Setting Typescript --module compiler option in WebEssentials? - visual-studio-2012

I am unable to install Typescript on Vis Studio 2012. It says it's installed, but there's no Add-in or Extension. Luckily, Web Essentials will compile Typescript. These are very nice products.
I want to generate a Typescript external module (for AMD) but there's no place to set the --module option. Web Essentials has options, but they're all True/False. And since the VSIX doesn't install I have no Build rules to modify.
If I add a Typescript 'export' I get:
TS5037: Cannot compile external modules unless the '--module' flag is provided.
Is there someplace I can control Web Essentials compiler options from?? For that matter, I can't ever find documentation on compiler options.

Tools - options - webessentials - typescript - module : amd
Having said that I rely on grunt to do my compilation :


which cmake will Android plugin use?

With Android Studio 3.3 I use native (C++) library, which I built with CMake. The Android plugin (v. 3.2.1) will choose the 'builtin' or 'external' cmake, depending on the configuration of externalNativeBuild, as documented at
I want to add an extra custom task (install) that should use the same cmake version as the Android Plugin. But even with the 'builtin' cmake, it's not clear what the path is. I can find android.sdkDirectory, but even there I have today sdk\cmake\3.6.4111459 and sdk\cmake\, and for some strange reason, some of my projects choose 3.6, while others use 3.10. This contradicts the official the release notes for Android Studio that "Gradle still uses version 3.6.0 by default", but well…
How can I decide which to use, without reimplementing the Android Plugin's obscure logic?
One workaround that may help, parse the first line of the generated file .externalNativeBuild/cmake/debug/armeabi-v7a/cmake_build_command.txt:
Executable : C:\local\Android\sdk\cmake\\bin\cmake.exe
This still needs some adjustments, because the later versions of build tools will use .cxx instead of .externalNativeBuild; the build variant names may be different too.
Android Studio will pick up the latest CMake version under sdk\cmake, but you can configure your particular version from
externalNativeBuild {
cmake {
version "cmake-version"
And specify our custom CMake director as below inside
Or, you can choose NOT to upgrade your CMake from SDK Manager (just to delete the sdk\cmake\<version to delete> folder will be fine) so that you can stick to the CMake version your project is comfortable with.

Auto using typescript compiler in Netbeans

I would like to use Netbeans for NodeJS development with Typescript, so when I run a .ts file from Netbeans, it should automatically compile with typescript compiler and then should run the compiled .js file with nodeJS, but I cannot make it work.
I don't have a TypeScript context menu as lot of webpages says, where I should check the 'compile on save' option.
I'm using Netbeans 8.2 on Windows 10, NetBeans TypeScript Editor plugin (3.0.1) is installed in Netbeans, nodeJS 8.12.0 is installed, typescript also installed.
Everything seems to work manually (I can call tsc on .ts file, which compiles then I can call node on the compiled .js file which runs the code; netbeans plugin also works: it gives me proper warning in .ts files), I just would like to automate the typescript compilation process.
This will not work at the moment in the typescript plugin (v3.0.1) for Netbeans created by #Everlaw
Only *.ts and tsconfig.json files are indexed for the compileOnSave option
I've created an issue at github:
It might get solved in a future version. Otherwise only option is change the java code and compile yourself.

How to build GhostScript from source for WinRT?

I need the GhostScript 32-bit dll (gsdll32.dll) built to be compatible with Windows Runtime.
According GS's documentation, you can build the dll, from the source files, for WinRT apps.
See header 8.3.
Since I had no idea what I was getting myself into, I opened up the Ghostscript-winrt solution and tried to build it, and as you can imagine it outputted errors
The doc specifies how to build using Microsoft Visual Studio command line. But it's not very clear to the user who isn't experienced with nmake. For example,
The normal installation process for Microsoft Visual C++ includes setting the location of the Microsoft Visual C++ executables (cl.exe, link.exe, nmake.exe, rc.exe) in your PATH definition and the LIB and INCLUDE environment variables are set to point to the Microsoft Visual C++ directories. If this is true then the value for DEVSTUDIO can be changed to empty. I.e. DEVSTUDIO=
I don't know where these three environment variables are. I've the code thats called when I tried to build it:
nmake -f psi\msvc32.mak SBR=1 DEVSTUDIO= METRO=1 debug && nmake -f psi\msvc32.mak DEVSTUDIO= METRO=1 debugbsc
Any ideas based on the output what I need to set here?

Error on installing karma test runner

When I trying to install karma on windows 7. I am getting following message
MSBUILD : error MSB3428: Could not load the Visual C++ component "VCBuild.exe".
To fix this, 1) install the .NET Framework 2.0 SDK, 2) install Microsoft Visua
l Studio 2005 or 3) add the location of the component to the system path if it
is installed elsewhere. [C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\karma\
I installed .NET Framework 2.0 Software Development Kit (SDK) (x86) . still getting same error
Here's the Karma owner's (Vojta Jina) comment on the issue:
this is just optional compilation of native module to speed things up.
Even without native module it will still work.
In any case, not a Karma issue, so closing. If you want to compile
native modules, use linux/mac ;-)
Btw. regarding your getting the same error even after SDK install, possibly VCBuild.exe and/or C++ compiler is not added to path.

How to install MSVCR90D.DLL

How do I install MSVCR90D.DLL? I have a small test DLL(debug mode) that I created a setup project. In my setup project, I included merge modules & policy for vc90_debugcrt_x86.msm, etc. When I install the DLL on my VM, dependency walker still reports that MSVCR90D.DLL cannot be found?
Thanks in advance.
See here.
Preparing a Test Machine To Run a
Debug Executable
Microsoft does not officially support deploying debug runtimes outside of dev/test environments but you can make it work if you need to. Sounds like this is a vanilla test environment installation, though.
Just copy the MSVCR90D.DLL file into the same directory as your own dll. Then both your dll and dependency walker will find the MSVCR90D.DLL file.
You may need a couple of other files like msvcp90d.dll or msvcm90d.dll but dependency walker knows if you need them for your purposes.
MSVCR90D.DLL is the debug version of the Visual Studio Runtime Libraries. Normally, if you're deploying that code, you would build it in Release mode and also provide/install the Visual Studio Runtime Redistributable. As far as I know, the only way to obtain the debug dlls are through a Visual Studio install.
The py2exe utility that converts Python scripts into executable Windows programs seems to have a similar problem here. Maybe the section "Bundling the C runtime DLL" helps you to find the solution.
