Is there a Haskell equivalent of OOP's abstract classes, using algebraic data types or polymorphism? - haskell

In Haskell, is it possible to write a function with a signature that can accept two different (although similar) data types, and operate differently depending on what type is passed in?
An example might make my question clearer. If I have a function named myFunction, and two types named MyTypeA and MyTypeB, can I define myFunction so that it can only accept data of type MyTypeA or MyTypeB as its first parameter?
type MyTypeA = (Int, Int, Char, Char)
type MyTypeB = ([Int], [Char])
myFunction :: MyTypeA_or_MyTypeB -> Char
myFunction constrainedToTypeA = something
myFunction constrainedToTypeB = somethingElse
In an OOP language, you could write what I'm trying to achieve like so:
public abstract class ConstrainedType {
public class MyTypeA extends ConstrainedType {
...various members...
public class MyTypeB extends ConstrainedType {
...various members...
public Char myFunction(ConstrainedType a) {
if (a TypeOf MyTypeA) {
return doStuffA();
else if (a TypeOf MyTypeB) {
return doStuffB();
I've been reading about algebraic data types and I think I need to define a Haskell type, but I'm not sure how to go about defining it so that it can store one type or another, and also how I use it in my own functions.

Yes, you are correct, you are looking for algebraic data types. There is a great tutorial on them at Learn You a Haskell.
For the record, the concept of an abstract class from OOP actually has three different translations into Haskell, and ADTs are just one. Here is a quick overview of the techniques.
Algebraic Data Types
Algebraic data types encode the pattern of an abstract class whose subclasses are known, and where functions check which particular instance the object is a member of by down-casting.
abstract class IntBox { }
class Empty : IntBox { }
class Full : IntBox {
int inside;
Full(int inside) { this.inside = inside; }
int Get(IntBox a) {
if (a is Empty) { return 0; }
if (a is Full) { return ((Full)a).inside; }
error("IntBox not of expected type");
Translates into:
data IntBox = Empty | Full Int
get :: IntBox -> Int
get Empty = 0
get (Full x) = x
Record of functions
This style does not allow down-casting, so the Get function above would not be expressible in this style. So here is something completely different.
abstract class Animal {
abstract string CatchPhrase();
virtual void Speak() { print(CatchPhrase()); }
class Cat : Animal {
override string CatchPhrase() { return "Meow"; }
class Dog : Animal {
override string CatchPhrase() { return "Woof"; }
override void Speak() { print("Rowwrlrw"); }
Its translation in Haskell doesn't map types into types. Animal is the only type, and Dog and Cat are squashed away into their constructor functions:
data Animal = Animal {
catchPhrase :: String,
speak :: IO ()
protoAnimal :: Animal
protoAnimal = Animal {
speak = putStrLn (catchPhrase protoAnimal)
cat :: Animal
cat = protoAnimal { catchPhrase = "Meow" }
dog :: Animal
dog = protoAnimal { catchPhrase = "Woof", speak = putStrLn "Rowwrlrw" }
There are a few different permutations of this basic concept. The invariant is that the abstract type is a record type where the methods are the fields of the record.
EDIT: There is a good discussion in the comments on some of the subtleties of this approach, including a bug in the above code.
This is my least favorite encoding of OO ideas. It is comfortable to OO programmers because it uses familiar words and maps types to types. But the record of functions approach above tends to be easier to work with when things get complicated.
I'll encode the Animal example again:
class Animal a where
catchPhrase :: a -> String
speak :: a -> IO ()
speak a = putStrLn (catchPhrase a)
data Cat = Cat
instance Animal Cat where
catchPhrase Cat = "Meow"
data Dog = Dog
instance Animal Dog where
catchPhrase Dog = "Woof"
speak Dog = putStrLn "Rowwrlrw"
This looks nice, doesn't it? The difficulty comes when you realize that even though it looks like OO, it doesn't really work like OO. You might want to have a list of Animals, but the best you can do right now is Animal a => [a], a list of homogeneous animals, eg. a list of only Cats or only Dogs. Then you need to make this wrapper type:
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
data AnyAnimal = forall a. Animal a => AnyAnimal a
instance Animal AnyAnimal where
catchPhrase (AnyAnimal a) = catchPhrase a
speak (AnyAnimal a) = speak a
And then [AnyAnimal] is what you want for your list of animals. However, it turns out that AnyAnimal exposes exactly the same information about itself as the Animal record in the second example, we've just gone about it in a roundabout way. Thus why I don't consider typeclasses to be a very good encoding of OO.
And thus concludes this week's edition of Way Too Much Information!

