ASP.NET API Exception after using ServiceStack.OrmLite.SqlServer.Converters - servicestack

I wanna use SqlGeography for its benefits in sql server 2016 and I have Visual Studio 2017 while using servicestack 4.5.14 and ormlite.
First and foremost I want to have SqlGeography as data type for my locations but it generates many exception as picture.
If I use DbGeography , when I am using servicestack and ormlite as follow:
It makes an exception as :
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: 'A .NET Framework error occurred
during execution of user-defined routine or aggregate "geography":
System.FormatException: 24114: The label {Geography:{Coordina in the
input well-known text (WKT) is not valid. Valid labels are POINT,
FULLGLOBE (geography Data Type only).
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.OpenGisTypes.ParseLabel(String input)
(OpenGisType type)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.WellKnownTextReader.Read(OpenGisType
type, Int32 srid)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.SqlGeography.ParseText(OpenGisType type,
SqlChars taggedText, Int32 srid)
type, SqlChars taggedText, Int32 srid)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.SqlGeography.Parse(SqlString s)
The statement has been terminated.'


An item with the same key has already been added error in ASP.NET MVC 5

I'm upgrading an ASP.NET MVC 3 project to MVC 5 (VS 2017) and i have the below line of code
IEnumerable<Country> countrydata = _db.Country.OrderBy(s => s.CountryName).ToList();
That line of code works fine in MVC 3 (in a .NET 4 project) but throws the below error in MVC 5 project targeting .NET 4.6.1, does anybody see why?
An item with the same key has already been added
After further testing, it seems like all such calls to the database will fail in MVC 5 / Entity Framework 6, because even the below line fails with the same error message.
IEnumerable<AuthenticationType> authenticationProvider = _db.AuthenticationType.OrderBy(n => uthenticationProvider).ToList();
#Christos, see the .edmx designer message i mention below
Below is the stack trace
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add) at System.Data.Metadata.Edm.ObjectItemAttributeAssemblyLoader.LoadRelationshipTypes() at System.Data.Metadata.Edm.ObjectItemAttributeAssemblyLoader.LoadTypesFromAssembly() at System.Data.Metadata.Edm.ObjectItemAssemblyLoader.Load() at System.Data.Metadata.Edm.ObjectItemAttributeAssemblyLoader.Load() at System.Data.Metadata.Edm.AssemblyCache.LoadAssembly(Assembly assembly, Boolean loadReferencedAssemblies, ObjectItemLoadingSessionData loadingData) at System.Data.Metadata.Edm.AssemblyCache.LoadAssembly(Assembly assembly, Boolean loadReferencedAssemblies, KnownAssembliesSet knownAssemblies, EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection, Action1 logLoadMessage, Object& loaderCookie, Dictionary2& typesInLoading, List1& errors) at System.Data.Metadata.Edm.ObjectItemCollection.LoadAssemblyFromCache(ObjectItemCollection objectItemCollection, Assembly assembly, Boolean loadReferencedAssemblies, EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection, Action`1 logLoadMessage) at System.Data.Metadata.Edm.ObjectItemCollection.ImplicitLoadAssemblyForType(Type type, EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection) at System.Data.Metadata.Edm.MetadataWorkspace.ImplicitLoadAssemblyForType(Type type, Assembly callingAssembly) at System.Data.Objects.ObjectContext.GetTypeUsage(Type entityCLRType) at System.Data.Objects.ObjectContext.GetEntitySetForNameAndType(String entitySetName, Type entityCLRType, String exceptionParameterName) at System.Data.Objects.ObjectContext.CreateObjectSet[TEntity](String entitySetName) at SSAMapper.Models.SSAMapperEntities.get_Country() in D:\Projects\SSAMapper\Models\SSAMapper.Designer.cs:line 240 at SSAMapper.Models.AdminModel.GetCountries(Boolean status, Boolean userCountry, Boolean loadDeactivatedCountry) in D:\Projects\SSAMapper\Models\AdminModel.cs:line 1116
I'm leaning towards it being the upgrade to Entity Framework 6 gone awry. It's using lazy loading, and you've removed .ToList() so the exception is thrown prior to any data access. We can see in the stack trace it's during creation of the ObjectSet<TEntity> and if I'm understanding it correctly, it looks to be when looking at relationships to make sure the assembly for their types are loaded.
I would look at the <NavigationProperty>s on the conceptual model in the .edmx and see if there appears to be any duplicates. It seems like it could also happen if you have duplicated model classes in your project or if any of the model classes are defined in more than one assembly in your bin (like if you renamed your project/target assembly but the original dll is still there).
Here are a couple links that may be useful: Upgrading to Entity Framework 6 I would go through that and make sure nothing was missed. And here was a question with the same error with the source code involved shown.

