chosen file. Any ideas?
Using grep can get this working, for example
echo "Entering view entry"
echo -n "Enter Name: "
read input
if grep -q "$input" datafile
echo ""
echo -n "Information -> "
grep -w "$input" datafile
echo ""
echo "/!\Name Not Found/!\\"
echo "Exiting view entry"
echo ""
dataFile is the file you would be reading from. Then making use of -q and -w arguments of grep, you should be able to navigate your chosen file.
This site does a great job explaining grep and your exact problem:
The following shell-script is a very quick approach to do what you suggested:
#!/bin/sh # Tell your shell with what program this script should be exectued
echo "Please enter the filename: "
read filename # read user input into variable filename
count=`grep -c $1 $filename` # store result of grep into variable count
if [ $count -gt 0 ] # check if count is greater than 0
echo "String is present:" $1
echo "String not found:" $1
You should look at some tutorials to get the basics of shell-scripting. Your task isn't very complex, so after some reading you should be able understand what the script does and modify it according your needs.

Parsing result of Diff in Shell Script

I want to compare two files and see if they are the same or not in my shell script, my way is:
diff_output=`diff ${dest_file} ${source_file}`
if [ some_other_condition -o ${diff_output} -o some_other_condition2 ]
Basically, if they are the same ${diff_output} should contain nothing and the above test would evaluate to true.
But when I run my script, it says
[: too many arguments
On the if [....] line.
Any ideas?
Do you care about what the actual differences are, or just whether the files are different? If it's the latter you don't need to parse the output; you can check the exit code instead.
if diff -q "$source_file" "$dest_file" > /dev/null; then
: # files are the same
: # files are different
Or use cmp which is more efficient:
if cmp -s "$source_file" "$dest_file"; then
: # files are the same
: # files are different
There's an option provided precisely for doing this: -q (or --quiet). It tells diff to just let the exit code indicate whether the files were identical. That way you can do this:
if diff -q "$dest_file" "$source_file"; then
# files are identical
# files differ
or if you want to swap the two clauses:
if ! diff -q "$dest_file" "$source_file"; then
# files differ
# files are identical
If you really wanted to do it your way (i.e. you need the output) you should do this:
if [ -n "$diff_output" -o ... ]; then
-n means "test if the following string is non-empty. You also have to surround it with quotes, so that if it's empty, the test still has a string there - you're getting your error because your test evaluates to some_other_condition -o -o some_other_condition2, which as you can see isn't going to work.
diff is for comparing files line by line for processing the differences tool like patch . If you just want to check if they are different, you should use cmp:
cmp --quiet $source_file $dest_file || echo Different
diff $FILE $FILE2
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
Check files for difference in bash
if [[ -z $(sdiff -s $dest_file $source_file) ]]; then
echo "Files are same"
echo "Files are different"
Code tested on RHEL/CentOS Linux (6.X and 7.X)
