Backmarking with backjumping(BMJ) algorithm - constraint-programming

I was reading a paper on Constraint Satisfaction using backmarking with buckjumping algorithm. In the paper , it was mentioned that back marking with backjumping does not result in the intended optimization.
In particular, this case was mentioned:
Assume BMJ jumps from v[i], over v[h], to v[g], and does so when mbl[h]< g. When v[h] again becomes the current variable consistency checks will be repeated between v[h] and the variable v[x], where mbl[h]< x < g.Therefore we can only be sure that BMJ enjoys some of the advantages of BM.
In this case, if it were normal backmarking, how would this computation be avoided?
I found the following visual representation of the case.


Why are OpenMP Reduction Clauses Non-deterministic for Statically Scheduled Loops?

I have been working on a multi-GPU project where I have had problems with obtaining non-deterministic results. I was surprised when it turned out that I obtained non-deterministic results due to a reduction clause executed on the CPU.
In the book Using OpenMP - The Next Step it is written that
"[...] the order in which threads combine their value to construct the
value for the shared result is non-deterministic."
Maybe I just don't understand how the reduction clauses are implemented. Does it mean that if I use schedule(monotonic:static) in combination with a reduction clause each thread will execute its chunk of the iterations in a deterministic order, but that the order in which the partial results are combined at the end of the parallel region is non-deterministic?
Does it mean that if I use schedule(monotonic:static) in combination
with a reduction clause each thread will execute its chunk of the
iterations in a deterministic order, but that the order in which the
partial results are combined at the end of the parallel region is
It is known that the end result is non-determinist, detailed information can be found in:
What Every Computer Scientist Should Know about Floating Point Arithmetic. For instance:
Another grey area concerns the interpretation of parentheses. Due to roundoff errors, the associative laws of algebra do not necessarily hold for floating-point numbers. For example, the expression (x+y)+z has a totally different answer than x+(y+z) when x = 1e30, y = -1e30 and z = 1 (it is 1 in the former case, 0 in the latter).
Now regarding the order in which the threads perform the reduction action, as far as I know, the OpenMP standard does not enforce any order, or requires that the order has to be deterministic. Hence, this is an implementation detail that is left up to the compiler that is implementing the OpenMP standard to decide, and consequently, it is something that your code should not reply upon.
Programming language semantics usually declares that a+b+c+d is evaluated as ((a+b)+c)+d. This is not parallel, so an OpenMP reduction is probably evaluated as (a+b)+(c+d). And so on for larger numbers of summands.
So you immediately have that, because of the non-associativity of floating point arithmetic, the result may be subtly different from the sequential value.
But more importantly, the exact value will depend on precisely how the combination is done. Is it a+(b+c) (on 2 threads) or (a+b)+c? So the result is at least "indeterministic" in the sense that you can not reconstruct how it was formed. It could probably even be done in two different ways, if you run the same reduction twice. That's what I would call "non-deterministic", but look in the standard for the exact definition of the term.
By the way, if you want to get some idea of how OpenMP actually does it, write your own reduction operator, and let each invocation print out what it computes. Here is a decent illustration:
By the way, the standard actually doesn't use the word "non-deterministic" for this case. The following passage explains the issue:
Furthermore, using different numbers of threads may result in
different numeric results because of changes in the association of
numeric operations. For example, a serial addition reduction may have
a different pattern of addition associations than a parallel

Why would more array accesses perform better?

I'm taking a course on coursera that uses minizinc. In one of the assignments, I was spinning my wheels forever because my model was not performing well enough on a hidden test case. I finally solved it by changing the following types of accesses in my model
constraint sum(neg1,neg2 in party where neg1 < neg2)(joint[neg1,neg2]) >= m;
constraint sum(i,j in 1..u where i < j)(joint[party[i],party[j]]) >= m;
I dont know what I'm missing, but why would these two perform any differently from eachother? It seems like they should perform similarly with the former being maybe slightly faster, but the performance difference was dramatic. I'm guessing there is some sort of optimization that the former misses out on? Or, am I really missing something and do those lines actually result in different behavior? My intention is to sum the strength of every element in raid.
Misc. Details:
party is an array of enum vars
party's index set is 1..real_u
every element in party should be unique except for a dummy variable.
solver was Gecode
verification of my model was done on a coursera server so I don't know what optimization level their compiler used.
edit: Since minizinc(mz) is a declarative language, I'm realizing that "array accesses" in mz don't necessarily have a direct corollary in an imperative language. However, to me, these two lines mean the same thing semantically. So I guess my question is more "Why are the above lines different semantically in mz?"
edit2: I had to change the example in question, I was toting the line of violating coursera's honor code.
The difference stems from the way in which the where-clause "a < b" is evaluated. When "a" and "b" are parameters, then the compiler can already exclude the irrelevant parts of the sum during compilation. If "a" or "b" is a variable, then this can usually not be decided during compile time and the solver will receive a more complex constraint.
In this case the solver would have gotten a sum over "array[int] of var opt int", meaning that some variables in an array might not actually be present. For most solvers this is rewritten to a sum where every variable is multiplied by a boolean variable, which is true iff the variable is present. You can understand how this is less efficient than an normal sum without multiplications.

