How to migrate a web server and app server to azure? - azure

If I have a 3-tier application on-premises and the three tiers are as follows: Web Server, App server, and DB server. Can I migrate the web and app server to Azure app services? or will I've to deploy the app server on another Azure service?

For an easy migration you could use an Azure Web App to host the sites you currently run with your on-premise Web Server.
Assuming your App Server should expose an API and is written in either .NET, PHP, Node.js, Java, or Python - you can deploy it using an Azure API App.
If you talking about SQL Server, use Azure SQL Database (Read SQL Server database migration to Azure SQL Database for potential limitations.
You can also consider to containerize your application and deploy it to Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS)


Azure Logic App - Access SQL Server running in Azure VM

My client has a SQL Server instance installed on an Azure VM.
I am building an Azure Logic App and the end result is to write to this SQL Server instance.
To connect to this SQL Server instance running on the Azure VM do I need to treat it the same way I would as an on-prem SQL Server and install the gateway softwaare, or is there a better way since the VM is in Azure?
You shouldn't need to use a gateway. A gateway is mainly used for securing the data connection from a cloud service to an on-prem datbase, since the traffic goes over the public internet.
With the DB on an Azure VM, you can deploy your logic app into an integrated service environment. This keeps the traffic between logic app and DB on the private VNET. See the documentation on ISEs here.

Is it possible to use MQ Client with a web app installed in an Azure App Service?

We have a web app running on Windows Server but we need to migrate it to an Azure App Service.
Our web app uses MQ Client service to connect with certain transaction services, but it is not possible to install other services on the Azure App Service except for the web app.
Is there a way to use MQ Client in Azure?
Thank you very much for your time!
Is there a way to use MQ Client in Azure?
As Azure WebApp is a sandbox. Install MQ client is not supported on the Azure WebApp service.
If Azure VM is acceptable, I recommand that you could use Azure VM to instead of Azure WebApp service in your case.

Azure SQL Server Database

We use SQL Sever as a Service in Azure cloud. Created WEB API and hosted on Azure Cloud under WEB APP. we are able to read from the DB using our WEB API, but unable to Write into DB using WEB API. any clue ? thanks

microsoft azure hosted database and firewalls

I am doing mobile development on Xcode and using hosted database from Microsoft Azure.
I noticed there is firewall settings on Microsoft Azure in order to add clients.
How will this work when the mobile app is deployed? Should all ports be opened on the database? Or do I need to use Web Services?
How will this work when the mobile app is deployed? Should all ports
be opened on the database? Or do I need to use Web Services?
You should definitely NOT open all ports and direct connectivity to the database from mobile apps is strongly discouraged.
Recommended way would be to use some kind of service layer sitting between your mobile app and the database. All the requests from the app should go to this service layer which will perform database operations. This service layer could be deployed as Azure Mobile App Service, Azure API App Service or a Web API hosted in Azure Web Apps Service.

MongoDB on Azure Web APP

I'm running nodejs application via Azure Web App. How do I set up MongoDB on Web App service?
You need to provision MongoDB yourself and have your Web App work against it.
Azure doesn't have a native MongoDB service but you can:
Use Azure's DocumentDB with the Mongo driver compatibility
Use the MongoDB VM image from the marketplace (this is IaaS).
Use mLab which is a 3rd party hosted solution but can be bought from Azure
