mapr: Install mapr-zookeeper-5.0.0 manually - linux

I want to install mapr-zookeeper- through commandline manually, but when i provide version to yum install mapr-zookeeper-, it's giving me No package available error.
How to install mapr-zookeeper-5.0.0 since i can't use "yum install mapr-zookeeper" since it will install mapr-zookeeper-5.1.0

Just download
and install using rpm
rpm -i mapr-zk-internal- mapr-zk-internal-


Installing vscode .deb package using terminal in ubuntu 18.04

I want to install Visual Code in ubuntu-18.04 with .deb package, i used: dpkg -i <file name.deb> i also tried: apt-get install -f
but it says it needs libconf-2-4, and libconf-2-4 needs more things...
Is there any way to install all of the dependencies together?
You can use apt for installing a package file, e.g.,
apt install ./filename.deb
The "./" helps it see that is just a package file, and after that it will continue by evaluating dependencies.

Regarding to installation of Gsreamer 1.8.0 in ubuntu

Can any one give me the proper guidelines for gstreamer(1.8.0) installation in Ubuntu version 16.04??
Through command line
For installing gstreamer1.0 you can use:
sudo apt-get install libgstreamer1.0-* gstreamer1.0-tools gstreamer1.0-libav*
Depending on what are your needs, you probably are going to need other modules that are not installed in the previous command. I would consider adding:
Using next command:
sudo apt-get install gstreamer1.0-plugins-base gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly
After you have installed all the plugins you can verify the installation using:

UBUNTU 14.04 - Rstudio - unable to install ggmap library

I'm trying to install ggmap library in my Rstudio but I get the following error:
ERROR: dependency ‘rjson’ is not available for package ‘ggmap’.
Is there any other way of installing it, I tried via menu Tools - Install packages or via console with command install.packages("ggmap").
How can I make it work?
Wild guess (for missing dependency):
sudo apt-get install r-base r-base-dev
sudo apt-get install r-cran-rjson
Filelist of r-cran-rjson package
or installation from Launchpad:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:opencpu/rstudio
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install rstudio-server
Please see this reference for details
first install rjson library using command prompt
install.packages("rjson",depend =TRUE)
Now install ggmap library
1.install.packages("rjson",depend =TRUE)
2.Download and unzip
If it doesn't work do
Best Way is to open synaptic :
tap rjson
right-click ( select for installation )
close synaptic
and in R session install.packages("ggmap")

Configure unable to find libgcrypt

hello i have faced problem with libgcrypt and i am sure is is installed with newst version thats happen when i try to install libssh2
[root#loft1034 libssh2-1.1]#./configure
configure: error: cannot find OpenSSL or Libgcrypt,
try --with-libssl-prefix=PATH or --with-libgcrypt-prefix=PATH
[root#loft1034 libssh2-1.1]# locate libgcrypt
[root#loft1034 libssh2-1.1]#
i try to using prefix path with no benefit please help me?
Install the package with the header files.
CentOS 6/7, perhaps Fedora:
sudo yum install -y libgcrypt-devel
sudo apt-get install -y libgcrypt11-dev
Try this (it works for Ubuntu 15.10 64 bit)
sudo dpkg -i libgcrypt11_1.5.0-5+deb7u3_amd64.deb
If you are using centOS install libcrypt-devel:
sudo yum install libgcrypt-devel
For ubuntu(works for me)
Try to download the package first, download links, note choose the right architecture.
there take amd64 as an example.first we get the link address
On ubuntu, we download the package
then install it
sudo dpkg -i libgcrypt11-dev_1.5.4-3+really1.8.1-4ubuntu1.3_amd64.deb
Maybe there are other dependencies need to install.
you can choose to install it one by one, or follow the tips
sudo apt --fix-broken install

Boost Installation

I have a question regarding the installation of the boost libraries. Is there a package that I can use the sudo apt-get install to install this package. I searched all of the questions in this forum and using the commands sudo apt-get install libboost1.40-dev I cannot install theh package with this. Also, I can download it from but I do not know the correct path to install it too. I would prefer to install it using the sudo apt-get install commands if possible. I am using Ubuntu 9.04.
If you want to run with the latest version, you can do the bjam install as mentioned by Ralf, but I suggest you build a 'pseudo' package so you can
uninstall it safely
prevent/notice conflicts with official/existing boost packages.
Here is how to do that:
mkdir -pv /tmp/boostinst
cd /tmp/boostinst/
wget -c ''
tar xf download
cd boost_1_66_0/
./ --help
./ --show-libraries
checkinstall ./b2 install
On new boost version there is other way:
sudo apt-get update
wget -c ''
tar xf download
cd boost_1_50_0
./b2 install
You can use command aptitude search libboost to see list of the availiable boost libraries. The last version of boost is 1.42 - maybe that's why you can't find version 1.40.
If aptitude search command don't give you sufficient results, try sudo aptitude update and then run aptitude search again.
On my version of Ubuntu (10.04) it's libboost1.40-all-dev
On your version you've probably got an older version of boost, you should just be able to tab-complete to see which version you can install.
In any case what I usually do under Ubuntu is
sudo apt-get install bjam
Extract the downloaded boost archive to your hard-drive and then cd into the root and
sudo bjam install
This way you can get the newest version of boost, and not the slightly outdated one that is available for your Ubuntu version.
This is a link which explain step by step on how to install it (give it some time read!)
but your inline shell command might be the simple and easy way for doing it
