How to elegantly avoid "Ambiguous type variable" when using Haskell type classes - haskell

I want to write a simple framework that deals with persisting entities.
The idea is to have an Entity type class and to provide generic persistence operations like
storeEntity :: (Entity a) => a -> IO ()
retrieveEntity :: (Entity a) => Integer -> IO a
publishEntity :: (Entity a) => a -> IO ()
Actual data types are instance of that Entity type class.
Even though the persistence operations are generic and don't need any information about the concrete data types You have to provide a type annotation at the call site to make GHC happy, like in:
main = do
let user1 = User 1 "Thomas" "Meier" ""
storeEntity user1
user2 <- retrieveEntity 1 :: IO User -- how to avoid this type annotation?
publishEntity user2
Is there any way to avoid this kind of call site annotations?
I know that I don't need these annotations if the compiler can deduce the actual type from the context of the usage. So for example the following code works fine:
main = do
let user1 = User 1 "Thomas" "Meier" ""
storeEntity user1
user2 <- retrieveEntity 1
if user1 == user2
then publishEntity user2
else fail "retrieve of data failed"
But I would like to be able to chain the polymorphic actions like so:
main = do
let user1 = User 1 "Heinz" "Meier" ""
storeEntity user1
-- unfortunately the next line does not compile
retrieveEntity 1 >>= publishEntity
-- but with a type annotation it works:
(retrieveEntity 1 :: IO User) >>= publishEntity
But having a type annotation here breaks the elegance of the polymorphism...
For completeness sake I've included the full source code:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, DeriveAnyClass #-}
module Example where
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Aeson
-- | Entity type class
class (ToJSON e, FromJSON e, Eq e, Show e) => Entity e where
getId :: e -> Integer
-- | a user entity
data User = User {
userId :: Integer
, firstName :: String
, lastName :: String
, email :: String
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON)
instance Entity User where
getId = userId
-- | load persistent entity of type a and identified by id
retrieveEntity :: (Entity a) => Integer -> IO a
retrieveEntity id = do
-- compute file path based on id
let jsonFileName = getPath id
-- parse entity from JSON file
eitherEntity <- eitherDecodeFileStrict jsonFileName
case eitherEntity of
Left msg -> fail msg
Right e -> return e
-- | store persistent entity of type a to a json file
storeEntity :: (Entity a) => a -> IO ()
storeEntity entity = do
-- compute file path based on entity id
let jsonFileName = getPath (getId entity)
-- serialize entity as JSON and write to file
encodeFile jsonFileName entity
-- | compute path of data file based on id
getPath :: Integer -> String
getPath id = ".stack-work/" ++ show id ++ ".json"
publishEntity :: (Entity a) => a -> IO ()
publishEntity = print
main = do
let user1 = User 1 "Thomas" "Meier" ""
storeEntity user1
user2 <- retrieveEntity 1 :: IO User
print user2

You can tie the types of storeEntity and retrieveEntity together by adding a type-level tag to your entity's identifier Integer. I think your API design also has a small infelicity that isn't critical, but I'll fix it along the way anyway. Namely: Users shouldn't store their identifier. Instead have a single top-level type wrapper for identified things. This lets you write code once and for all that munges identifiers -- e.g. a function that takes an entity that doesn't yet have an ID (how would you even represent this with your definition of User?) and allocates a fresh ID for it -- without going back and modifying your Entity class and all its implementations. Also storing first and last names separately is wrong. So:
import Data.Tagged
data User = User
{ name :: String
, email :: String
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
type Identifier a = Tagged a Integer
data Identified a = Identified
{ ident :: Identifier a
, val :: a
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
Here my Identified User corresponds to your User, and my User doesn't have an analog in your version. The Entity class might look like this:
class Entity a where
store :: Identified a -> IO ()
retrieve :: Identifier a -> IO a
publish :: a -> IO () -- or maybe Identified a -> IO ()?