It sounds like you might want to read up on typeclasses.

Consider this example using TypeClasses.
We define a c++-like "abstract class" MVC based on three types (note MultiParamTypeClasses): tState tAction tReaction in order to
define a key function tState -> tAction -> (tState, tReaction) (when an action is applied to the state, you get a new state and a reaction.
The typeclass has
three "c++ abstract" functions, and some more defined on the "abstract" ones. The "abstract" functions will be defined when and instance MVC is needed.
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class MVC tState tAction tReaction | tState -> tAction tReaction where
changeState :: tState -> tAction -> tState -- get a new state given the current state and an action ("abstract")
whatReaction :: tState -> tReaction -- get the reaction given a new state ("abstract")
view :: (tState, tReaction) -> IO () -- show a state and reaction pair ("abstract")
-- get a new state and a reaction given an state and an action (defined using previous functions)
runModel :: tState -> tAction -> (tState, tReaction)
runModel s a = let
ns = (changeState s a)
r = (whatReaction ns)
in (ns, r)
-- get a new state given the current state and an action, calling 'view' in the middle (defined using previous functions)
run :: tState -> tAction -> IO tState
run s a = do
let (s', r) = runModel s a
view (s', r)
return s'
-- get a new state given the current state and a function 'getAction' that provides actions from "the user" (defined using previous functions)
control :: tState -> IO (Maybe tAction) -> IO tState
control s getAction = do
ma <- getAction
case ma of
Nothing -> return s
Just a -> do
ns <- run s a
control ns getAction
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- concrete instance for MVC, where
-- tState=Int tAction=Char ('u' 'd') tReaction=Char ('z' 'p' 'n')
-- Define here the "abstract" functions
instance MVC Int Char Char where
changeState i c
| c == 'u' = i+1 -- up: add 1 to state
| c == 'd' = i-1 -- down: add -1 to state
| otherwise = i -- no change in state
whatReaction i
| i == 0 = 'z' -- reaction is zero if state is 0
| i < 0 = 'n' -- reaction is negative if state < 0
| otherwise = 'p' -- reaction is positive if state > 0
view (s, r) = do
putStrLn $ "view: state=" ++ (show s) ++ " reaction=" ++ (show r) ++ "\n"
-- define here the function "asking the user"
getAChar :: IO (Maybe Char) -- return (Just a char) or Nothing when 'x' (exit) is typed
getAChar = do
putStrLn "?"
str <- getLine
putStrLn ""
let c = str !! 0
case c of
'x' -> return Nothing
_ -> return (Just c)
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- call 'control' giving the initial state and the "input from the user" function
finalState = control 0 getAChar :: IO Int
main = do
s <- finalState
print s


Extract from Except

I have this situation:
import Control.Monad.Except
data Foo = Foo { i :: Int }
data Bar = Bar { i :: Int , v: Char }
emptyFoo = Foo 0
emptyBar = Bar 0 'N'
extractF :: (Except String Foo) -> Foo
extractF ex = either (const emptyFoo) id (runExcept ex)
extractB :: (Except String Bar) -> Bar
extractB ex = either (const emptyBar) id (runExcept ex)
Is there a way to generalise the extract functions above in one only like:
myfoo = extract someFooInstanceWrappedInException
mybar = extract someBarInstanceWrappedInException
You could declare a class that provides the defaults
-- Note: consider using Data.Default instead of creating your own class.
class Default a where
def :: a
instance Default Foo where
def = Foo 0
instance Default Bar where
def = Bar 0 'N'
extract :: Default a => Except String a -> a
extract ex = either (const def) id (runExcept ex)
Since Except e is an instance of Foldable, you can define Monoid instances for your types and use fold :: (Foldable f, Monoid m) => f m -> m.
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
import Data.Monoid
newtype Foo = Foo { getFoo :: Sum Int } deriving Monoid
extractFoo :: Except e Foo -> Foo
extractFoo = fold
I don't know what your types mean, exactly, so I just gave an example using Sum. The correct semantics for the Monoid instance would be domain-specific (and your types may not even be valid Monoids). But the idea is that mempty would be your default value; since Except e m contains either zero or one ms, fold will plug in the default value if it's empty.

