Side menu with the search button on the Roku channel's home screen - search

I'm developing a Roku application with SceneGraph and I would like to have a side menu with the search and other buttons on the channel's home screen.
I couldn't find how to implement this. Is it possible?
Thanks a lot

Yes it is possible by doing custom design. Left menu can be done using LabelList, proper tanslation should be given for other components in order to avoid overlapping of UI.
I have already done in 3 channels, so it's easy to keep if you have clear idea about the element placing.
<Rectangle color="0x000000" width="230" height="440" translation="[-10,0]" >
<LabelList id = "categoriesLabelList" translation="[5,20]" textHorizAlign="left" itemSize="[200,40]">
You can also hide the left menu when the indicator focus any other elements like RowList, MarkupList, Postergrid or any element. Showing and hiding should be handled in onkeyevent
function onKeyEvent(key as String, press as Boolean) as Boolean
end function


Making and Object uniteractable

So I have a part of my game where the character is selecting an area of the map. And it opening up a panel. I have made it so that happens but an=m now stuck on the other part of it. I want only certain area of the map to be intractable, so that I can bar the player from selecting areas of the map that they aren't ready for. I have no idea how to make game objects in the game uninteractable. I have looked on Stack overflow, Youtube an d the Unity API to no success. Can someone help me with that.
How to make things un-interactable will vary depending on your situation. I'll be presuming that you're map is broken up into a grid of sorts.
The basic setup would involve a bool, probably called 'CanAccessZone'.
Then you'll need a class, to store any access info and popup logic, by popup logic I mean make the element either non-interactable or show a popup, with the shown popup being dependant on 'CanAccessZone'. This class can then be set up by your Map class when the level is loaded, or you could let the popup class grab the necessary values from the Map class.
If you're using Unity's UI buttons for the map pieces, then you could set interactable to false, until you want to let the player access the zone. If you want to display a popup informing the player that they can't access the zone, then your button will be interactable, but the click will delegate to your popup logic method.
It's a similiar principle if you're using gameobjects as buttons. You'd be using any of the OnMouse events to handle click events.
Hopefully this'll lead you in the right direction.

XPages ApplicationLayout: how to control TitleBar tabs from a view

I am using the Application Layout for an application we are creating. We would like to controls the tabs that appear on the title bar. The tabs are defined in a document, with a french title, english title and NotesID of what will be the default document shown for that tab.
With so many controls available, what would be the best way to achieve that? What kind of control can I use to add to the TitleBar that would end up doing the functionality I am looking for?
One additional thing: I need to add a few drop downs, ideally in the titlebar as well, that will set some values used to control what is displayed in the tabs contents and to control what the search will actually search for (language, province, department). What would be the best approach adding thse drop downs to the titlebar?
And by the way, where do you guys get all that information? I have TLCC's courses, IBM's XPages books (that I have not read from cover to cover, I admit) and I still find it very hard to things more advanced than displaying a view and do come CRUD with documents. There are so many containers that can contain a wide variety of objects... Pretty confusing right now what needs to be in what in order to make this all work together.
Thanks a lot,
Use xe:repeatTreeNode to create several tabs programmatically in title bar:
create an array of objects with label and unid (UniversalID) from your document in value
define a variable tab for repeat
define a xe:basicLeafNode as children with a label tab.label and a href link with tab.unid
[ {label:'aaa',unid:''},
<xe:basicLeafNode label="#{tab.label}">
"yourXpages.xsp?action=openDocument&documentId=" + tab.unid;
This will show the labels in title bar and open the assigned document clicking on them.