instance Entity User -- stub
As an example of the "write it once and for all" principle above, you may find it convenient for retrieve to actually associate the entity it returns with its identifier. This can be done uniformly for all entities now:
retrieveIDd :: Entity a => Identifier a -> IO (Identified a)
retrieveIDd id = Identified id <$> retrieve id
Now we can write an action that ties together the types of its store and retrieve actions:
storeRetrievePublish :: Entity a => Identified a -> IO ()
storeRetrievePublish e = do
store e
e' <- retrieve (ident e)
publish e'
Here ident e has rich enough type information that we know that e' must be an a, even though we don't have an explicit type signature for it. (The signature on storeRetrievePublish is also optional; the one given here is the one inferred by GHC.) Finishing touches:
main :: IO ()
main = storeRetrievePublish (Identified 1 (User "Thomas Meier" ""))
If you don't want to define storeRetrievePublish explicitly, you can get away with this:
main :: IO ()
main = do
let user = Identified 1 (User "Thomas Meier" "")
store user
user' <- retrieve (ident user)
publish user'
...but you can't unfold definitions much further: if you reduce ident user to just 1, you will have lost the tie between the type tag on the identifier used for store and for retrieve, and be back to your ambiguous type situation.


Safe Record field query

Is there a clean way to avoid the following boilerplate:
Given a Record data type definition....
data Value = A{ name::String } | B{ name::String } | C{}
write a function that safely returns name
getName :: Value -> Maybe String
getName A{ name=x } = Just x
getName B{ name=x } = Just x
getName C{} = Nothing
I know you can do this with Template Haskell, I am looking for a cleaner soln than that, perhaps a GHC extension or something else I've overlooked.
lens's Template Haskell helpers do the right thing when they encounter partial record fields.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens
data T = A { _name :: String }
| B { _name :: String }
| C
makeLenses ''T
This'll generate a Traversal' called name that selects the String inside the A and B constructors and does nothing in the C case.
ghci> :i name
name :: Traversal' T String -- Defined at test.hs:11:1
So we can use the ^? operator (which is a flipped synonym for preview) from Control.Lens.Fold to pull out Maybe the name.
getName :: T -> Maybe String
getName = (^? name)
You can also make Prism's for the constructors of your datatype, and choose the first one of those which matches using <|>. This version is useful when the fields of your constructors have different names, but you do have to remember to update your extractor function when you add constructors.
makePrisms ''T
getName' :: T -> Maybe String
getName' t = t^?_A <|> t^?_B
lens is pretty useful!
Why don't you use a GADT? I do not know if you are interested in using only records. But, I fell that GADTs provide a clean solution to your problem, since you can restrict what constructors are valid by refining types.
module Teste where
data Value a where
A :: String -> Value String
B :: String -> Value String
C :: Value ()
name :: Value String -> String
name (A s) = s
name (B s) = s
Notice that both A and B produce Value String values while C produces Value (). When you define function
name :: Value String -> String
it specifically says that you can only pass a value that has a string in it. So, you can only pattern match on A or B values. This is useful to avoid the need of Maybe in code.

Haskell get types of Data Constructor

I was wondering if given a constructor, such as:
data UserType = User
{ username :: String
, password :: String
} -- deriving whatever necessary
What the easiest way is for me to get something on the lines of [("username", String), ("password", String)], short of just manually writing it. Now for this specific example it is fine to just write it but for a complex database model with lots of different fields it would be pretty annoying.
So far I have looked through Typeable and Data but so far the closest thing I have found is:
user = User "admin" "pass"
constrFields (toConstr user)
But that doesn't tell me the types, it just returns ["username", "password"] and it also requires that I create an instance of User.
I just knocked out a function using Data.Typeable that lets you turn a constructor into a list of the TypeReps of its arguments. In conjunction with the constrFields you found you can zip them together to get your desired result:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Foo where
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Typeable.Internal(funTc)
getConsArguments c = go (typeOf c)
where go x = let (con, rest) = splitTyConApp x
in if con == funTc
then case rest of (c:cs:[]) -> c : go cs
_ -> error "arrows always take two arguments"
else []
given data Foo = Foo {a :: String, b :: Int} deriving Typeable, we get
*> getConsArguments Foo
As one would hope.