What does GADT offer that cannot be done with OOP and generics?

Are GADTs in functional languages equivalent to traditional OOP + generics, or there is a scenario where there are correctness constrants easily enforced by GADT but hard or impossible to achieve using Java or C#?
For example, this "well-typed interpreter" Haskell program:
data Expr a where
N :: Int -> Expr Int
Suc :: Expr Int -> Expr Int
IsZero :: Expr Int -> Expr Bool
Or :: Expr Bool -> Expr Bool -> Expr Bool
eval :: Expr a -> a
eval (N n) = n
eval (Suc e) = 1 + eval e
eval (IsZero e) = 0 == eval e
eval (Or a b) = eval a || eval b
can be written equivalently in Java using generics and appropriate implementation of each subclass, though much more verbose:
interface Expr<T> {
public <T> T eval();
class N extends Expr<Integer> {
private Integer n;
public N(Integer m) {
n = m;
#Override public Integer eval() {
return n;
class Suc extends Expr<Integer> {
private Expr<Integer> prev;
public Suc(Expr<Integer> aprev) {
prev = aprev;
#Override public Integer eval() {
return 1 + prev.eval()
/** And so on ... */
OOP classes are open, GADTs are closed (like plain ADTs).
Here, "open" means you can always add more subclasses later, hence the compiler can not assume to have access to all the subclasses of a given class. (There are a few exceptions, e.g. Java's final which however prevents any subclassing, and Scala's sealed classes). Instead, ADTs are "closed" in the sense you can not add further constructors later on, and the compiler knows that (and can exploit it to check e.g. exhaustiveness). For more information, see the "expression problem".
Consider the following code:
data A a where
A1 :: Char -> A Char
A2 :: Int -> A Int
data B b where
B1 :: Char -> B Char
B2 :: String -> B String
foo :: A t -> B t -> Char
foo (A1 x) (B1 y) = max x y
The above code relies on Char being the only type t for which one can produce both A t and B t. GADTs, being closed, can ensure that. If we tried to mimick this using OOP classes we fail:
class A1 extends A<Char> ...
class A2 extends A<Int> ...
class B1 extends B<Char> ...
class B2 extends B<String> ...
<T> Char foo(A<T> a, B<T> b) {
// ??
Here I think we can not implement the same thing unless resorting to unsafe type operations like type casts. (Moreover, these in Java don't even consider the parameter T because of type erasure.) We might think of adding some generic method to A or B to allow this, but this would force us to implement said method for Int and/or String as well.
In this specific case, one might simply resort to a non generic function:
Char foo(A<Char> a, B<Char> b) // ...
or, equivalently, to adding a non generic method to those classes.
However, the types shared between A and B might be a larger set than the singleton Char. Worse, classes are open, so the set can get larger as soon as one adds a new subclass.
Also, even if you have a variable of type A<Char> you still do not know if that's a A1 or not, and because of that you can not access A1's fields except by using a type cast. The type cast here would be safe only because the programmer knows there's no other subclass of A<Char>. In the general case, this might be false, e.g.
data A a where
A1 :: Char -> A Char
A2 :: t -> t -> A t
Here A<Char> must be a superclass of both A1 and A2<Char>.
#gsg asks in a comment about equality witnesses. Consider
data Teq a b where
Teq :: Teq t t
foo :: Teq a b -> a -> b
foo Teq x = x
trans :: Teq a b -> Teq b c -> Teq a c
trans Teq Teq = Teq
This can be translated as
interface Teq<A,B> {
public B foo(A x);
public <C> Teq<A,C> trans(Teq<B,C> x);
class Teq1<A> implements Teq<A,A> {
public A foo(A x) { return x; }
public <C> Teq<A,C> trans(Teq<A,C> x) { return x; }
The code above declares an interface for all the type pairs A,B, which is then implemented only in the case A=B (implements Teq<A,A>) by the class Teq1.
The interface requires a conversion function foo from A to B, and a "transitivity proof" trans, which given this of type Teq<A,B> and
an x of type Teq<B,C> can produce an object Teq<A,C>. This is the Java analogous of the Haskell code using GADTs right above.
The class can not be safely implemented when A/=B, as far as I can see: it would require either returning nulls or cheating with non termination.
Generics do not provide type equality constraints. Without them you need to rely on downcasts, i.e., lose type safety. Moreover, certain dispatch – in particular, the visitor pattern – cannot be implemented safely and with the proper interface for generics resembling GADTs. See this paper, investigating the very question:
Generalized Algebraic Data Types and Object-Oriented Programming
Andrew Kennedy, Claudio Russo. OOPSLA 2005.

