Sorting DAM asset and Cq page based on last modified - search

I am trying to perform a freetext search on all the Cq:Page and dam:Asset with the ordering being the last modified.
I have created the Query for search which is as below:
Now I need to sort the results based on last modified. But since cq:Page has property jcr:content/cq:lastModified and dam:Asset has property jcr:content/jcr:lastModified, I am unable to figure out which property should i use in the orderby field of predicate. Is there any way to form a predicate which uses different property values for pages and assets during sorting. Please let me know if we can achieve this in a single query.

This can be done by creating a custom AbstractPredicateEvaluator and overriding the getOrderByComparator with your own comparator. Then you would register your custom predicate evaluator for your Query by calling registerPredicateEvaluator.
In the example below, you can use whatever you'd like for the customSort.sortby property. This can be useful if your comparator handles multiple types of sorting. You can get this information from the predicate via predicate.get("sortby").
QueryBuilder builder = resourceResolver.adaptTo(QueryBuilder.class);
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
params.put("1_group", "true");
params.put("1_group.1_type", "cq:Page");
params.put("1_group.2_type", "dam:Asset");
params.put("2_group.p.or", "true");
params.put("2_group.1_path", "/content");
params.put("2_group.2_path", "/content/dam");
params.put("fulltext", text);
params.put("p.limit", "-1");
params.put("customSort.sortby", "last-modified");
PredicateGroup pg = PredicateGroup.create(params);
Query query = builder.createQuery(pg, resourceResolver.adaptTo(Session.class));
query.registerPredicateEvaluator("customSort", new CustomSortPredicateEvaluator());
SearchResult result = query.getResult();

there is no way since they are differenet type (cq:lastModified & jcr:lastModified), Even you use SQL2 like this (SELECT p.* FROM [nt:base] AS p WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE(p, '/content') AND ( p.[jcr:primaryType]='dam:Asset' OR p.[jcr:primaryType]='cq:Page')) there no way to use ORDER BY.
Have to use Java code for sorting.
Keep your Query, get QueryResult to List and do Comparator Sort


Convert AutoQuery query string to SqlExpression

I am trying to re-create AutoQuery queries outside of a service request. I am doing this because I give user option to save a request and then use that data elsewhere. I save the query string data so I am trying to create a query from the saved query string.
I need 2 things.
1) query that returns the complete data not limited by default autoquery page size
2) query that returns the count
I tried making the query like this:
IAutoQueryDb _autoQuery = HostContext.TryResolve<IAutoQueryDb>();
var dto = new MyQueryDbClass();
Dictionary<string, string> pars = GetParameters();
var query = _autoQuery.CreateQuery(dto, pars);
The problem with this is that the query generated has the table name of the response object and not the actual table so it doesn't work. Also I am unable to call ToCountSatement() on it. It is also limited by my default page size.
Is there a way to convert the AutoQuery query string to a SqlExpression so I can execute it and also get count statement?
The CreateQuery() API returns a populated SqlExpression<Table> similar to what would have been created if manually constructing the query yourself, e.g:
SqlExpression<Table> query = _autoQuery.CreateQuery(dto, pars);
To clear the paging info you can call .Limit() without arguments which will clear any populated Offset/Rows values:
The Custom AutoQuery Implementations docs shows an example of AutoQuery executes the query behind the scenes, e.g. you can get the total with:
var total = Db.Count(query);