On how to get the field names without using a populated data type value itself, here is a solution:
constrFields . head . dataTypeConstrs $ dataTypeOf (undefined :: Foo)

Writing an OOP-style "setter" function in Haskell using record-syntax

I'm reading a tutorial on lenses and, in the introduction, the author motivates the lens concept by showing a few examples of how we might implement OOP-style "setter"/"getter" using standard Haskell. I'm confused by the following example.
Let's say we define a User algebraic data types as per Figure 1 (below). The tutorial states (correctly) that we can implement "setter" functionality via the NaiveLens data type and the nameLens function (also in Figure 1). An example usage is given in Figure 2.
I'm perplexed as to why we need such an elaborate construct (i.e., a NaiveLens datatype and a nameLens function) in order to implement "setter" functionality, when the following (somewhat obvious) function seems to do the job equally well: set' a s = s {name = a}.
HOWEVER, given that my "obvious" function is none other than the lambda function that's part of nameLens, I suspect there is indeed an advantage to using the construct below but that I'm too dense to see what that advantage is. Am hoping one of the Haskell wizards can help me understand.
Figure 1 (definitions):
data User = User { name :: String
, age :: Int
} deriving Show
data NaiveLens s a = NaiveLens { view :: s -> a
, set :: a -> s -> s
nameLens :: NaiveLens User String
nameLens = NaiveLens name (\a s -> s {name = a})
Figure 2 (example usage):
λ: let john = User {name="John",age=30}
john :: User
λ: set nameLens "Bob" john
User {name = "Bob", age = 30}
it :: User
The main advantage of lenses is that they compose, so they can be used for accessing and updating fields in nested records. Writing this sort of nested update manually using record update syntax gets tedious quite quickly.
Say you added an Email data type:
data Email = Email
{ _handle :: String
, _domain :: String
} deriving (Eq, Show)
handle :: NaiveLens Email String
handle = NaiveLens _handle (\h e -> e { _handle = h })
And added this as a field to your User type:
data User = User
{ _name :: String
, _age :: Int
, _userEmail :: Email
} deriving (Eq, Show)
email :: NaiveLens User Email
email = NaiveLens _userEmail (\e u -> u { _userEmail = e })
The real power of lenses comes from being able to compose them, but this is a bit of a tricky step. We would like some function that looks like
(...) :: NaiveLens s b -> NaiveLens b a -> NaiveLens s a
NaiveLens viewA setA ... NaiveLens viewB setB
= NaiveLens (viewB . viewA) (\c a -> setA (setB c (viewA a)) a)
For an explanation of how this was written, I'll defer to this post, where I shamelessly lifted it from. The resulting set field of this new lens can be thought of as taking a new value and a top-level record, looking up the lower record and setting its value to c, then setting that new record for the top-level record.
Now we have a convenient function for composing our lenses:
> let bob = User "Bob" 30 (Email "bob" "gmail")
> view (email...handle) bob
> set (email...handle) "NOTBOB" bob
User {_name = "Bob", _age = 30, _userEmail = Email {_handle = "NOTBOB", _domain = "gmail"}}
I've used ... as the composition operator here because I think it's rather easy to type and still is similar to the . operator. This now gives us a way to drill down into a structure, getting and setting values fairly arbitrarily. If we had a domain lens written similarly, we could get and set that value in much the same way. This is what makes it look like it's OOP member access, even when it's simply fancy function composition.
If you look at the lens library (my choice for lenses), you get some nice tools to automatically build the lenses for you using template haskell, and there's some extra stuff going on behind the scenes that lets you use the normal function composition operator . instead of a custom one.

Safe modelling of relational data in Haskell

I find it very common to want to model relational data in my functional programs. For example, when developing a web-site I may want to have the following data structure to store info about my users:
data User = User
{ name :: String
, birthDate :: Date
Next, I want to store data about the messages users post on my site:
data Message = Message
{ user :: User
, timestamp :: Date
, content :: String
There are multiple problems associated with this data structure:
We don't have any way of distinguishing users with similar names and birth dates.
