Match one field and ignore others - node.js

I have my data like this:
I want to match all the object that has key ep1 and value "email":"" and set ep1:{}
My req object is like this {"endpointId":"ep1", "email":
let query = {[req.body.endpointId]:{email:}};
endpointModelData.endpoint.updateMany(query, {[req.body.endpointId]:{}}, {multi: true}, function(err, doc){
if (err) return res.send(500, { error: err });
return res.status(201).send("success.");
But this code only works if there is only one entry(that is email) inside my ep1 object
like this:
So, how can I match email and ignore other fields?

You need to match: {"":""} so change your query to:
let query = { [`${req.body.endpointId}.email`]: };
You can see that filter working here
On the end of the day your update should look like:
updateMany({ "" : "" }, { "ep1": {} }, {multi: true})


How to update a specific value in object of MongoDb via Post?

I have a schema with sub objects, i want to be able to update a specific key inside of it. If i update only a specific key - like in the Post example - it's empty all the other keys..
for example :
"_id": "32323323",
"address":"1 st"
I want to update Only "position" key via Post request , for example :
url: 'workers/information/',
data: {
user_id: user_id,
names: {
workers: {
position: some data,
success: function (result) {
alert('Your information updated successfully')
Here is the update method in NodeJs server :
UserDataController.updateWorkersInformation = function (userID, workersInformation, cb) {
if (userID) {
user.findOneAndUpdate({_id: userID}, workersInformation, function (err, result) {
if (err) return cb(err);
return cb(null, result);
You may want to look into mongoose. It provides a more simple interface than the native client does.
However, as the comment mentioned, you are missing the $set operator. {$set:workersInformation}
If update is called without the $set operator, the entire document will be replaced with your update object.

How to access mongoose data : Nodejs

I am getting data like this:
This is the code :
User.find({ Username: user }, function(err, found_user) {
console.log('user data'+ found_user );
if(found_user.length > 0){
console.log('inside found user');
var recordings = found_user.recordings;
for (var singleRecords in recordings){
console.log("Single record :"+singleRecords);
found_user.recordings[singleRecords].isPlayed = true; (err) {
throw err
And this is the value of found User :
user data { Username: 'B',
__v: 2,
_id: 58ac15e4b4e1232f6f118ba3,
[ { isPlayed: false,
playingUrl: 'http://localhost:8000/public/toplay/playing_file_1487672817599.mp3' },
{ isPlayed: false,
playingUrl: 'http://localhost:8000/public/toplay/playing_file_1487672827411.mp3' } ]
inside found user
in variable found_user. But it is not giving me any data inside it. Like found_user.Username gives undefined value.
I want to store that recordings array inside a variable. Any idea how to do it ?
find() returns an array of docs that match the criteria in the callback hence the line
var recordings = found_user.recordings;
will not work as it's expecting a Document not an array.
You could use findOne() method which returns a document as:
User.findOne({ Username: user }.exec(function(err, found_user) {
console.log('user data'+ found_user );
if (found_user) {
console.log('inside found user');
var recordings = found_user.recordings;

findOneAndUpdate with condition

I am trying to update a record based on condition:
number: fields.number[0]
}, {
category: fields.category[0],
function(err, product) {
So, I want to check if fields.category is present then update else do not update the original value.
fields.category ? fields.category[0] : ""
What is the proper way to do it?
After little search, found that I need to use findOne method and update based on property
Product.findOne({number: fields.number[0]}, function (err, product) {
product.category = fields.category ? fields.category[0] : product.category; =[0]; (err) {
if(err) {

Mongoose update or create many values in one query

I have a document like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("565e906bc2209d91c4357b59"),
"userEmail" : "",
"subscription" : {
"project1" : {
"subscribed" : false
"project2" : {
"subscribed" : true
"project3" : {
"subscribed" : false
"project4" : {
"subscribed" : false
I'm using express to for my post web service call like this:'/subscribe', function(req, res, next) {
userEmail: req.body.userEmail
// stuck here on update query
upsert: true
}, function(err, raw) {
if (err) return handleError(err);
res.json({result: raw});
My req contains data like this:
userEmail: "",
subscription: ["project1", "project4"]
So these are the steps I would like to perform on this call:
Check user exists, otherwise create the user. For instance, if doesn't exist, create a new document with userEmail as
If user exists, check project1 and project4 exists in subscription object. If not create those.
If project1 and project4 exists in subscription, then update the subscribed to true.
I'm not sure whether I can achieve all the above 3 steps with a single query. Kindly advise.
You can accomplish this using $set. The $set operator replaces the value of a field with the specified value. According to the docs:
If the field does not exist, $set will add a new field with the specified value, provided that the new field does not violate a type constraint. If you specify a dotted path for a non-existent field, $set will create the embedded documents as needed to fulfill the dotted path to the field.
Since your req.subscription will be an array you'll have to build your query. to look like this:
$set: {
"subscription.project1":{"subscribed" : true},
"subscription.project4":{"subscribed" : true}
You can use reduce to create an object from req.subscription = ["project1","project4"] array
var subscription= req.subscription.reduce(function(o,v){
o["subscription." + v] = {subscription:true};
return o;
Then your code becomes:'/subscribe', function(req, res, next) {
var subscription= req.subscription.reduce(function(o,v){
o["subscription." + v] = {subscription:true};
return o;
userEmail: req.body.userEmail
$set: subscription
upsert: true
}, function(err, raw) {
if (err) return handleError(err);
res.json({result: raw});

Unable to delete a document with passed "email" and "_id" anyhow

I wanted to delete a document with concerned _id and email when I click on "Remove task" in the HTML file.
Following is the code which removes that task:
I've passed value of email and _id(only hexadcemial string value) to the code:
collection.findOneAndDelete({email:email,_id:taskid},function (err, result) {
if (err) {
} else {
But, the function is not recognizing _id that I've passed. The value of "taskid" variable is 566836bd8db43d3d56e23a4a i.e. only strings value from _id:
var taskid=566836bd8db43d3d56e23a4a;
I've tried every possible declaration of taskid to convert it so that the function could recognize the value of _id and match it:
var taskid= "ObjectId("+'"'+req.param('taskid')+'"'+")";
But till now, I am not able to match the _id with the taskid. Any fix?
if you are going to compare with ObjectId then
var ObjectId = require('mongoose').Types.ObjectId
collection.findOneAndDelete({email:email,_id:new ObjectId(taskid)},function (err, result) {
if (err) {
} else {
Should work for you.
If you feel the job too hard for each and every query then you can create an new method.
String.prototype.toObjectId = function() {
var ObjectId = (require('mongoose').Types.ObjectId);
return new ObjectId(this.toString());
// Every String can be casted in ObjectId now
