Not able to see the Azure Microsoft.classiccompute provider to register - azure

I am using the CSP subscription. I need to create a cloud service within the azure portal. But it gave me an red line saying that the "subscription not allowed to register Microsoft.classiccompute".
Is this because its using the CSP subscription ? Is there any workaround ?
I tried to find the "provider to register" to my subscription but cannot be found in the list to register it.
How do we possibly include the provider to my subscription or is it that CSP subscription is not allowed to register?
Do I have to use a Non CSP subscription.? Please help

Azure CSP supports only the Azure Resource Manager model, the cloud service Microsoft.classiccompute is classic deployment model, you need to use another subscription, refer to this link.
For example, because Azure CSP supports only the Azure Resource Manager model, non-Azure Resource Manager services are not available in the program.


Can we assign Azure Blueprint to a resource or a resource group

We may assign Roles, Policies, ARM templates and Resource groups to users via Azure Blueprints during deployments at organization's scope or to one or more subscriptions. But can we do the vice-versa. I mean can a VNET or VM be assigned to interact with some other user via Azure Blueprints.
This is a deployment question raised by my management. We currently are searching for an answer.
Each Published Version of an Azure Blueprint can be assigned only to an existing management group or subscription.
For more information read here.

For Azure API Management - Consumption SKU does it support integration with Azure DevOps through Service Principles

I have attempted to connect a service principle through azure devops using powershell scripts to deploy apis and manage updates on Azure APIM (Consumption SKU) and I get authorization failures. I have checked the service principle and the permissions associated with the resource group for the apim and everything appears to be correct. I am able to do this using the Developer SKU of the Azure APIM without issue but I am wondering if this is a limitation of the Consumption SKU
Use powershell to connect service principle is related to Azure AD authentication. But you can refer to this tutorial, it shows us APIM in Consumption SKU doesn't support Azure AD integration.
Found the issue was a malformed resource group name in the url posted. Resolved that and the Azure DevOps integration worked as expected.

Need help creating a Azure Bot service

Click Create new resource link found on the upper left-hand corner of the Azure portal, then select AI + Machine Learning > Web App bot. After filling all the details, I get an error message stating 'the service id is not available' and the create button disappears.
Sign out and re-login to the Azure portal and then re-try the operation has mentioned in the below article
Make sure you have enough amount in your Azure subscription (or) your subscription is Active.Like(changing "consumption plan" to "app service plan.)
However Azure Portal is a simple GUI to create any resources easily. But it doesn't mean to stop you from using other ways like Azure CLI, Powershell, ARM templates, Other SDK's
Azure CLI to create a WebApp Bot
Dot Net SDK to create a WebApp Bot
Node.js SDK to create a webApp Bot
Additional information: After you've registered your client with Azure, you need to create the Web App. Be sure to use the following in the body:kind "webapp"
location Geographic location used to create the bot service resources. For example, eastus, westus, westus2, and so on.
You won't be able to test this due to Azure subscription limitations.
This error is because the service name has already been assigned within Azure. That name must be unique across all Azure services, not only the ones in your group or resource groups. This is a common error new comers may experience.

Migrating blobs from Classic subscription to v6 subscription

I wantd to know whether there is a way to migrate the storage blobs from Classic subscription to V6 subscription on Azure as we can do for the VMs.
Thank you.
Do you mean you want to move classic azure storage to a new subscription as an ARM resource? At currently, Azure storage services is supported to move to a new resources or a new subscription. We could find this information at this article. In that article, we could find that there will be some limitations for moving classic deployment to a new subscription. Here is a snippet of that article:
All classic resources in the subscription must be moved in the same
The target subscription must not contain any other classic
The move can only be requested through a separate REST API for
classic moves. The standard Resource Manager move commands do not work when moving classic resources to a new subscription.
It also provide detailed steps about how to move Classic Compute to a new subscription. If you want to move classic storage. Please try to use "ClassicStorage" instead of "ClassicCompute"
We could find the provider in Azure resource portal. for example. I want to move "jaml" to a new subscription. I search "jaml" in Azure resource portal. then I will find below information:

Managing Azure Cloud Services as part of a Resource Group

I have several App Services, and storage accounts set up in Azure. We have a Resource Group, which is a handy way to bundle together all the services and storage - for example, for tracking billing (other teams use the same subscription).
Now, I want to add a new Cloud Service, and have it included in the Resource Group. But then I see the Cloud Service listed at the same level as Resource Groups, which makes no sense.
Is it possible to include Cloud Services inside a Resource Groups, along with our App Services - and if not, what's the rationale?
Currently azure cloud services( web roles and worker roles) are not part of the Azure resource manager feature. Hence you cannot add a cloud service to a resource group. This is a requested feature in the azure feedback portal. You can go add your comments and cast your vote.
