If I generate a site with nuxt, specifying router.base in nuxt.config.js then host it in an IIS server, all works as expected if the requested URL path starts with the specified router.base exactly.
Say, for example router.base = "/Foo/" and the page is named "Bar" then http://example.com/Foo/Bar loads just fine. So does http://example.com/Foo/bar, so it does not appear that page names are case sensitive.
However, if I use a different case for the router.base portion of the URL, then the page loads, but it appears that page lifecycle methods (such as data(), created(), head(), etc.) do not run, although the layout mounted() method does load. This would happen if I were to use a URL like http://example.com/foo/Bar in the previous example.
So my question is... is there a way to run page lifecycle methods when the case of the URL path differs from the router.base value?
This doesn't really fix the issue, but it seems one can redirect the page early in the loading process to a page with a path that starts with the router.base exactly. So in /layouts/default.vue, I now have:
export default {
mounted () {
let escapeRegExp = function(string) {
return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&')
if (this.$route.fullPath.indexOf(this.$router.options.base) == -1 &&
this.$route.fullPath.toLocaleLowerCase().indexOf(this.$router.options.base.toLowerCase()) == 0) {
let base = this.$router.options.base
let regex = new RegExp("(//[^/]+)"+escapeRegExp(base),"i")
let newLoc = document.location.href.replace(regex,"$1"+base)
if (newLoc != document.location.href) {
Global documents with a custom URL scheme?
I have a need to cache info via a URL, with a custom scheme - non file:; to allow user access, and otherwise treat such URLs as global so any access via its URL sees the same data. It's just a fancy way to access user defaults.
I'm relying on a document controller's document(url:) to find such URL if its document exits - previously opened.
And yet it doesn't?
Consider this in app's did finish launching:
do {
let ibm = URL.init(string: "https://www.ibm.com")!
let doc = try docController.makeDocument(withContentsOf: ibm, ofType: "myType")
assert((doc == docController.document(for: ibm)), "created document is not found?")
} catch let error {
The assert fires!
So I pause and try to figure what I'm doing wrong.
Essentially I'm trying to support non-file: info, in a flat namespace, to provide consistent access and content.
Probably not an answer - why such URL schemes aren't being found but a working solution is to cache anything, front the search method with such a cache, but doing so creates a maintenance issue:
#objc dynamic var docCache = [URL:NSDocument]()
override var documents: [NSDocument] {
let appDocuments = Array(Set([Array(docCache.values),super.documents].reduce([], +)))
return appDocuments
override func document(for url: URL) -> NSDocument? {
if let document = super.document(for: url) {
docCache[url] = document
return document
if let document = docCache[url] {
return document
return nil
I am attempting to switch from RouteConfig to Routing Attributes.
I am following along the Pro ASP.NET MVC 5 book from Adam Freeman and I'm trying to convert the following code that handles the paging of clients.
name: null,
url: "{controller}/Page{page}",
defaults: new { action = "Index", status = (string)null },
constraints: new { page = #"\d+" }
This works great! As I go to different URLs, the links look very nice
http://localhost:65534/Client - Default page
http://localhost:65534/Client/Page2 - Second page
Now I've decided to try out Url Attributes and having a bit of problems when it comes to how 'pretty' the links are. All of the links are working fine, but it's the 'routing rewriting' that I am trying to fix.
Here are the important parts of my controller.
public class ClientController : Controller {
public ActionResult Index(string sortOrder, string search = null, int page = 1) {
With the attribute above the Index, going to /Client or to /Client/Page gives me a 404.
Adding a blank route to catch the default page
Works for /Client and /Client/Page3, but now the rewriting of the URL is messed up. Clicking on page 3 of the pager gives me a URL of
which is not what I want. Changing the routing to
Works almost 100%, but the default link for /Client is now
So, I am now asking for help. How can I correctly convert the original MapRoute to the attributes?
Just use:
[Route("", Order = 1)]
[Route("Page{page:int}", Order = 2)]
Plainly and simply, the routing framework is dumb. It doesn't make decisions about which route is the most appropriate, it merely finds a matching route and returns. If you do something like:
Url.Action("Index", "Client", new { page = 1 })
You're expecting the generated URL to be /Client/Page1, but since you have a route where page is essentially optional, it always will choose that route and append anything it can't stuff into the URL as a querystring, i.e. /Client?page=1. The only way to get around this is to actually name the route you want and use that named route to generate the URL. For example:
[Route("", Order = 1)]
[Route("Page{page:int}", Name = "ClientWithPage", Order = 2)]
And then:
Url.RouteUrl("ClientWithPage", new { page = 1 })
Then, you'll get the route you expect because you're directly referencing it.
I'm not sure what you mean by "go into PagedList.MVC and add a name property to it". It doesn't require any core changes to the code because PagedList already has support for custom page links. Just change your pager code to something like:
#Html.PagedListPager((IPagedList)ViewBag.OnePageOfItems, page => Url.RouteUrl("ClientWithPage", new { page = page }))
And you'll get the URL style you want. Attribute routing can be a bit more finicky than traditional routing, but I'd hardly call it useless. It's far more flexible than traditional routing, but that flexibility has some costs.
