I am trying to get commit body from Grgit log is it possible? - git-log

Grgit.open(dir: repoDir).log {
range 'origin/develop', branch
Can I add some argument to get commit body?

Depends on what you mean by the body. The log method returns a list of Commit objects that all have shortMessage and fullMessage properties


How to extract the message value from JSON in Node.js

My JSON is:
body =
"message":"Thanks for calling service desk, may I know the store number you are calling from?",
How to get message value using Node js? Please let me know after testing.
i tried body.message and body['message'] and also body[0]['message']. I am always getting "undefined"
#Chris comment, since the problem is sorted out, Adding the answer to all members for future ref.
From node.js result, body is taken as JSON string, using JSON.parse.body converted to json object.
body =
"message":"Thanks for calling service desk, may I know the store number you are calling from?",

Can Cloudant list/show functions return objects and arrays(any JSON)?

As per the API documentation for Cloudant: Show function can be used to render a document in a different format or extract only some information from a larger document. Same is the case for a list function, the only difference is that it applies on a set of documents. I created a design document with a show function as follows:
{ "shows": { "showDemo":"function(doc,req){return {'body': doc, 'headers':{'Content-Type':'application/json'}}}" } }
When I use this function, _design/showFunc/_show/showDemo/doc1, I get the following error:
{ "error": "unknown_error", "reason": "badarg", "ref": 1793182837 }
I have observed the same error when the show function returns an array. However, no error is given when HTML,Text, XML is returned. Can we say that list/show functions can only return data in a format other than JSON? This example shows the "Accept" header for req object request Object.
What's happening here is that the show function needs to return a response object. From the docs (see http://docs.couchdb.org/en/2.1.0/json-structure.html#response-object) the body field needs to be a string, so you can return whatever you like but it needs to be stringified or otherwise turned into a format that can be sent as HTTP.
If you want to send JSON then doing JSON.Stringify(doc) as the value for body should do what you expect.

Change payload within Spring integration Filter

I am writing a filter with Spring Integration.
In this filter I check a set of preconditions. If any precondition is not satisfied, I would need to change message payload (or even header) to add the set of actions to be done by the user to satisfied it and return it to the user over the discart channel.
I could use a service activator but I think the filter would more descriptive in this case.
What is the cleanest way to make it?
This is a sort of pseudocode:
public boolean checkEventPreconditions(Message<?> messageIn)
//Here I am returning the set of actions to satisfied preconditions
List<Integer> actionsId = returnActions();
return true;
//Here I need to add actionsId to the message
return false;
No, don't mix concerns: filter just has to check if send message further or discard it.
To change the message is a responsibility of transformer.
So, what you want to do should be placed within discard flow.

Google Script: how to display GmailApp.search - mail data

I'm trying display starred mails in Logger.
function viewStarred() {
Logger.log( GmailApp.search('is:starred') );
but result in my Logger is this:
[GmailThread, GmailThread, GmailThread, GmailThread, .... GmailThread]
how can I display mail subjects? or content...
Here is my screen:
What you are seeing is behaviour as expected. If you see the documentation for GmailApp.search, you'll see that it returns an Array of GmailThread objects.
Logger.log cannot print out a GmailThread array object directly
So, you have to
a. Single out the GmailThread object you want to print
b. Print specific information about a GmailThread (subject, sender etc.)
See example below
var threads = GmailApp.search('is:starred');
for (var i in threads){

How to display arbitrary, schemaless data in HTML with node.js / mongodb

I'm using mongodb to store application error logs as json documents. I want to be able to format the error logs as HTML rather than returning the plain json to the browser. The logs are properly schemaless - they could change at any time, so it's no use trying to do this (in Jade):
- var items = jsonResults
- each item in items
h3 Server alias: #{item.ServerAlias}
p UUID: #{item.UUID}
p Stack trace: #{item.StackTrace}
h3 Session: #{item.Session}
p URL token: #{item.Session.UrlToken}
p Session messages: #{item.Session.SessionMessages}
as I don't know what's actually going to be in the JSON structure ahead of time. What I want is surely possible, though? Everything I'm reading says that the schema isn't enforced by the database but that your view code will outline your schema anyway - but we've got hundreds of possible fields that could be removed or added at any time so managing the views in this way is fairly unmanageable.
What am I missing? Am I making the wrong assumptions about the technology? Going at this the wrong way?
Edited with extra info following comments:
The json docs look something like this
"Template":"\/home\/vagrant\/dev\/websites\/g-bis\/code\/webroot\/page\/home\/home.cfm, line 3",
"Message":"Unknown tag: cfincflude.",
"RAW_TRACE":"\tat cfhome2ecfm1296628853.runPage(\/home\/vagrant\/dev\/websites\/nig-bis\/code\/webroot\/page\/home\/home.cfm:3)",
"RAW_TRACE":"\tat cfdisplay2ecfm1093821753.runPage(\/home\/vagrant\/dev\/websites\/nig-bis\/code\/webroot\/page\/display.cfm:6)",
... etc, but is likely to change depending on what the individual project that generates the log is configured to trigger.
What I want to end up with is a formatted HTML page with headers for each parent and the children listed below, iterating right through the data structure. The Jade sample above is effectively what we need to output, but without hard-coding that in the view.
Mike's analysis in the comments of the problem being that of creating a table-like structure from a bunch of collections that haven't really got a lot in common is bang-on. The data is relational, but only within individual documents - so hard-coding the schema into anything is virtually impossible as it requires you to know what the data structure looks like first.
The basic idea is what #Gates VP described. I use underscore.js to iterate through the arrays/objects.
function formatLog(obj){
var log = "";
_.each(obj, function(val, key){
if(typeof(val) === "object" || typeof(val) === "array"){
// if we have a new list
log += "<ul>";
log += formatLog(val);
log += "</ul>";
// if we are at an endpoint
log += "<li>";
log += (key + ": " + val);
log += "</li>";
return log;
If you call formatLog()on the example data you gave it returns
ServerAlias: GBIZ-WEBurltoken: CFID=10989&CFTOKEN=f07fe950-53926E3B-F33A-093D-3FCEFB&jsessionid=84303d29a229d1sessionid: 84197a667053f63433672873j377e7d379101UUID: 53934LBB-DB8F-79T6-C03937JD84HB864A338Template: /home/vagrant/dev/websites/g-bis/code/webroot/page/home/home.cfm, line 3GeneratedContent: Mailto: Message: Unknown tag: cfincflude.tagName: cfincfludeRAW_TRACE: at cfhome2ecfm1296628853.runPage(/home/vagrant/dev/websites/nig-bis/code/webroot/page/home/home.cfm:3)ID: CFINCLUDETEMPLATE: /home/vagrant/dev/websites/nig-bis/code/webroot/page/home/home.cfmLINE: 3TYPE: CFMLCOLUMN: 0RAW_TRACE: at cfdisplay2ecfm1093821753.runPage(/home/vagrant/dev/websites/nig-bis/code/webroot/page/display.cfm:6)ID: CFINCLUDETEMPLATE: /home/vagrant/dev/websites/nig-bis/code/webroot/page/display.cfmLINE: 6TYPE: CFMLCOLUMN: 0
How to format it then is up to you.
This is basically a recursive for loop.
To do this with Jade you will need to use mixins so that you can print nested objects by calling the mixin with a deeper level of indentation.
Note that this whole thing is a little ugly as you won't get guaranteed ordering of fields and you may have to implement some logic to differentiate looping on arrays vs. looping on JSON objects.
You can try util.inspect. In your template:
= util.inspect(jsonResults)
