How to tell if DocuSign envelope was wet signed via API - docusignapi

I am trying to determine if a DocuSign envelope was wet-signed (i.e. downloaded, signed, uploaded/faxed) after I receive the notification that it was signed. For my project, we need to review wet-signed contracts before processing. I do not see a way in the REST API to determine this. When I call /v2/accounts/{accountId}/envelopes/{envelopeId}/documents, it comes back with list of documents and it says signature type is "electronic" even though I wet-signed it when testing. I am using a sandbox account, so that could be a factor. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Check the Envelopes::listAuditEvents API method to see if it provides the information you need.


Add document to envelope based on tempalte

I'm not very familiar with DocuSign or its API and after playing around in Postman I'm still not sure if I'm able to:
Create an Envelope based on a Template
Attach a pdf doc to said Envelope
Send for signing.
In case I got it all wrong, I'm trying to do the following:
Get the pdf doc from a third party and send it for signing via DocuSign. The document will be the same format every time(same signature placement, names, etc) except for data in it and it will be sent to the same people for signatures.
Is it possible to do so? Am I looking at right stuff?
Yes, this is completely possible. We in fact have existing Postman requests that do just that:
Examples number 15 to 18 are the ones you want to look at.
To get started with our Postman collection, you can watch our youtube video:

Is it possible to use Docusign Gen in a custom apex button?

Docusign Gen works great for generating a document, but it won't let me set new defaults for the email messsages or signing order. With APEX custom coding these are possible to set, but i'm not sure if it's possible to have the docusign gen part run first, then send out the documents with the right email messaging and signing order.
This is not yet possible, but we do hope to have this capability in the future.
While I cannot promise any dates, I'll be sure to update this post when I have more information.

DocuSign eWitness functionality

With DocuSign Witness functionality,in which sender can add field Sign With Witness and sends envelope to signer.Signer will add witness details and complete form.The witness will get notification and completes form.Is this functionality supports when Deeds are signed and they are required to be witnessed by law?
I noticed new eWitness functionality.Have anyone used it?Is there a use case,form, region or industry that the new eWitness functionality was specifically designed for? please read this for more information about this feature.
Note: This is not the same as eNotary, which is allowed in several states as an alternative to having documents notarized by a person.

how to get the signed document and response after signing in Docusign

So i am using docusign and testing the api with a simple index.php type project and i have successfully sent the document to the email provided in the
$signerEmail = '' using docusign api-client
now after it have signed the document and finish it by clicking at the finish button in docusign window. I want to retrieve the response and document on which it have given its information.
how can i achieve this and right now i am having difficulty to find it in the documentation.
There are 2 ways to do that, synchronously and asynchronously.
Or in other words, if you know the document is already complete, you can run the code, or you can use a webhook with notifications from DocuSign letting you know that the envelope is complete.
Regardless, the API to retrieve a document is this:
GET /v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/envelopes/{envelopeId}/documents/{documentId}
or you can use it from the PHP SDK as well.
Hope this helps.
A full code example (in PHP as well) can be found here -

Two different signatures in one envelope by using embedded signing view REST API PHP

We are using REST API to sign on docusign documents in our application. Its working great when I used REST API (Embedded Signing).
But we got new requirement as below.
Actually parents/childrens are joined in our application, at the time of joining we are taking parent signature on the documents as of now, new change is need to take children signature as well in the same envelope on the documents at the same time.
Is it possible with using REST API PHP? Please help on this ASAP.
Srinivas Reddy. A
The answer in this post describes the process/flow for conducting embedded signing for multiple recipients:
I need to get Document signature by Spouse and its optional. how to do it with Docusign?