Updated Table Returning Error When Query with ASP.NET Web API2 Service

I'm working on a WindowsPhone 8.1 app, and I have a SQL database connected to a Web API server hosted on an Azure website. Recently, the database person updated the database, added a new table, and added sample data to the tables that didn't already have any. When managing the database through Azure, I can see that all the tables have data in them, but when I try to retrieve them with the /api/entityname url, it returns an error message.
A few things to note, the database the server connects to has changed since I originally published it. I tried to run the enable migrations and update database commands again, but I don't know how to select the new database it's now connected to. Do I need to republish the server? Run the migrations commands for the new database? I'm hesitant try things involving the database connection on my own since I don't know much about it and don't want to mess up any configurations. I have a .NET backend. Thanks in advance for the help.
I went into the Web.Config file of my Services project and changed catalog value in the connection string to the name of my new database. Now I get the following error when I try to get the games values using the /api/teams extention:
An error has occurred.The
'ObjectContent1' type failed to serialize the response body for
content type 'application/xml;
error has occurred.</Message><ExceptionMessage>The 'GameTime' property
on 'Game' could not be set to a 'System.TimeSpan' value. You must set
this property to a non-null value of type 'System.Byte[]'.
reader, Int32 ordinal) at
ordinal, String propertyName, String typeName) at
lambda_method(Closure , Shaper ) at
constructEntityDelegate, EntityKey entityKey, EntitySet entitySet)
at lambda_method(Closure , Shaper ) at
shaper) at
at System.Data.Entity.Internal.LazyEnumerator1.MoveNext() at
WriteArrayOfGameToXml(XmlWriterDelegator , Object ,
XmlObjectSerializerWriteContext , CollectionDataContract ) at
xmlWriter, Object obj, XmlObjectSerializerWriteContext context) at
dataContract, XmlWriterDelegator xmlWriter, Object obj,
RuntimeTypeHandle declaredTypeHandle) at
dataContract, XmlWriterDelegator xmlWriter, Object obj,
RuntimeTypeHandle declaredTypeHandle) at
writer, Object graph, DataContractResolver dataContractResolver) at
writer, Object graph, DataContractResolver dataContractResolver) at
writer, Object graph, DataContractResolver dataContractResolver) at
writer, Object graph) at
type, Object value, Stream writeStream, HttpContent content) at
type, Object value, Stream writeStream, HttpContent content,
TransportContext transportContext, CancellationToken
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at
task) at
task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.GetResult()
I think I'm making some progress, but I'm not very experienced with connecting apps to databases, so I'm hesitant to poke around. Thanks in advance for the help. I am using data-first migration (EF Designer from database). Also, the above error message is only displayed when I run the service locally via localhost. When I run it through it's hosted azurewebsites url, I get the following:
An error has occurred.
I assume this is due to my database updates not being published to the hosted site, correct? I'm using Firefox as my browser. If I use IE, I can't download or open the JSON file for the new entities.
With the help of a friend, I managed to fix this problem. In case anyone comes across this post down the line, the problem was due to conflicting data types between the database and the server's data objects. A list of data type mappings between C# and SQL Server can be found at Match the data types according to the linked chart, and ensure that any other database constraints (ie: required, etc) are included in annotations. Also, make sure that you update any code in your server's context file to match the data type changes. For instance, I had the following code in my OnModelCreating method:
.Property(e => e.GameTime)
Once I changed GameTime to a DateTime property,.IsFixedLength(); no longer applied to it, so I had to comment it out. As you make these changes, you can test them out by debugging your server locally, but you'll have to publish it back to the url it's hosted on in order see the changes take place on your remote server. In my case, I had to republish my site. I hope this helps anyone down the line that has a similar issue.

