Azure B2C login problems - azure

I need to resolve the B2C login in a web application. I'm very new to B2C. The B2C token will contain the user information ? I can set it in the claims all the data that I need?
I must extend it from data from our DB, it is possible, too?

What specific issue are you running into? I can better diagnose your problem if you give me a bit more information.
If you follow the official Microsoft guide for ASP.NET web applications using B2C you can easily achieve B2C login. The guide comes with an accompanying Github sample that you can clone in order to achieve what you are looking for. Here you can also check out the B2C token reference page to see the contents of each type of token in B2C. You can use ID tokens to identify users in your app.
As for your second question, you can migrate data from your local database to Azure AD B2C but just cannot use Azure SQL. See this migration guide to learn how to do this using Azure AD Graph API.


Azure B2C custom login

I am migrating an existing app using ASP.NET Identity to Azure B2C.
I wanted to migrate the existing user details to Azure AD, when user enter the credential in the Azure b2c login. Is there any way to call custom API on click of the Azure login button? If that is possible, I will call an API which will migrate the data to Azure AD.
I can't do one time migration from existing Identity to Azure B2C as we don't get the password as plain text from the database.
Please advice
This is possible with custom policies.
There is a sample for this particular scenario as well:
Custom policies do have quite a big learning curve, so this option might require a lot of work from you.
The other option is that you add all users in bulk and require everyone to do a password reset.
This is easier to do for you but will require some work from each user.

Azure AD B2C Api Connector for Sign In for external authentication

We have on-prem sql server database which is connected to a legacy application. The on-prem database contains the username and password for the users. We are in process of migrating the existing solution to Cloud, and using Azure AD B2C for Authentication.
As the existing system is very big, so there is a phased transition we need to do which means keeping the both system running, allowing the users to login to the existing app as well as through Azure AD B2C in the cloud app.
I stumbled across API connectors for Azure AD B2C. I want to know if its possible to implement API connector for Sign In flow, in a way that it does the authentication against the external database store (legacy database) instead of Azure AD B2C.
From whatever I researched on google, it seems that API connector is called after authentication only. Also all the samples were related to Sign up flow. Can someone please guide me for a sample to achieve the login through external database using API connector ?
B2C supports integrating external identity providers. You can find a full list of them here:
However, you are seeking to use a custom (generic) identity provider (IDP). This scenario is supported if the custom IDP supports either the OpenID Connector (OIDC) or SAML protocols. Please check that list in the URL above to review these options.
Regarding using the API connector, you can invoke the API connector before the authentication occurs in B2C using a validation technical profile in a custom policy. However, that does not achieve the actual authentication based on OIDC. Instead, it would be considered a validation step.
An overview of when you can use API Connectors is here.
You might be able to achieve a type of workaround using a custom policy to invoke your API connector to authenticate before authenticating in B2C and returning a success flag.
However, I think a better idea is to implement password synchronization. This seems like a perfect fit for you based on what you described. Users would be able to log into both your local system and Azure B2C simultaneously until you decommission your legacy authentication mechanism.
Your main requirement is that you have use a Microsoft Graph API SDK to update the B2C account password via your application backend. The bottom line is that you just need to keep the passwords the same in both systems. This is very easy to achieve with the Graph API, especially if you are developing in C# / .NET.
You also have to figure out how the B2C accounts get provisioned in the first place. This can happen in several different ways depending on your business requirements: Graph API, user sign up flow, import operation, etc.
API connectors only work for sign-up.
There's an example here but you will have to use custom policies.

Microsoft graph rest api v1.0: Access to B2C tenant users

I want to get user information, not only from Azure Active Directory, but also from Azure B2C Tenant Users. I was able to reproduce results for AAD users, but I couldn't find enough resource as for how to access to B2C Users (e.g. I get this error when I swap to my desired clientid/clientsecret (fetched from Azure AD B2C - Application) in this project (
'unsupported_response_type', error_description: 'AADSTS700054: response_type 'id_token' is not enabled for the application.
I couldn't find the recent resources helpful, as a lot of Azure component changed. I would greatly appreciate your kind guidance!
If I understand your question correctly, you want to be able to programatically CRUD B2C Users.
AADB2C has a documentation for same using AADGraph (and not using Microsoft Graph)
Build user CRUD operations by using the Graph API
As of today,you must use the Azure AD Graph API to manage users in an Azure AD B2C directory. This is different from the Microsoft Graph API. The sample you referred to is not appropriate for managing B2C tenant users.

Azure AD B2C authentication hybrid

I created a B2C AD in my developer account on Azure.
In this environment I have users created in my personal AD, and users in AD B2C (where the user can log in with: twitter and facebook).
I found an ASP.NET project that logs in to these two ADs, but with two types of logins, one for normal AD and one for AD B2C. And from what I've researched, the only way to log in to these two different ADs is this way.
Does anyone know of a way to make a single login in these two ADs?
You could do it now with custom Azure AD B2C policies. It is however quite an advanced scenario.
Using them you could put all authentication behind B2C. User could choose to sign in against your Azure AD or through Twitter or Facebook on the B2C sign-in page instead of your application.
Custom policies:
Documentation on using Azure AD as a provider in B2C:
GitHub repo with examples:
Thanks for the quick response.
I tried to do this but could not find the settings needed to put Twitter, Google and Microsoft. For Facebook and other AD worked.
I found a post, that Microsoft will soon make available an "Identity Provider" to validate the user in another AD.
For now, I'll put two Sign-in in my application, one for the company's AD and another for the B2C AD.
I am now looking for a way to get the user's profile in AD (Name, First Name, Last Name, Job Title, Departament, ....).
Once this is done, I'm going to make a DEMO and publish it to github, I think this will help a lot of people.

Using saml tokens in Azure AAD oauth authentication

I have an application that authenticates users agains Azure AD using OAuth and I want to provide the ability to setup certain information associated to each user by his admin in Azure AD, so I can read it as part of the authentication process. I would also like to be able to use the claims functionality provided by Azure ActiveDirectory so the admin can define custom mappings between user attributes in his AD and what I am going to read, as explained here.
Apparently those claims can only be read from a SAML token that would be the result of a SAML authentication, but since I am already authenticating using OAuth I would like to avoid having to do that. My question therefore is: can those SAML tokens or the information contained in them be obtained somehow either as part of the OAuth authentication process or afterwards?
When you say "provided by ActiveDirectory" you mean Azure AD not on-premises AD?
There is no way currently to add claims to the token in Azure AD. They are "canned".
That link you refer to is for SaaS application in Azure.
The way to get information out of Azure AD is via the Graph API.
