Installing vscode .deb package using terminal in ubuntu 18.04 - linux

I want to install Visual Code in ubuntu-18.04 with .deb package, i used: dpkg -i <file name.deb> i also tried: apt-get install -f
but it says it needs libconf-2-4, and libconf-2-4 needs more things...
Is there any way to install all of the dependencies together?

You can use apt for installing a package file, e.g.,
apt install ./filename.deb
The "./" helps it see that is just a package file, and after that it will continue by evaluating dependencies.


What are the dependencies for installing vscode 1.32 on ubuntu14.04

I want to install the latest vscode on ubuntu 14.04,
what are the dependencies for that?
I don't have sudo so I have to handle all the dependencies manually.
So I thought maybe someone can share all them so I wont have to find out 1 by 1.
You can simply download the zip archive version and extract it to destination folder and then run the startup script usually named code from its bin folder.
I assume that you want to install Visual Studio Code.
So for the latest stable version, just visit the official download page and choose the architecture (64bit or 32bit) you need. By default Ubuntu 14.04LTS uses apt as package manager, so you'll need the .deb file.
Once the download finished, open your download folder (or wherever your downloads are stored). There right click and choose Open in Terminal.
Now you can install VSCode by executing the following command (the file name could differ):
$ sudo dpkg --install code_1.32.2-1552488294_amd64.deb
If there are some unsatisfied dependencies, you will get an error. In this case type in the following:
$ sudo apt -f install
Then apt will automatically install the missing packages and finish the installation of VSCode. It will also add a .list file to your /etc/apt/source.list.d folder, so that VSCode will always be updated from the official repository when you execute sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade.
The dependencies are:
libnss3 (>= 2:3.26)
libgtk-3-0 (>= 3.10.0)

Regarding to installation of Gsreamer 1.8.0 in ubuntu

Can any one give me the proper guidelines for gstreamer(1.8.0) installation in Ubuntu version 16.04??
Through command line
For installing gstreamer1.0 you can use:
sudo apt-get install libgstreamer1.0-* gstreamer1.0-tools gstreamer1.0-libav*
Depending on what are your needs, you probably are going to need other modules that are not installed in the previous command. I would consider adding:
Using next command:
sudo apt-get install gstreamer1.0-plugins-base gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly
After you have installed all the plugins you can verify the installation using:

mapr: Install mapr-zookeeper-5.0.0 manually

I want to install mapr-zookeeper- through commandline manually, but when i provide version to yum install mapr-zookeeper-, it's giving me No package available error.
How to install mapr-zookeeper-5.0.0 since i can't use "yum install mapr-zookeeper" since it will install mapr-zookeeper-5.1.0
Just download
and install using rpm
rpm -i mapr-zk-internal- mapr-zk-internal-

Uncompleted installation files using apt-get

Often I install softwares/packages using apt-get.
If the installation is stopped or interrupted anyhow,
then how to find and remove the partially installed files? Besides if I install the same package later, will the apt-get installation process create duplicate files?
Try this:
sudo apt-get -f install
And then:
update, upgrade, reinstall, etc...

How can I add dependancy files in Debian Package in Ubuntu?

I am trying build a debian package with some dependencies... Let me know how can I add dependencies into it. I have tried putting it in control file... but it is not working.. i am following this link:
In your debian/control file you need a line that looks similar to this:
Depends: foo, bar, baz(>=1.0)
Edit: dpkg -i does not download dependencies only apt-get does that. You normally need to run sudo apt-get install -f after you used dpkg -i unless you add your package to an apt repository and install it from there