The user data will be duplicated on serialisation/deserialisation
Comparing the users requires comparing their data which may be a costly operation.
Updates to the fields of User are fragile -- you can forget to update all the occurences of User in your data structure.
These problems are manageble while our data can be represented as a tree. For example, you can refactor like this:
data User = User
{ name :: String
, birthDate :: Date
, messages :: [(String, Date)] -- you get the idea
However, it is possible to have your data shaped as a DAG (imagine any many-to-many relation), or even as a general graph (OK, maybe not). In this case, I tend to simulate the relational database by storing my data in Maps:
newtype Id a = Id Integer
type Table a = Map (Id a) a
This kind of works, but is unsafe and ugly for multiple reasons:
You are just an Id constructor call away from nonsensical lookups.
On lookup you get Maybe a, but often the database structurally ensures that there is a value.
It is clumsy.
It is hard to ensure referential integrity of your data.
Managing indices (which are very much necessary for performance) and ensuring their integrity is even harder and clumsier.
Is there existing work on overcoming these problems?
It looks like Template Haskell could solve them (as it usually does), but I would like not to reinvent the wheel.
The ixset library (or ixset-typed, a more type-safe version) will help you with this. It's the library that backs the relational part of acid-state, which also handles versioned serialization of your data and/or concurrency guarantees, in case you need it.
The Happstack Book has an IxSet tutorial.
The thing about ixset is that it manages "keys" for your data entries automatically.
For your example, one would create one-to-many relationships for your data types like this:
data User =
{ name :: String
, birthDate :: Date
} deriving (Ord, Typeable)
data Message =
{ user :: User
, timestamp :: Date
, content :: String
} deriving (Ord, Typeable)
instance Indexable Message where
empty = ixSet [ ixGen (Proxy :: Proxy User) ]
You can then find the message of a particular user. If you have built up an IxSet like this:
user1 = User "John Doe" undefined
user2 = User "John Smith" undefined
messageSet =
foldr insert empty
[ Message user1 undefined "bla"
, Message user2 undefined "blu"
... you can then find messages by user1 with:
user1Messages = toList $ messageSet #= user1
If you need to find the user of a message, just use the user function like normal. This models a one-to-many relationship.
Now, for many-to-many relations, with a situation like this:
data User =
{ name :: String
, birthDate :: Date
, messages :: [Message]
} deriving (Ord, Typeable)
data Message =
{ users :: [User]
, timestamp :: Date
, content :: String
} deriving (Ord, Typeable)
... you create an index with ixFun, which can be used with lists of indexes. Like so:
instance Indexable Message where
empty = ixSet [ ixFun users ]
instance Indexable User where
empty = ixSet [ ixFun messages ]
To find all the messages by an user, you still use the same function:
user1Messages = toList $ messageSet #= user1
Additionally, provided that you have an index of users:
userSet =
foldr insert empty
[ User "John Doe" undefined [ messageFoo, messageBar ]
, User "John Smith" undefined [ messageBar ]
... you can find all the users for a message:
messageFooUsers = toList $ userSet #= messageFoo
If you don't want to have to update the users of a message or the messages of a user when adding a new user/message, you should instead create an intermediary data type that models the relation between users and messages, just like in SQL (and remove the users and messages fields):
data UserMessage = UserMessage { umUser :: User, umMessage :: Message }
instance Indexable UserMessage where
empty = ixSet [ ixGen (Proxy :: Proxy User), ixGen (Proxy :: Proxy Message) ]
Creating a set of these relations would then let you query for users by messages and messages for users without having to update anything.
The library has a very simple interface considering what it does!
EDIT: Regarding your "costly data that needs to be compared": ixset only compares the fields that you specify in your index (so to find all the messages by a user in the first example, it compares "the whole user").
You regulate which parts of the indexed field it compares by altering the Ord instance. So, if comparing users is costly for you, you can add an userId field and modify the instance Ord User to only compare this field, for example.
This can also be used to solve the chicken-and-egg problem: what if you have an id, but neither a User, nor a Message?