I just upgrade MvcSiteMapProvider from v3 to v4.6.3.
I see the upgrade note indicate:
In general, any reference to System.Web.SiteMap.Provider will need to be updated to MvcSiteMapProvider.SiteMaps.Current
I am trying to get the sitemap node by using:
But it always return null
I looked into the code. In the sitemap it's actually calling the function:
protected virtual ISiteMapNode FindSiteMapNodeFromUrlMatch(IUrlKey urlToMatch)
if (this.urlTable.ContainsKey(urlToMatch))
return this.urlTable[urlToMatch];
return null;
It's trying to find a match in the urlTable.
I am using Default implementation of XmlSiteMapProvider .
It define var url = node.GetAttributeValue("url");
siteMapNode.Url = url;
siteMapNode.UrlResolver = node.GetAttributeValue("urlResolver");
So if I did not define url or urlResolver attribute in the .sitemap file. These variables a set to empty string, when generate the node.
And when this nodes are passed to AddNode function in SiteMap.
When adding the node
bool isMvcUrl = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.UnresolvedUrl) && this.UsesDefaultUrlResolver(node);
this code will check if there is url or urlResolver
// Only store URLs if they are clickable and are configured using the Url
// property or provided by a custom URL resolver.
if (!isMvcUrl && node.Clickable)
url = this.siteMapChildStateFactory.CreateUrlKey(node);
// Check for duplicates (including matching or empty host names).
if (this.urlTable
.Where(k => string.Equals(k.Key.RootRelativeUrl, url.RootRelativeUrl, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
.Where(k => string.IsNullOrEmpty(k.Key.HostName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(url.HostName) || string.Equals(k.Key.HostName, url.HostName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
.Count() > 0)
var absoluteUrl = this.urlPath.ResolveUrl(node.UnresolvedUrl, string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Protocol) ? Uri.UriSchemeHttp : node.Protocol, node.HostName);
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(Resources.Messages.MultipleNodesWithIdenticalUrl, absoluteUrl));
// Add the URL
if (url != null)
this.urlTable[url] = node;
Finally no url is add to the urlTable, which result in FindSiteMapNode cannot find anything.
I am not sure if there needs to be specific configuration. Or should I implement custom XmlSiteMapProvider just add the url.
ISiteMapNodeProvider instances cannot use the FindSiteMapNode function for 2 reasons. The first you have already discovered is that finding by URL can only be done if you set the url attribute explicitly in the node configuration. The second reason is that the SiteMapBuilder doesn't add any of the nodes to the SiteMap until all of the ISiteMapNodeProvider instances have completed running, so it would be moot to add the URL to the URL table anyway.
It might help if you explain what you are trying to accomplish.
The ISiteMapNodeProvider classes have complete control over the data that is added to the SiteMapNode instances and they also have access to their parent SiteMapNode instance. This is generally all that is needed in order to populate the data. Looking up another SiteMapNode from the SiteMap object while populating the data is not supported. But as long as the node you are interested in is populated in the same ISiteMapNodeProvider instance, you can just get a reference to it later by storing it in a variable.
Okay, I reread your question and your comment and it now just seems like you are looking in the wrong place. MvcSiteMapProvider v4 is no longer based on Microsoft's SiteMap provider model, so using XmlSiteMapProvider doesn't make sense, as it would sidestep the entire implementation. The only case where this might make sense is if you have a hybrid ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC application that you want to keep a consitant menu structure between. See Upgrading from v3 to v4.
There are 2 stages to working with the data. The first stage (the ISiteMapBuilder and ISiteMapNodeProvider) loads the data from various sources (XML, .NET attributes, DynamicNodeProviders, and custom implementations of ISiteMapNodeProvider) and adds it to an object graph that starts at the SiteMap object. Much like Microsoft's model, this data is stored in a shared cache and only loaded when the cache expires. This is the stage you have been focusing on and it definitely doesn't make sense to lookup nodes here.
The second stage is when an individual request is made to access the data. This is where looking up data based on a URL might make sense, but there is already a built-in CurrentNode property that finds the node matching the current URL (or more likely the current route since we are dealing with MVC) which in most cases is the best approach to finding a node. Each node has a ParentNode and ChildNodes properties that can be used to walk up or down the tree from there.