How can I read the metadata of a type at runtime?

I'd like to write a program that prints out some metadata of a Haskell type. Although I know this isn't valid code, the idea is something like:
data Person = Person { name :: String, age :: Int }
metadata :: Type -> String
metadata t = ???
metadata Person -- returns "Person (name,age)"
The important restriction being I don't have an instance of Person, just the type.
I've started looking into Generics & Typeable/Data, but without an instance I'm not sure they'll do what I need. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Reflection in Haskell works using the Typeable class, which is defined in Data.Typeable and includes the typeOf* method to get a run-time representation of a value's type.
ghci> :m +Data.Typeable
ghci> :t typeOf 'a'
typeOf 'a' :: TypeRep
ghci> typeOf 'a' -- We could use any value of type Char and get the same result
Char -- the `Show` instance of `TypeRep` just returns the name of the type
If you want Typeable to work for your own types, you can have the compiler generate an instance for you with the DeriveDataTypeable extension.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
import Data.Typeable
data Person = Person { name :: String, age :: Int } deriving Typeable
You can also write your own instance, but really, no one has the time for that. Apparently you can't - see the comments
You can now use typeOf to grab a run-time representation of your type. We can query information about the type constructor (abbreviated to TyCon) and its type arguments:
-- (undefined :: Person) stands for "some value of type Person".
-- If you have a real Person you can use that too.
-- typeOf does not use the value, only the type
-- (which is known at compile-time; typeOf is dispatched using the normal instance selection rules)
ghci> typeOf (undefined :: Person)
ghci> tyConName $ typeRepTyCon $ typeOf (undefined :: Person)
ghci> tyConModule $ typeRepTyCon $ typeOf (undefined :: Person)
Data.Typeable also provides a type-safe cast operation which allows you to branch on a value's runtime type, somewhat like C#'s as operator.
f :: Typeable a => a -> String
f x = case (cast x :: Maybe Int) of
Just i -> "I can treat i as an int in this branch " ++ show (i * i)
Nothing -> case (cast x :: Maybe Bool) of
Just b -> "I can treat b as a bool in this branch " ++ if b then "yes" else "no"
Nothing -> "x was of some type other than Int or Bool"
ghci> f True
"I can treat b as a bool in this branch yes"
ghci> f (3 :: Int)
"I can treat i as an int in this branch 9"
Incidentally, a nicer way to write f is to use a GADT enumerating the set of types you expect your function to be called with. This allows us to lose the Maybe (f can never fail!), does a better job of documenting our assumptions, and gives compile-time feedback when we need to change the set of admissible argument types for f. (You can write a class to make Admissible implicit if you like.)
data Admissible a where
AdInt :: Admissible Int
AdBool :: Admissible Bool
f :: Admissible a -> a -> String
f AdInt i = "I can treat i as an int in this branch " ++ show (i * i)
f AdBool b = "I can treat b as a bool in this branch " ++ if b then "yes" else "no"
In reality I probably wouldn't do either of these - I'd just stick f in a class and define instances for Int and Bool.
If you want run-time information about the right-hand side of a type definition, you need to use the entertainingly-named Data.Data, which defines a subclass of Typeable called Data.** GHC can derive Data for you too, with the same extension:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Data
data Person = Person { name :: String, age :: Int } deriving (Typeable, Data)
Now we can grab a run-time representation of the values of a type, not just the type itself:
ghci> dataTypeOf (undefined :: Person)
DataType {tycon = "Main.Person", datarep = AlgRep [Person]}
ghci> dataTypeConstrs $ dataTypeOf (undefined :: Person)
[Person] -- Person only defines one constructor, called Person
ghci> constrFields $ head $ dataTypeConstrs $ dataTypeOf (undefined :: Person)
Data.Data is the API for generic programming; if you ever hear people talking about "Scrap Your Boilerplate", this (along with Data.Generics, which builds on Data.Data) is what they mean. For example, you can write a function which converts record types to JSON using reflection on the type's fields.
toJSON :: Data a => a -> String
-- Implementation omitted because it is boring.
-- But you only have to write the boring code once,
-- and it'll be able to serialise any instance of `Data`.
-- It's a good exercise to try to write this function yourself!
* In recent versions of GHC, this API has changed somewhat. Consult the docs.
** Yes, the fully-qualified name of that class is Data.Data.Data.