You could then simply create an explicit index for the id, find the user by that id (with userSet #= (12423 :: Id)) and then do the search.
IxSet is the ticket. To help others who might stumble on this post here's a more fully expressed example,
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, DeriveDataTypeable, TypeFamilies, TemplateHaskell #-}
module Main (main) where
import Data.Int
import Data.Data
import Data.IxSet
import Data.Typeable
-- use newtype for everything on which you want to query;
-- IxSet only distinguishes indexes by type
data User = User
{ userId :: UserId
, userName :: UserName }
deriving (Eq, Typeable, Show, Data)
newtype UserId = UserId Int64
deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Show, Data)
newtype UserName = UserName String
deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Show, Data)
-- define the indexes, each of a distinct type
instance Indexable User where
empty = ixSet
[ ixFun $ \ u -> [userId u]
, ixFun $ \ u -> [userName u]
-- this effectively defines userId as the PK
instance Ord User where
compare p q = compare (userId p) (userId q)
-- make a user set
userSet :: IxSet User
userSet = foldr insert empty $ fmap (\ (i,n) -> User (UserId i) (UserName n)) $
zip [1..] ["Bob", "Carol", "Ted", "Alice"]
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- Here, it's obvious why IxSet needs distinct types.
showMe "user 1" $ userSet #= (UserId 1)
showMe "user Carol" $ userSet #= (UserName "Carol")
showMe "users with ids > 2" $ userSet #> (UserId 2)
showMe :: (Show a, Ord a) => String -> IxSet a -> IO ()
showMe msg items = do
putStr $ "-- " ++ msg
let xs = toList items
putStrLn $ " [" ++ (show $ length xs) ++ "]"
sequence_ $ fmap (putStrLn . show) xs
I've been asked to write an answer using Opaleye. In fact there's not an awful lot to say, as the Opaleye code is fairly standard once you have a database schema. Anyway, here it is, assuming there is a user_table with columns user_id, name and birthdate, and a message_table with columns user_id, time_stamp and content.
This sort of design is explained in more detail in the Opaleye Basic Tutorial.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
import Opaleye
import Data.Profunctor.Product (p2, p3)
import Data.Profunctor.Product.TH (makeAdaptorAndInstance)
import Control.Arrow (returnA)
data UserId a = UserId { unUserId :: a }
$(makeAdaptorAndInstance "pUserId" ''UserId)
data User' a b c = User { userId :: a
, name :: b
, birthDate :: c }
$(makeAdaptorAndInstance "pUser" ''User')
type User = User' (UserId (Column PGInt4))
(Column PGText)
(Column PGDate)
data Message' a b c = Message { user :: a
, timestamp :: b
, content :: c }
$(makeAdaptorAndInstance "pMessage" ''Message')
type Message = Message' (UserId (Column PGInt4))
(Column PGDate)
(Column PGText)
userTable :: Table User User
userTable = Table "user_table" (pUser User
{ userId = pUserId (UserId (required "user_id"))
, name = required "name"
, birthDate = required "birthdate" })
messageTable :: Table Message Message
messageTable = Table "message_table" (pMessage Message
{ user = pUserId (UserId (required "user_id"))
, timestamp = required "timestamp"
, content = required "content" })
An example query which joins the user table to the message table on the user_id field:
usersJoinMessages :: Query (User, Message)
usersJoinMessages = proc () -> do
aUser <- queryTable userTable -< ()
aMessage <- queryTable messageTable -< ()
restrict -< unUserId (userId aUser) .== unUserId (user aMessage)
returnA -< (aUser, aMessage)
Another radically different approach to representing relational data is used by the database package haskelldb. It doesn't work quite like the types you describe in your example, but it is designed to allow a type-safe interface to SQL queries. It has tools for generating data types from a database schema and vice versa. Data types such as the ones you describe work well if you always want to work with whole rows. But they don't work in situations where you want to optimize your queries by only selecting certain columns. This is where the HaskellDB approach can be useful.
I don't have a complete solution, but I suggest taking a look at the ixset package; it provides a set type with an arbitrary number of indices that lookups can be performed with. (It's intended to be used with acid-state for persistence.)