Mapping DayOfWeek from the System namespace using Fluent Nhibernate

I'm currently working on an MVC 3 project which uses Fluent NHibernate. I utilise the System.DayOfWeek enum but when mapping this I received the following error -
Stack Trace:
[MappingException: Could not determine type for: DayOfWeek, for columns: NHibernate.Mapping.Column(WeekStart)]
NHibernate.Mapping.SimpleValue.get_Type() +456
NHibernate.Mapping.SimpleValue.IsValid(IMapping mapping) +40
NHibernate.Mapping.PersistentClass.Validate(IMapping mapping) +123
NHibernate.Mapping.RootClass.Validate(IMapping mapping) +24
NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration.ValidateEntities() +280
NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration.BuildSessionFactory() +43
FluentNHibernate.Cfg.FluentConfiguration.BuildSessionFactory() +54
[FluentConfigurationException: An invalid or incomplete configuration was used while creating a SessionFactory.
Check PotentialReasons collection, and InnerException for more detail.
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET
Example usage -
Map(x => x.WeekStart).CustomType(typeof(DayOfWeek));
I've seen this specific question asked on mailing lists and on stackoverflow but the nuances of it never seemed to be fully grasped and the person asking the question is referred to how to use a custom type mapping.
I am well aware of how to use the customtype functionality on fluent maps and frequently make use of it. However I don't understand why this enum in particular cannot be mapped. I presume it has something to do with the System namespace to which it belongs?
If anyone can shed any light on this I'd be most happy.
I got the mapping of DayOfWeek enum to work with this mapping.
mapping.Map(x => x.DayOfWeek);
and its maps fine to a nvarchar(255) in my mssql database.
My property looklikes this
public virtual DayOfWeek DayOfWeek { get; set; }
I use NHibernate version: and Fluent Nhibernate version:
As with any enum mapping with NHibernate, save yourself some grief (dirty reads which cause unnecessary writes, different type specified in database, etc.) and just always use a PersistentEnumType.
In this example, create your PersistentEnumType:
public class NHibernateDayOfWeekEnumMapper : global::NHibernate.Type.PersistentEnumType
public NHibernateDayOfWeekEnumMapper()
: base(typeof(DayOfWeek))
Then use it to do your mapping:
Map(x => x.DayOfWeek).CustomType<NHibernateDayOfWeekEnumMapper>().Not.Nullable();
Now you've got the entity that doesn't dirty read (and so no unnecessary writes) and a correct type mapping in the database (when you use SchemaExport to generate your schema).
For more information see an oldie but goody at

SPException: Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFF (E_UNEXPECTED) in Sharepoint

I've been trying to programmatically copy custom content type and its custom columns from one web to another for some time now, and I always get different errors or exceptions every time. After yet more tries, I received more strange and cryptic exception from Sharepoint after clicking onto a newly copied custom column in a custom content type. I checked the logs, and this is what I got:
Unknown SPRequest erorr occurred. More information: 0x80070002
Unable to locate the xml-definition for FieldName with FieldId 'guid without braces', exception: Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException: Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFF (E_UNEXPECTED)) ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException...
... at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequestInternalClass.GetGlobalContentTypeXml(String bstrUrl, Int32 type, UInt 32 lcid, Object varIdBytes...
Failed to find the content type schema for ct-1033-0x1000blahblahblahcontenttypeId while caching feature data.
Unknown SPRequest error occurred. More informationL 0x8000ffff
Unable to locate the xml-definition for CType with SPContentTypeId '0x0100MorecontenttypeId', exception: Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException: Catastrophic failure(Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED)) ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x8000FFFF): Catastrophic failure...
... at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequestInternalClass.GetGlobalContentTypeXml(String bstrUrl, Int32 type, UInt 32 lcid, Object varIdBytes...
It failed to find quite a few content type schema. I'm confused with what Sharepoint is trying to do here, and why a simple process of copying a custom content type from one web to another just wouldn't work in contrast to the information found on the web e.g. this.
Appreciate any help to get over this problem. Thanks.
Content types are defined in XML files that has to reside on the file system (in the 12 hive). If you want to copy a content type from a web application to another, you must make sure that these definitions are also copied.
I would recommend you to install the feature that contains these custom content types on each of your target web applications.

Subsonic 3.0 and SqlHierachyID

I am having trouble with Subsonic 3.0 generating an object for a table which contains the new HeirachyID datatype. From what I have found, there is no corrosponding .Net type, and subsonic doesn't seem to know how to handle the hierachyid data.
Error that is thrown:
Object of type 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.SqlHierarchyId' cannot be converted to type 'System.String'.
foreach (MyDB.DataAccess.ThingCategory tc in DataAccess.ThingCategory.Find(x => x.fk_Thing.Equals(thingId)))
sb.AppendFormat("<{0}>{1}</{0}>", wrapTag, tc.Categories.ToList<DataAccess.Category>()[0].Name);
tc.Categories.ToList() generates the error
Alternatively, I tried to get around this by writing a sproc to return the hierachyid column as a string, and noticed SubSonic 3.0 sprocs are not strongly-typed. or am I doing something wrong?
Sprocs can be strongly-typed by calling ExecuteTypedList()
I would create an issue on the Github tracker to either add support for the type (someone will have to contribute this since I don't think it's a high priority) or to gracefully handle it when they exist.