What is a clean way to call a function using several Getters from Control.Lens.

Given some data structure with lenses defined, for example:
import Control.Lens
data Thing =
Thing {
_a :: String
, _b :: String
, _c :: Int
, _d :: Int
makeLenses ''Thing
And given some function that I want to call using several getters, for example:
fun :: Int -> String -> Int -> String -> Bool
fun = undefined
At the moment, I end up with a lot of ugliness with parens to access each field, for example:
thing = Thing "hello" "there" 5 1
answer = fun (thing^.c) (thing^.a) (thing^.d) (thing^.b)
Given the conciseness of the lens library in most other situations I was hoping for something a little more elegant, but I can't find any combinators that will help this specific case.
Since any lens could be used in either the viewing or the setting "mode", we'll need to at least specify view X for each lens X. But for any lens l :: Lens' a b, view l has a type like a -> b if you translate some of the MonadReader noise.
We can thus get rid of some of the repetition using the Applicative instance for ((->) a).
thing & fun <$> view c <*> view a <*> view d <*> view b

Can you pattern match constructors on a type class constrained parameter?

See code example below. It won't compile. I had thought that maybe it's because it has to have a single type for the first parameter in the test function. But that doesn't make sense because if I don't pattern match on it so it will compile, I can call it with both MyObj11 5 and MyObj21 5 which are two different types.
So what is it that restricts so you can't pattern match on constructors with a type class constrained parameter? Or is there some mechanism by which you can?
class SomeClass a where toString :: a -> String
instance SomeClass MyType1 where toString v = "MyType1"
instance SomeClass MyType2 where toString v = "MyType2"
data MyType1 = MyObj11 Int | MyObj12 Int Int
data MyType2 = MyObj21 Int | MyObj22 Int Int
test :: SomeClass a => a -> String
test (MyObj11 x) = "11"
test (MyObj12 x y) = "12" -- Error here if remove 3rd line: rigid type bound error
test (MyObj22 x y) = "22" -- Error here about not match MyType1.
what is it that restricts so you can't pattern match on constructors with a type class constrained parameter?
When you pattern match on an explicit constructor, you commit to a specific data type representation. This data type is not shared among all instances of the class, and so it is simply not possible to write a function that works for all instances in this way.
Instead, you need to associate the different behaviors your want with each instance, like so:
class C a where
toString :: a -> String
draw :: a -> String
instance C MyType1 where
toString v = "MyType1"
draw (MyObj11 x) = "11"
draw (MyObj12 x y) = "12"
instance C MyType2 where
toString v = "MyType2"
draw (MyObj22 x y) = "22"
data MyType1 = MyObj11 Int | MyObj12 Int Int
data MyType2 = MyObj21 Int | MyObj22 Int Int
test :: C a => a -> String
test x = draw x
The branches of your original test function are now distributed amongst the instances.
Some alternative tricks involve using class-associated data types (where you prove to the compiler that a data type is shared amongst all instances), or view patterns (which let you generalize pattern matching).
View patterns
We can use view patterns to clean up the connection between pattern matching and type class instances, a little, allowing us to approximate pattern matching across instances by pattern matching on a shared type.
Here's an example, where we write one function, with two cases, that lets us pattern match against anything in the class.
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
class C a where
view :: a -> View
data View = One Int
| Two Int Int
data MyType1 = MyObj11 Int | MyObj12 Int Int
instance C MyType1 where
view (MyObj11 n) = One n
view (MyObj12 n m) = Two n m
data MyType2 = MyObj21 Int | MyObj22 Int Int
instance C MyType2 where
view (MyObj21 n) = One n
view (MyObj22 n m) = Two n m
test :: C a => a -> String
test (view -> One n) = "One " ++ show n
test (view -> Two n m) = "Two " ++ show n ++ show m
Note how the -> syntax lets us call back to the right view function in each instance, looking up a custom data type encoding per-type, in order to pattern match on it.
The design challenge is to come up with a view type that captures all the behavior variants you're interested in.
In your original question, you wanted every constructor to have a different behavior, so there's actually no reason to use a view type (dispatching directly to that behavior in each instance already works well enough).