In this second stage, you can access the SiteMap data at any point after the Application_Start event such as within a controller action, in one of the built in HTML helpers, an HTML helper template in the /Views/Shared/DisplayTemplates/ directory, or a custom HTML helper. This is the point in the application life cycle which you might call the lines SiteMaps.Current.FindSiteMapNode(rawUrl) or (more likely) SiteMaps.Current.CurrentNode to get an instance of the node so you can inspect its Attributes property (the custom attributes).
public ActionResult About()
ViewBag.Message = "Your app description page.";
var currentNode = MvcSiteMapProvider.SiteMaps.Current.CurrentNode;
string permission = currentNode.Attributes.ContainsKey("permission") ? currentNode.Attributes["permission"].ToString() : string.Empty;
string programs = currentNode.Attributes.ContainsKey("programs") ? currentNode.Attributes["programs"].ToString() : string.Empty;
string agencies = currentNode.Attributes.ContainsKey("agencies") ? currentNode.Attributes["agencies"].ToString() : string.Empty;
// Do something with the custom attributes of the About page here
return View();
The most common usage of custom attributes is to use them from within a custom HTML helper template. Here is a custom version of the /Views/Shared/DisplayTemplates/SiteMapNodeModel.cshtml template that displays the custom attributes. Note that this template is called recursively by the Menu, SiteMapPath, and SiteMap HTML helpers. Have a look at this answer for more help if HTML helper customization is what you intend to do.
#model MvcSiteMapProvider.Web.Html.Models.SiteMapNodeModel
#using System.Web.Mvc.Html
#using MvcSiteMapProvider.Web.Html.Models
#if (Model.IsCurrentNode && Model.SourceMetadata["HtmlHelper"].ToString() != "MvcSiteMapProvider.Web.Html.MenuHelper") {
} else if (Model.IsClickable) {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.Description))
} else {
#string permission = Model.Attributes.ContainsKey("permission") ? Model.Attributes["permission"].ToString() : string.Empty
#string programs = Model.Attributes.ContainsKey("programs") ? Model.Attributes["programs"].ToString() : string.Empty
#string agencies = Model.Attributes.ContainsKey("agencies") ? Model.Attributes["agencies"].ToString() : string.Empty
I'm looking for an example of how to run a custom page template for a single url in drupal 6, would be nice to have a preprocess function too.
I used the following code in a recent Drupal 6 project; it requires entries into the template.php file which resides in the root of your theme folder. Simply drop the template page you create into the root of your theme folder, and you're off. {:¬)
You may have this function specified in your template.php file already; in which case, you'd probably have to refactor to add this. Here's the function in full:
function yourThemeName_preprocess_page(&$vars) {
if (isset($vars['node'])) {
$node = $vars['node'];
$vars['template_files'] = array();
switch ($node->nid) {
case '17': /* to override a specific node ID */
$vars['template_files'][] = 'page-my-page-name';
default: /* to override a content type */
switch ($node->type) {
case 'page':
$vars['template_files'][] = 'page-normal-page';
case 'my_own_content_type':
$vars['template_files'][] = 'page-my-own-content-type';
/* take no action */
Where I've specified 'page-my-page-name', note that Drupal (or rather, PHPTemplate) will add the '.tpl.php' part automatically.
This enables you to override by node ID first (more specific), and then more generally by content type, e.g. story or page. To add more overrides, just add more cases in the right place.
Hope this helps.
Humm, you might have to use the Module Panels3 and create a landing page. You can override every element of that page (even outside content area)
This should be a very simple question, but I'm finding it surprisingly hard to find an answer.
I'm creating custom pages using hook_menu that have both static content and dynamic aspects, (mainly from sql queries and views embeds etc...). My question is, how does drupal's cache system treat these custom pages?
I'm concerned because as the traffic ramps up on some occasions, I feel like I need some kind of caching control over the display of these pages, but at this point, I have no idea if they're automatically being cached, or if I need to somehow specify to drupal that I do indeed want them cached.
Just to clarify, these pages are not admin pages, but are accessible by anyone.
The result of a menu callback is cached only when the menu callback returns the output; when the menu callback prints the output, it's not cached.
The code execute to bootstrap Drupal when a page is requested is the following:
require_once './includes/bootstrap.inc';
$return = menu_execute_active_handler();
// Menu status constants are integers; page content is a string.
if (is_int($return)) {
switch ($return) {
elseif (isset($return)) {
// Print any value (including an empty string) except NULL or undefined:
print theme('page', $return);
drupal_page_footer() is the function that caches the result.
function drupal_page_footer() {
if (variable_get('cache', CACHE_DISABLED) != CACHE_DISABLED) {
page_set_cache() is the function that does the real work.
function page_set_cache() {
global $user, $base_root;
if (!$user->uid && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET' && page_get_cache(TRUE)) {
// This will fail in some cases, see page_get_cache() for the explanation.
if ($data = ob_get_contents()) {
if (variable_get('page_compression', TRUE) && extension_loaded('zlib')) {
$data = gzencode($data, 9, FORCE_GZIP);
cache_set($base_root . request_uri(), $data, 'cache_page', CACHE_TEMPORARY, drupal_get_headers());
The content is compressed (if the zlib is enabled), and saved in the cache.
If you want the cache the output of a custom menu callback, then you just need to return the output, instead of printing it directly.
function mymodule_callback() {
// …
return $output;
Instead of caching the output of the page, you can cache the data the module used to build its output. If, in example, the output data is obtained with an SQL query, you can cache the result of the query.