Android UI Best Practices for Display Field turning into Input Field

I'm programming an android app with a list displaying images and some additional information like title, place, etc...
I'm new to the android ecosystem and wondering what are the best practices to implement a list element which normally displays the mentioned information and turns into input fields on a press on the listelement.
Do I have to draw the display elements (e.g. TextField) and the edit element on top of each other and set visible for either display or input? How to handle this generally? Or do I replace the layout responsible for the list element altogether?
I know that for the simple case of a text there is a simple solution for making the EditText field look like an uneditable TextField. I'm, however, looking for a general answer covering broader cases than just a TextField.
you can make the elements of the listview a view flipper having two you textview and other and edittext.
... />
... />
Then in the onItemClickListener of the list items you can call flipper.showNext();
So, flipper works like, it shows only the first view defined in it and on the subsequent call of showNext() it displays the next view defined in it.
So if you have 2 elements in it, it will behave as the coin with two sides.
So in your situation there are a few ways you can achieve this.
First way is to build a layout which contains TextView and EditText and in first initialization your edit text won't be visible. And in your OnItemClick you have to hide your textview and show editext with value of your current data and option to edit.
The second way which I think is more user friendly is that you can show an AlertDialog after OnItemClick with custom layout where you can change the values and update the listview after user press Yes or do nothing is he selects No.
It depends on you which way you will do that, but I think the second option is the better one.

Hide CRM form left hand side navigation item

I have my account entity linked to a custom entity called inspections, I only want these inspections to be created for accounts of a certain type. So when it isn't that type I want the left hand navigation to this entity to be hidden away. I've seen some code that says will hide it away, as long as you have the navID of the item.
I've had a crack at hiding it using what i thought could be the ID but it hasn't worked, so I'm wondering if anyone knows how to get this ID, or if there is another way to do this?
The code I'm using to hide the navigation is below:
var navitem = Xrm.Page.ui.navigation.items.get("nav_ts_inspection");
if (navitem != null)
Load the form
Press F12 to show IE Developer's Toolbar
From here you can use CTRL+F to search for the display name of the item you'd like to hide. This will give you a link that is generated. The Id of this element is what you need to use to show/hide the link.
As an example, you can see results of searching for 'Sub Accounts' on the Account screen for an installation I am working on at the moment. The Id can be seen and is 'navSubAct'
Changes by traversing DOM and manually hide an area is not officially supported.
Luckily if you are on CRM 2011, you can go to
Settings > Customization Or open the solution.
Select the entity > Forms. Inside the Form editor window, open the Form Properties of the entity.
Go to Display Tab and untick "Show navigation items" checkbox.
Finally do not forget to Publish your changes.
Use the relationshipname to hide folder in navigation like this:
If you have folder with the relationship name: ts_inspection
Use this for ID: navts_inspection
So otherwise the same as above, but lose the extra underscore (_) between nav and ts.
var navitem = Xrm.Page.ui.navigation.items.get("navts_inspection");
If you want to hide particular navigation section from the FORM then remove all the links from that section and publish it. That section will not be visible anymore.
If you want to just remove Navigation Pane from FORM, then go to 'Display' tab of form and mark as 'Do Not Show' and then publish it.

how to get rid of text selection in wxwidget combobox component?

In my program I want the user to be able to choose between some options so I was using wxChoice component. Unfortunately after user interaction (clicking a button) I have to show custom text (not from my predefined list). Everything works fine if I use wxCombobox control but the drawback of this approach is that each time user selects an element from a list, selected text is highlited. It is annoying. I want the component to be read-only like. How to achieve this ?
Some code to visualize my question:
wxComboBox* viewAngle = wxDynamicCast( owner->FindWindow
( ID_CHOICE_3D_VIEWANGLE ), wxComboBox );
viewAngle->SetSelection( wxNOT_FOUND );
viewAngle->SetValue(_("Custom View"));
This control is used to set camera view in 3D object viewer application. Possible options are like: top, left, right, etc. It is also possible that the user moves 3D object using mouse. In that case I want my combobox to display "custom view" string. However "custom view" should not be a part of combobox list because selecting this option does nothing.
wxWidgets default implementation alwasy marks selected text. Which might be misleading for the user because he might think that he is expected to input any text.
IMHO, the custom text should be added to the wxComboBox control, the program could just ignore it when user selects that option.
Also, the wxComboBox's wxCB_READONLY style could be used to avoid the highlighting thing.
