Convert AutoQuery query string to SqlExpression - servicestack

I am trying to re-create AutoQuery queries outside of a service request. I am doing this because I give user option to save a request and then use that data elsewhere. I save the query string data so I am trying to create a query from the saved query string.
I need 2 things.
1) query that returns the complete data not limited by default autoquery page size
2) query that returns the count
I tried making the query like this:
IAutoQueryDb _autoQuery = HostContext.TryResolve<IAutoQueryDb>();
var dto = new MyQueryDbClass();
Dictionary<string, string> pars = GetParameters();
var query = _autoQuery.CreateQuery(dto, pars);
The problem with this is that the query generated has the table name of the response object and not the actual table so it doesn't work. Also I am unable to call ToCountSatement() on it. It is also limited by my default page size.
Is there a way to convert the AutoQuery query string to a SqlExpression so I can execute it and also get count statement?

The CreateQuery() API returns a populated SqlExpression<Table> similar to what would have been created if manually constructing the query yourself, e.g:
SqlExpression<Table> query = _autoQuery.CreateQuery(dto, pars);
To clear the paging info you can call .Limit() without arguments which will clear any populated Offset/Rows values:
The Custom AutoQuery Implementations docs shows an example of AutoQuery executes the query behind the scenes, e.g. you can get the total with:
var total = Db.Count(query);


Spring data jpa pagination can edit count query?

I have Big data my mysql in some table (10000000)
Pageable setPage = PageRequest.of(form.getCurrentPage(),
So. When i call the Query like this.
Page<Entity> getList = repo.findall(setPage );
and mysql show findall query's call time is very short under 5sec.
But the page api has call
select count(column) fomr table;
this query call time during 15sec over
could i change or edit count query?
You can define your own method and annotated it with#Query.
This allows you to provide a custom countQuery or to return a Slice which doesn't use a count query at all.

GUIDEWIRE : How to display the the query builder result in UI?

I am using query builder to return number of search result from the database table. Now I would like to display the result in the UI by only first three rows. How can I achieve this?
QueryAPI is lazy, when .toList(), .toTypedArray(), .toCollection(), .where(), etc occurs all resultset is retrieved (eager).
I recommend you to use this:
var limit = 3
var rs = Query.make(entity.XXX)
var paginatedRS =,limit)
setPageSize method specifies how many rows will be fetch "by page"
limit method make a new iterator that have only the first (limit) rows

Casting Strint to integer in liferay dynamic query

I have been using dynamic query for a project.
Here is an scenario for which I am facing problem.
For a table xyz the column version is stored as varchar (I know it's a poor design, but it's too late to change now) and has values as 9,12.
For the query :
select max(version)
from xyz
where something = 'abc';
I am getting the output as 9 instead of 12.
The dynamic query for the same is:
ClassLoader classLoader = PortletBeanLocatorUtil.getBeanLocator(ClpSerializer.getServletContextName()).getClassLoader();
DynamicQuery dynamicQuery = DynamicQueryFactoryUtil.forClass(xyz.class, classLoader);
List<Object> list = xyzLocalServiceUtil.dynamicQuery(dynamicQuery);
The query which is giving the correct value is :
select max(cast(version as signed))
from xyz
where something = 'abc';
Now, I want it to be in the dynamic query, how can I do that?
I am using liferay-6.2-ce
Try using ProjectionFactoryUtil.sqlProjection method.
That method allows using functions that are executed by SQL engine.
For example, I am using following code in order to get the max length of a string column called 'content':
Projection maxSizeProjection = ProjectionFactoryUtil.sqlProjection(
"max(length(content)) as maxSize", new String[] {"maxSize"},
new Type[] {Type.BIG_DECIMAL});
The same thing can be done with dynamic query criterions using RestrictionsFactoryUtil.sqlRestriction in case you want to use a SQL function in a condition.
In your case try following code:
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.ProjectionFactoryUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Type;
Projection maxSizeProjection = ProjectionFactoryUtil.sqlProjection(
"max(cast(version as signed)) as maxVersion",
new String[] {"maxVersion"}, new Type[] {Type.BIG_DECIMAL});

Raw results from ServiceStack.OrmLite query

I'm wondering if there's a way to get "raw" results from a OrmLite query in ServiceStack.
I'll explain... I know I can use:
var results = Db.SqlList<MyModel>("SELECT * FROM TableName");
passing the model of my output results, but if I don't know it?
Can I get "raw" results without know the types of the data I'm reading?
Thank you
Have a look at the support of Dynamic Result sets in OrmLite.
Where you can access an un-typed schema with a List<object>, e.g:
var results = Db.SqlList<List<object>>("SELECT * FROM TableName");
Or if you want the column names as well you can use:
var results = db.Select<Dictionary<string,object>>("SELECT * ...");
OrmLite also has a version of Dapper embedded if you prefer to access the results using dynamic instead, e.g:
IEnumerable<dynamic> results = db.Query("SELECT * FROM TableName");

Sorting DAM asset and Cq page based on last modified

I am trying to perform a freetext search on all the Cq:Page and dam:Asset with the ordering being the last modified.
I have created the Query for search which is as below:
Now I need to sort the results based on last modified. But since cq:Page has property jcr:content/cq:lastModified and dam:Asset has property jcr:content/jcr:lastModified, I am unable to figure out which property should i use in the orderby field of predicate. Is there any way to form a predicate which uses different property values for pages and assets during sorting. Please let me know if we can achieve this in a single query.
This can be done by creating a custom AbstractPredicateEvaluator and overriding the getOrderByComparator with your own comparator. Then you would register your custom predicate evaluator for your Query by calling registerPredicateEvaluator.
In the example below, you can use whatever you'd like for the customSort.sortby property. This can be useful if your comparator handles multiple types of sorting. You can get this information from the predicate via predicate.get("sortby").
QueryBuilder builder = resourceResolver.adaptTo(QueryBuilder.class);
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
params.put("1_group", "true");
params.put("1_group.1_type", "cq:Page");
params.put("1_group.2_type", "dam:Asset");
params.put("2_group.p.or", "true");
params.put("2_group.1_path", "/content");
params.put("2_group.2_path", "/content/dam");
params.put("fulltext", text);
params.put("p.limit", "-1");
params.put("customSort.sortby", "last-modified");
PredicateGroup pg = PredicateGroup.create(params);
Query query = builder.createQuery(pg, resourceResolver.adaptTo(Session.class));
query.registerPredicateEvaluator("customSort", new CustomSortPredicateEvaluator());
SearchResult result = query.getResult();
there is no way since they are differenet type (cq:lastModified & jcr:lastModified), Even you use SQL2 like this (SELECT p.* FROM [nt:base] AS p WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE(p, '/content') AND ( p.[jcr:primaryType]='dam:Asset' OR p.[jcr:primaryType]='cq:Page')) there no way to use ORDER BY.
Have to use Java code for sorting.
Keep your Query, get QueryResult to List and do Comparator Sort