You do still need to manually maintain a "primary key" for each table, but you could make it significantly easier in a few ways:
Adding a type parameter to Id, so that, for instance, a User contains an Id User rather than just an Id. This ensures you don't mix up Ids for separate types.
Making the Id type abstract, and offering a safe interface to generating new ones in some context (like a State monad that keeps track of the relevant IxSet and the current highest Id).
Writing wrapper functions that let you, for example, supply a User where an Id User is expected in queries, and that enforce invariants (for example, if every Message holds a key to a valid User, it could allow you to look up the corresponding User without handling a Maybe value; the "unsafety" is contained within this helper function).
As an additional note, you don't actually need a tree structure for regular data types to work, since they can represent arbitrary graphs; however, this makes simple operations like updating a user's name impossible.

Is there a Haskell equivalent of OOP's abstract classes, using algebraic data types or polymorphism?

In Haskell, is it possible to write a function with a signature that can accept two different (although similar) data types, and operate differently depending on what type is passed in?
An example might make my question clearer. If I have a function named myFunction, and two types named MyTypeA and MyTypeB, can I define myFunction so that it can only accept data of type MyTypeA or MyTypeB as its first parameter?
type MyTypeA = (Int, Int, Char, Char)
type MyTypeB = ([Int], [Char])
myFunction :: MyTypeA_or_MyTypeB -> Char
myFunction constrainedToTypeA = something
myFunction constrainedToTypeB = somethingElse
In an OOP language, you could write what I'm trying to achieve like so:
public abstract class ConstrainedType {
public class MyTypeA extends ConstrainedType {
...various members...
public class MyTypeB extends ConstrainedType {
...various members...
public Char myFunction(ConstrainedType a) {
if (a TypeOf MyTypeA) {
return doStuffA();
else if (a TypeOf MyTypeB) {
return doStuffB();
I've been reading about algebraic data types and I think I need to define a Haskell type, but I'm not sure how to go about defining it so that it can store one type or another, and also how I use it in my own functions.
Yes, you are correct, you are looking for algebraic data types. There is a great tutorial on them at Learn You a Haskell.
For the record, the concept of an abstract class from OOP actually has three different translations into Haskell, and ADTs are just one. Here is a quick overview of the techniques.
Algebraic Data Types
Algebraic data types encode the pattern of an abstract class whose subclasses are known, and where functions check which particular instance the object is a member of by down-casting.
abstract class IntBox { }
class Empty : IntBox { }
class Full : IntBox {
int inside;
Full(int inside) { this.inside = inside; }
int Get(IntBox a) {
if (a is Empty) { return 0; }
if (a is Full) { return ((Full)a).inside; }
error("IntBox not of expected type");
Translates into:
data IntBox = Empty | Full Int
get :: IntBox -> Int
get Empty = 0
get (Full x) = x
Record of functions
This style does not allow down-casting, so the Get function above would not be expressible in this style. So here is something completely different.
abstract class Animal {
abstract string CatchPhrase();
virtual void Speak() { print(CatchPhrase()); }
class Cat : Animal {
override string CatchPhrase() { return "Meow"; }
class Dog : Animal {
override string CatchPhrase() { return "Woof"; }
override void Speak() { print("Rowwrlrw"); }
Its translation in Haskell doesn't map types into types. Animal is the only type, and Dog and Cat are squashed away into their constructor functions:
data Animal = Animal {
catchPhrase :: String,
speak :: IO ()
protoAnimal :: Animal
protoAnimal = Animal {
speak = putStrLn (catchPhrase protoAnimal)
cat :: Animal
cat = protoAnimal { catchPhrase = "Meow" }
dog :: Animal
dog = protoAnimal { catchPhrase = "Woof", speak = putStrLn "Rowwrlrw" }
There are a few different permutations of this basic concept. The invariant is that the abstract type is a record type where the methods are the fields of the record.
EDIT: There is a good discussion in the comments on some of the subtleties of this approach, including a bug in the above code.