Casting Strint to integer in liferay dynamic query

I have been using dynamic query for a project.
Here is an scenario for which I am facing problem.
For a table xyz the column version is stored as varchar (I know it's a poor design, but it's too late to change now) and has values as 9,12.
For the query :
select max(version)
from xyz
where something = 'abc';
I am getting the output as 9 instead of 12.
The dynamic query for the same is:
ClassLoader classLoader = PortletBeanLocatorUtil.getBeanLocator(ClpSerializer.getServletContextName()).getClassLoader();
DynamicQuery dynamicQuery = DynamicQueryFactoryUtil.forClass(xyz.class, classLoader);
List<Object> list = xyzLocalServiceUtil.dynamicQuery(dynamicQuery);
The query which is giving the correct value is :
select max(cast(version as signed))
from xyz
where something = 'abc';
Now, I want it to be in the dynamic query, how can I do that?
I am using liferay-6.2-ce
Try using ProjectionFactoryUtil.sqlProjection method.
That method allows using functions that are executed by SQL engine.
For example, I am using following code in order to get the max length of a string column called 'content':
Projection maxSizeProjection = ProjectionFactoryUtil.sqlProjection(
"max(length(content)) as maxSize", new String[] {"maxSize"},
new Type[] {Type.BIG_DECIMAL});
The same thing can be done with dynamic query criterions using RestrictionsFactoryUtil.sqlRestriction in case you want to use a SQL function in a condition.
In your case try following code:
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.ProjectionFactoryUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Type;
Projection maxSizeProjection = ProjectionFactoryUtil.sqlProjection(
"max(cast(version as signed)) as maxVersion",
new String[] {"maxVersion"}, new Type[] {Type.BIG_DECIMAL});

How can I search on list of values using Lucene Query interface

Simplistic Problem description:
Lucene index has two fields per document: ID and NAME.
I want to make a query using the Lucene Query interface such that I can find all the documents where ID is 1 OR 2 OR 3 OR so on. The IDs to be searched will be in a list and can potentially have upto 30 elements.
If I was using the query parser I would have done something like
ID:(1 OR 2 OR 3)
But the application is already heavily committed to the Query interface and I want to follow the current pattern. Only way I can think of doing this with Query interface is create n term queries and group them using the Boolean query as below
BooleanQuery booleanQuery = new BooleanQuery();
(String searchId : lstIds)
booleanQuery.add(new TermQuery(new Term("ID", searchId)), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
But is there a better/more efficient way of doing this?
Combining queries togetheer with a BooleanQuery is the correct way to reproduce a query like ID:(1 OR 2 OR 3). The query parser will generate a BooleanQuery similar to what you provided for that syntax, so you are absolutely doing the right thing here.
You might be able to make use of PrefixQuery, NumericRangeQuery or TermRangeQuery to simplify matters, if they actually suit your needs in practice, but there is nothing wrong with what you are doing already.
BooleanQuery is the solution for handling OR operator as you have shown in the code but if you want simple alternative of the it you could also use simple Query and pass the IDs as "1 OR 2 OR 3".
Here is the code snippet lucene 7.
Query query = new QueryParser("ID", analyzer).parse("1 OR 2 OR 3");
TopDocs topDocs =, 10);
OR if you have all the OR you could also use QueryParser default Operator.
Here is the code snippet for lucene 7.
QueryParser queryParser = new QueryParser("ID", analyzer);
Query query = queryParser.parse("1 2 3");
TopDocs topDocs =, 10);
I hope that work for you.

How to create a dataview In Sharepoint with data from a join query?

