Public uploaded files not showing - linux

I'm having problems with displaing uploaded files on public folder. I always get 404 error every time I try to load files from public folder.
All tests over file uplad pass well, file can be loaded, file is present in database and in public folder, the symlink is created but I can't display contents from public folder.
the main parts of the code:
$path = $request->file( 'userfile' )->store( 'logos', 'public' );
after this the folder in:
using the file in blade template:
<img src="{{ asset( $model->image_path ) }}" />
response from the browser 404 - Page not found
more info about the server folders:
/public/storage - this is the symlink to the public folder 777 permission
/storage/app/public - the storage public folder 775 permission
/storage/app/public/logos - the logo folder 755 permission
/storage/app/public/logos/file.ext - the file 644 permission
I try change permission to 775 on file but always 404
How can I fix this problem?
I found a difference from another server where I can see public files. The symlink in that server has a green background when ls -l

The solution to this question is that inside uploaderController.php when you save the path of your uploaded file you MUST prepend the "storage" folder.
$path = $request->file( 'userfile' )->store( 'logos', 'public' );
$data = [ 'image_path'=>"storage/{$path}" ];
$model->update( $data );


Writing file denied

I am getting an error writing a file, that is driving me crazy.
I have an C# netcore 5 application running on RH Linux.
I mounted an shared folder (windows) using: sudo mount -t cifs -o username=MyDomainUsername,password=MyDomainUsernamePassword,domain=MyDomain,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777 //ipv4_from_destination/Reports /fileshare/Reports
Then I run the app, using just ./WebApi --urls=http://+:8060
The read/write test executes the following steps:
Create a text file.
Write the text file.
Delete de text file.
Creates a directory
Creates a text file inside that directory
Writes the text file
Deletes the text file
Deletes the directory.
Now the problem:
The text file is created
The write operation fails.
Where goes part of the log:
Creating file: /fileshare/Reports/test.616db7d1-07fb-4599-a0cf-749e6a8b34ec.tmp...Ok
Writing file: /fileshare/Reports/test.616db7d1-07fb-4599-a0cf-749e6a8b34ec.tmp...[16:22:20 ERR] ID:87988856-a765-4474-9ed9-2f04aef35771 PATH:/api/about ERROR:System.UnauthorizedAccessException:Access to the path '/fileshare/Reports/test.616db7d1-07fb-4599-a0cf-749e6a8b34ec.tmp' is denied. TRACE: at System.IO.FileStream.WriteNative(ReadOnlySpan`1 source)
at System.IO.FileStream.FlushWriteBuffer()
at System.IO.FileStream.FlushInternalBuffer()
at System.IO.FileStream.Flush(Boolean flushToDisk)
at System.IO.FileStream.Flush()
at System.IO.StreamWriter.Flush(Boolean flushStream, Boolean flushEncoder)
at System.IO.StreamWriter.Flush()
at WebApi.Controllers.ApplicationController.TestFileSystem(String folder) in xxxxxxx\WebApi\Controllers\ApplicationController.cs:line 116
What I discovered so far:
I can create and delete the files and directories.
I cannot write to files.
Can someone give me an hint on this?
Solved using the cifs option nobrl

Nodejs fs.copyfile not allowed for copy a file to the destination folder

I am trying to copy a file from one location to another so I'm using this:
fs.copyFile('C:\\Users\\Me\\Documents\\', c:\\myfiles
console.log('file was copied successfully!');
I can see that the destination folder is readonly so that's why I'm getting this.
How can I change it's status on my windows pc.
I've tried this but nothing is happening and I still get the error:
fs.chmodSync('c:\\myfiles', 0o755);
How can I fix this issue?
You are using Windows, I guest C:\ is your system disk (where you install the Windows).
If you want to write a file to c:\myfiles , it require you Administrator permission (you can try by way: copy and paste a file to the folder, by hand).
Option1: Change your folder, ex: D:\myfiles
Option2: Use windows file manager, change your folder permission (everyone read/write)

AWS Lambda access denied to a module in subfolder

I have this Nodejs lambda function where some files are in a subfolder, like this:
- index.js
- connectors/
- affil.js
I have a Cannot find module error when trying to require the affil.js file. Trying to read it with fs.readFile returns an access denied error.
When I move the file to the root folder, it is accessible. Is there a requirement that Lambda functions files must all be at the root directory? How can I fix that?
Mostly it is because of the way zipping the files making the problem. Instead of zipping the root folder you have to select all files and zip it like below,
Please upload all files and subfolders like below. Please include node_modules folder as well in the zip.
As pointed by #Vijayanath Viswanathan, the issue is with how the zip file is created rather than Lambda.
I used to feed gulp-zip with this:
var src = gulp.src('src/**/*')
The correct way is to prevent folders from being included:
var src = gulp.src('src/**/*.js')
or (if you need to include file with other file extensions)
var src = gulp.src('src/**/*', {nodir: true})

How to get filepath of a file in Azure Service Fabric

I have a project which is in an Azure Service Fabric Solution. How can I get specific full filepath of a content file? The content file is in the same folder with my source code.
What I tried:
But it turns out:
This is a file in bin/debug folder
To get the location of content files you can use:
var path = Path.Combine(
ServiceEventSource.Current.ServiceMessage(this.Context, File.ReadAllText(path));
provided that the file Readme.txt has the Build Action is set to "Content" and the Copy to Output Directory setting is set to something else than "do not copy".

Access files from project folder in UWP

in my solution I have backgroundtask project which has a "Resources" directory. How can I acess the files of this directory?
I already tried
auto loader = Windows::ApplicationModel::Resources::ResourceLoader::GetForViewIndependentUse();
and I get a "ResourceMap Not Found" error.
Windows::ApplicationModel::Package^ package = Windows::ApplicationModel::Package::Current;
Windows::Storage::StorageFolder^ installedLocation = package->InstalledLocation;
this should return the Folder of your project that contains your "Resources" folder.