This is my least favorite encoding of OO ideas. It is comfortable to OO programmers because it uses familiar words and maps types to types. But the record of functions approach above tends to be easier to work with when things get complicated.
I'll encode the Animal example again:
class Animal a where
catchPhrase :: a -> String
speak :: a -> IO ()
speak a = putStrLn (catchPhrase a)
data Cat = Cat
instance Animal Cat where
catchPhrase Cat = "Meow"
data Dog = Dog
instance Animal Dog where
catchPhrase Dog = "Woof"
speak Dog = putStrLn "Rowwrlrw"
This looks nice, doesn't it? The difficulty comes when you realize that even though it looks like OO, it doesn't really work like OO. You might want to have a list of Animals, but the best you can do right now is Animal a => [a], a list of homogeneous animals, eg. a list of only Cats or only Dogs. Then you need to make this wrapper type:
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
data AnyAnimal = forall a. Animal a => AnyAnimal a
instance Animal AnyAnimal where
catchPhrase (AnyAnimal a) = catchPhrase a
speak (AnyAnimal a) = speak a
And then [AnyAnimal] is what you want for your list of animals. However, it turns out that AnyAnimal exposes exactly the same information about itself as the Animal record in the second example, we've just gone about it in a roundabout way. Thus why I don't consider typeclasses to be a very good encoding of OO.
And thus concludes this week's edition of Way Too Much Information!
It sounds like you might want to read up on typeclasses.
Consider this example using TypeClasses.
We define a c++-like "abstract class" MVC based on three types (note MultiParamTypeClasses): tState tAction tReaction in order to
define a key function tState -> tAction -> (tState, tReaction) (when an action is applied to the state, you get a new state and a reaction.
The typeclass has
three "c++ abstract" functions, and some more defined on the "abstract" ones. The "abstract" functions will be defined when and instance MVC is needed.
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class MVC tState tAction tReaction | tState -> tAction tReaction where
changeState :: tState -> tAction -> tState -- get a new state given the current state and an action ("abstract")
whatReaction :: tState -> tReaction -- get the reaction given a new state ("abstract")
view :: (tState, tReaction) -> IO () -- show a state and reaction pair ("abstract")
-- get a new state and a reaction given an state and an action (defined using previous functions)
runModel :: tState -> tAction -> (tState, tReaction)
runModel s a = let
ns = (changeState s a)
r = (whatReaction ns)
in (ns, r)
-- get a new state given the current state and an action, calling 'view' in the middle (defined using previous functions)
run :: tState -> tAction -> IO tState
run s a = do
let (s', r) = runModel s a
view (s', r)
return s'
-- get a new state given the current state and a function 'getAction' that provides actions from "the user" (defined using previous functions)
control :: tState -> IO (Maybe tAction) -> IO tState
control s getAction = do
ma <- getAction
case ma of
Nothing -> return s
Just a -> do
ns <- run s a
control ns getAction
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- concrete instance for MVC, where
-- tState=Int tAction=Char ('u' 'd') tReaction=Char ('z' 'p' 'n')
-- Define here the "abstract" functions
instance MVC Int Char Char where
changeState i c
| c == 'u' = i+1 -- up: add 1 to state
| c == 'd' = i-1 -- down: add -1 to state
| otherwise = i -- no change in state
whatReaction i
| i == 0 = 'z' -- reaction is zero if state is 0
| i < 0 = 'n' -- reaction is negative if state < 0
| otherwise = 'p' -- reaction is positive if state > 0
view (s, r) = do
putStrLn $ "view: state=" ++ (show s) ++ " reaction=" ++ (show r) ++ "\n"
-- define here the function "asking the user"
getAChar :: IO (Maybe Char) -- return (Just a char) or Nothing when 'x' (exit) is typed
getAChar = do
putStrLn "?"
str <- getLine
putStrLn ""
let c = str !! 0
case c of
'x' -> return Nothing
_ -> return (Just c)
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- call 'control' giving the initial state and the "input from the user" function
finalState = control 0 getAChar :: IO Int
main = do
s <- finalState
print s