I have 3 Lists in Sharepoint.
I want to create a dataview that is a join of 3 tables.
Table1 is joined with Table2 on FieldA
Table 2 is joined to Table3 on FieldB
Table1 has duplicate values in FieldA so I need to only return one value to join with Table2.
In Access my query looks like this:
SELECT DISTINCT WRK_InputWorkOrders.WorkOrder, Production1.[Part Number], Production1.[Work Order], Production1.Location, StationItems.Station, Production1.Description, Production1.Revision, WRK_InputWorkOrders.Status
FROM StationItems INNER JOIN (WRK_InputWorkOrders INNER JOIN Production1 ON WRK_InputWorkOrders.WorkOrder = Production1.[Work Order]) ON StationItems.Item = Production1.[Part Number]
WHERE (((WRK_InputWorkOrders.Status)<>"closed"));
Is there a way to write sql-like queries for dataviews?
I have Sharepoint Designer 2007 and Access.
The goal is to get a report that a user can view in Internet Explorer.
I have tried using this method. But it returns duplicate records
I found this suggestion. It suggests using an XPath Filter
not(#yourvalue = preceding-sibling::dfs:YourRepeatingRowName/#yourvalue)
But wasn't able to get it to work. I don't know what to enter as YourRepeatingRowName
I found this link. Does anyone know if it can be used to perform such a join?
Your question is more of an ADO.NET question. Unfortunately ADO.NET doesn't have an easy way to do this, which is why companies like bamboo Solutions builds theirCross List Web Part:
Otherwise I would attempt to use LINQ to query the tables. You might have more luck doing that.
Here is an example of a JOIN query provided by MS (I only changed the first two DataTable lines to represent filling a DataTable with an SPListItemCollection object)
DataTable orders = spListCol1.ToDataTable();
DataTable details = spListCol2.ToDataTable();
var query =
from order in orders.AsEnumerable()
join detail in details.AsEnumerable()
on order.Field<int>("SalesOrderID") equals
where order.Field<bool>("OnlineOrderFlag") == true
&& order.Field<DateTime>("OrderDate").Month == 8
select new
SalesOrderID =
SalesOrderDetailID =
OrderDate =
ProductID =
DataTable orderTable = query.CopyToDataTable();
Microsoft has a video demo and a writeup that may be just what you want:
Display data from multiple sources in a single Data View
With Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007, you can link two or more data sources that contain related data and then create a single Data View that displays data from those linked data sources.
you want to show the query result in SharePoint Designer? I believe, SPD has merged data sources. Look into that.
I found this third part add on
Enesys RS Data Extension lets you query (retrieve, join, merge,...) data from any SharePoint list and use the result for building "Reporting Services" reports as you would do with any other data sources.
I can't use it because I am currently running the basic Sharepoint version that uses the internal database.
I've done something like this, but I wasn't able to use a dataview. I ended up writing a custom web part to do it. The approach was:
Use an SPQuery object to get an SPListItemCollection for each list. Use the CAML query to restrict the items returned.
Use the SPListItemCollection object's GetDataTable() method to retrieve an ADO.NET DataTable object for each list.
Add the tables to a DataSet object.
Create relationships between the tables.
Render the data however you like, using DataList or Repeater or whatever.
Here's some code that shows the broad strokes:
protected DataTable GetDataTableFromQuery(string camlQry, SPList theList) {
SPQuery listQry = new SPQuery();
listQry.Query = camlQry;
SPListItemCollection listItems = theList.GetItems(listQry);
return listItems.GetDataTable();
protected void BuildDataSet() {
// get SPList objects for the lists in questions ... left as an exercise for the dev -- call them list1, list2, and list3
string camlQry = "the CAML necessary to retreive the ites from list1";
DataTable table1 = GetDataTable(camlQry, list1);
table1.TableName = "Table1";
camlQry = "the CAML necessary to retreive the ites from list2";
DataTable table2 = GetDataTable(camlQry, list2);
table1.TableName = "Table2";
camlQry = "the CAML necessary to retreive the ites from list3";
DataTable table3 = GetDataTable(camlQry, list3);
table1.TableName = "Table3";
// now build the DataSet
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds.Relations.Add("Table1_2", ds.Tables["Table1"].Columns["FieldA"], ds.Tables["Table2"].Columns["FieldA"]);
ds.Relations.Add("Table2_3", ds.Tables["Table2"].Columns["FieldB"], ds.Tables["Table3"].Columns["FieldB"]);
// now you can do something with these, like store them in the web part class and bind them to repeaters in the web part's Render() method

What is the best way to retrieve distinct / unique values using SPQuery?