Is my program Turing-complete?

I spent a week or two programming a simple logic solver. Having built it, I found myself wondering whether the language it solves is Turing-complete or not. So I coded up a small set of equations which accept any valid expression in the SKI combinator calculus, and produce a result set which contains the normal form of that expression. Since SKI is Turing-complete, proving that my language can execute SKI would demonstrate its Turing-completeness.
There is a glitch, however. The solver does not reduce the expression in normal order. Actually what it does is to try every possible reduction order. Which means that the solution set is typically huge. If a normal form exists, it will be in there somewhere, but it's difficult to tell where.
This brings me to two questions:
Is my language Turing-complete? Or do I need to find a better proof?
Is the number of solutions a computable function of the input?
(At first I assumed that the size of the solution set was exponential or factorial in the input size. But on closer inspection, this is not true. You can write huge expressions which are already in normal form, and tiny expressions which do not terminate. I have a feeling that determining the size of the solution set might be equivilent to solving the Halting Problem, but I'm not completely sure...)
A) As augustss says, your system is clearly turing complete.
B) You're right that determining solution size is the same as the halting problem. If a sequence doesn't terminate, then you get an infinite solution set. So to determine if the set is infinite, you need to determine if a reduction sequence terminates. But that's precisely the halting problem!
C) As I recall, a system that, given a set of instructions to a turing machine, merely says how many steps they take to terminate (which is, I suppose, the cardinality of your solution set) or fails to terminate if the instructions themselves fail to terminate is in itself turing complete. So that should help with the intuition here.
In answer to my own question... I found that by tweaking the source code, I can make it so that if the input SKI expression has a normal form, that normal form will always be solution #1. So if you just ignore any further solutions, the program reduces any SKI expression to normal form.
I believe this constitutes a "better proof". ;-)

O(n^2) (or O(n^2lg(n)) ?)algorithm to calculate the longest common subsequence (LCS) of two 'ring' string

This is a problem appeared in today's Pacific NW Region Programming Contest during which no one solved it. It is problem B and the complete problem set is here: There is a well-known O(n^2) algorithm for LCS of two strings using Dynamic Programming. But when these strings are extended to rings I have no idea...
P.S. note that it is subsequence rather than substring, so the elements do not need to be adjacent to each other
P.S. It might not be O(n^2) but O(n^2lgn) or something that can give the result in 5 seconds on a common computer.
Searching the web, this appears to be covered by section 4.3 of the paper "Incremental String Comparison", by Landau, Myers, and Schmidt at cost O(ne) < O(n^2), where I think e is the edit distance. This paper also references a previous paper by Maes giving cost O(mn log m) with more general edit costs - "On a cyclic string to string correcting problem". Expecting a contestant to reproduce either of these papers seems pretty demanding to me - but as far as I can see the question does ask for the longest common subsequence on cyclic strings.
You can double the first and second string and then use the ordinary method, and later wrap the positions around.
It is a good idea to "double" the strings and apply the standard dynamic programing algorithm. The problem with it is that to get the optimal cyclic LCS one then has to "start the algorithm from multiple initial conditions". Just one initial condition (e.g. setting all Lij variables to 0 at the boundaries) will not do in general. In practice it turns out that the number of initial states that are needed are O(N) in number (they span a diagonal), so one gets back to an O(N^3) algorithm.
However, the approach does has some virtue as it can be used to design efficient O(N^2) heuristics (not exact but near exact) for CLCS.
I do not know if a true O(N^2) exist, and would be very interested if someone knows one.
The CLCS problem has quite interesting properties of "periodicity": the length of a CLCS of
p-times reapeated strings is p times the CLCS of the strings. This can be proved by adopting a geometric view off the problem.
Also, there are some additional benefits of the problem: it can be shown that if Lc(N) denotes the averaged value of the CLCS length of two random strings of length N, then
|Lc(N)-CN| is O(\sqrt{N}) where C is Chvatal-Sankoff's constant. For the averaged length L(N) of the standard LCS, the only rate result of which I know says that |L(N)-CN| is O(sqrt(Nlog N)). There could be a nice way to compare Lc(N) with L(N) but I don't know it.
Another question: it is clear that the CLCS length is not superadditive contrary to the LCS length. By this I mean it is not true that CLCS(X1X2,Y1Y2) is always greater than CLCS(X1,Y1)+CLCS(X2,Y2) (it is very easy to find counter examples with a computer).
But it seems possible that the averaged length Lc(N) is superadditive (Lc(N1+N2) greater than Lc(N1)+Lc(N2)) - though if there is a proof I don't know it.
One modest interest in this question is that the values Lc(N)/N for the first few values of N would then provide good bounds to the Chvatal-Sankoff constant (much better than L(N)/N).
As a followup to mcdowella's answer, I'd like to point out that the O(n^2 lg n) solution presented in Maes' paper is the intended solution to the contest problem (check The O(ne) solution in Landau et al's paper does NOT apply to this problem, as that paper is targeted at edit distance, not LCS. In particular, the solution to cyclic edit distance only applies if the edit operations (add, delete, replace) all have unit (1, 1, 1) cost. LCS, on the other hand, is equivalent to edit distances with (add, delete, replace) costs (1, 1, 2). These are not equivalent to each other; for example, consider the input strings "ABC" and "CXY" (for the acyclic case; you can construct cyclic counterexamples similarly). The LCS of the two strings is "C", but the minimum unit-cost edit is to replace each character in turn.
At 110 lines but no complex data structures, Maes' solution falls towards the upper end of what is reasonable to implement in a contest setting. Even if Landau et al's solution could be adapted to handle cyclic LCS, the complexity of the data structure makes it infeasible in a contest setting.
Last but not least, I'd like to point out that an O(n^2) solution DOES exist for CLCS, described here: At 60 lines, no complex data structures, and only 2 arrays, this solution is quite reasonable to implement in a contest setting. Arriving at the solution might be a different matter, though.