I have a list that looks like:
Movie Year
----- ----
Fight Club 1999
The Matrix 1999
Pulp Fiction 1994
Using CAML and the SPQuery object I need to get a distinct list of items from the Year column which will populate a drop down control.
Searching around there doesn't appear to be a way of doing this within the CAML query. I'm wondering how people have gone about achieving this?
Another way to do this is to use DataView.ToTable-Method - its first parameter is the one that makes the list distinct.
SPList movies = SPContext.Current.Web.Lists["Movies"];
SPQuery query = new SPQuery();
query.Query = "<OrderBy><FieldRef Name='Year' /></OrderBy>";
DataTable tempTbl = movies.GetItems(query).GetDataTable();
DataView v = new DataView(tempTbl);
String[] columns = {"Year"};
DataTable tbl = v.ToTable(true, columns);
You can then proceed using the DataTable tbl.
If you want to bind the distinct results to a DataSource of for example a Repeater and retain the actual item via the ItemDataBound events' e.Item.DataItem method, the DataTable way is not going to work. Instead, and besides also when not wanting to bind it to a DataSource, you could also use Linq to define the distinct values.
// Retrieve the list. NEVER use the Web.Lists["Movies"] option as in the other examples as this will enumerate every list in your SPWeb and may cause serious performance issues
var list = SPContext.Current.Web.Lists.TryGetList("Movies");
// Make sure the list was successfully retrieved
if(list == null) return;
// Retrieve all items in the list
var items = list.GetItems();
// Filter the items in the results to only retain distinct items in an 2D array
var distinctItems = (from SPListItem item in items select item["Year"]).Distinct().ToArray()
// Bind results to the repeater
Repeater.DataSource = distinctItems;
Remember that since there is no CAML support for distinct queries, each sample provided on this page will retrieve ALL items from the SPList. This may be fine for smaller lists, but for lists with thousands of listitems, this will seriously be a performance killer. Unfortunately there is no more optimized way of achieving the same.
There is no DISTINCT in CAML to populate your dropdown try using something like:
foreach (SPListItem listItem in listItems)
if ( null == ddlYear.Items.FindByText(listItem["Year"].ToString()) )
ListItem ThisItem = new ListItem();
ThisItem.Text = listItem["Year"].ToString();
ThisItem.Value = listItem["Year"].ToString();
Assumes your dropdown is called ddlYear.
Can you switch from SPQuery to SPSiteDataQuery? You should be able to, without any problems.
After that, you can use standard behaviour:
SPSiteDataQuery query = new SPSiteDataQuery();
/// ... populate your query here. Make sure you add Year to the ViewFields.
DataTable table = SPContext.Current.Web.GetSiteData(query);
//create a new dataview for our table
DataView view = new DataView(table);
//and finally create a new datatable with unique values on the columns specified
DataTable tableUnique = view.ToTable(true, "Year");
After coming across post after post about how this was impossible, I've finally found a way. This has been tested in SharePoint Online. Here's a function that will get you all unique values for a column. It just requires you to pass in the list Id, View Id, internal list name, and a callback function.
function getUniqueColumnValues(listid, viewid, column, _callback){
var uniqueVals = [];
url: _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/_layouts/15/filter.aspx?ListId={" + listid + "}&FieldInternalName=" + column + "&ViewId={" + viewid + "}&FilterOnly=1&Filter=1",
method: "GET",
headers: { "Accept": "application/json; odata=verbose" }
}).then(function(response) {
if ($(b)[0].value) {
_callback(false,"Error retrieving unique column values");
I was considering this problem earlier today, and the best solution I could think of uses the following algorithm (sorry, no code at the moment):
L is a list of known values (starts populated with the static Choice options when querying fill-in options, for example)
X is approximately the number of possible options
1. Create a query that excludes the items in L
1. Use the query to fetch X items from list (ordered as randomly as possible)
2. Add unique items to L
3. Repeat 1 - 3 until number of fetched items < X
This would reduce the total number of items returned significantly, at the cost of making more queries.
It doesn't much matter if X is entirely accurate, but the randomness is quite important. Essentially the first query is likely to include the most common options, so the second query will exclude these and is likely to include the next most common options and so on through the iterations.
In the best case, the first query includes all the options, then the second query will be empty. (X items retrieved in total, over 2 queries)
In the worst case (e.g. the query is ordered by the options we're looking for, and there are more than X items with each option) we'll make as many queries as there are options. Returning approximately X * X items in total.