Why does the halting problem make it impossible for software to determine the time complexity of an algorithm

I've read some articles about big-Oh calculation and the halting problem. Obviously it's not possible for ALL algoritms to say if they ever are going to stop, for example:
However, what would be the big-Oh of such a program? I think it's not defined, for the same reason it's not possible to say if it's ever going to halt. You don't know that.
So... There are some possible algorithms, where you cannot say if it's ever going to halt. But if you can't say the, the big-Oh of that algorithm is by definition undefined.
Now to my point, calculating the big-oh of a piece of software. Why can't you write a program that does that? Because it is either a function, or not defined.
Also, I've not said anything about the programming language. What about a purely functional programming language? Can it be calculated there?
OK, so let's talk about Turing machines (a similar discussion using the Random-Access model could be had, but I adopt this for simplicity).
An upper-bound on the time complexity of a TM says something about the order of the rate at which the number of transitions the TM makes grows according to the input size. Specifically, if we say a TM executes an algorithm which is O(f(n)) in the worst case for input size n, we are saying that there exists an n0 and c such that, for n > n0, T(n) <= cf(n). So far, so good.
Now, the thing about Turing machines is that they can fail to halt, that is, they can execute forever for some inputs. Clearly, if for some n* > n0 a TM takes an infinite number of steps, there is no f(n) satisfying the condition (with finite n0, c) laid out in the last paragraph; that is, T(N) != O(f(n)) for any f. OK; if we were able to say for certain that a TM would halt for all inputs of length at least n0, for some n0, we're home free. Trouble is, this is equivalent to solving the halting problem.
So we conclude this: if a TM takes forever to halt on an input n > n0, then we cannot define an upper bound on complexity; furthermore, it is an unsolvable problem to algorithmically determine whether the TM will halt on all inputs greater than a fixed, finite n0.
The reason it is impossible to answer the question "is the 'while({}' program going to stop?" is that the input is not specified, so in this particular case the problem is lack of information and not undecidability.
The halting problem is about the impossibility of constructing a general algorithm which, when provided with both a program and an input, can always tell whether that program with that input will finish running or continue to run forever.
In the halting problem, both program and input can be arbitrarily large, but they are intended to be finite.
Also, there is no specific instance of 'program + input' that is undecidable in itself: given a specific instance, it is (in principle) always possible to construct an algorithm that analyses that instance and/or class of instances, and calculates the correct answer.
However, if a problem is undecidable, then no matter how many times the algorithm is extended to correctly analyse additional instances or classes of instances, the process will never end: it will always be possible to come up with new instances that the algorithm will not be capable of answering unless it is further extended.
I would say that the big O of "while({}" is O(n) where n is the size of the input (the program could be seen as the skeleton of e.g. a line counting program).
The big O is defined in this case because for every input of finite size the program halts.
So the question to be asked might be: "does a program halt on every possible finite input it may be provided with?"
If that queston can be reduced to the halting problem or any other undecidable problem then it is undecidable.
It turns out that it can be reduced, as clarified here:
Undecidability is a property of problems and is independent of programming languages that are used to construct programs that run on the same machines. For instance you may consider that any program written in a functional programming language can be compiled into machine code, but that same machine code can be produced by an equivalent program written in assembly, so from a Turing machine perspective, functional programming languages are no more powerful than assembly languages.
Also, undecidability would not prevent an algorithm from being able to calculate the big O for a countless (theoretically infinite) number of programs, so any effort in constructing an algorithm for that purpose would not necessarily be pointless.
