Dropwdown list from dynamic table - excel

I have a dynamic table containing the following columns:
COUNTRY(String), ACTIVE (Boolean),NAME(String)
An example will be:
COUNTRY(String), ACTIVE (Boolean),NAME(String)
USA, True, Chair
Canada, False, Table
USA, False, Pen
USA, True, Pencil
Canada, True, Pencil
Canada, True, Basket
I want to create a data validation list with the names for every country that are active. The list should be dynamic as the table is constantly being changed.
For the example, the data validation list should check whether the cell containing the country name is Canada or USA and
if USA then: Chair, Pencil / if Canada: Pencil, Basket.

I have resolved this using a three-step organization. The first step is to make a "table" for any growing/shrinking list that will be used for the data validation.
Step 1
List the possible values in columns as a new table. Place the country name at the header row for each column.
1 Country chair USA Canada <----header row
2 USA pencil pencil table
3 Canada table Plato warthog
4 USA warthog
5 Canada tuba
6 USA magic
7 Canada Plato
Select the columns (for instance, D1:E3 in the example) and click Insert > Table.
Check "my data has headers" and click OK.
Select a cell in the newly-formatted column and click Table Tools > Design > Properties > Table Name: ______ and type Countries.
Step 2
Select the column for which you want data validation. Note which cell is active (the cell inside of the selection which you can write to). In the example, it's Cell B2.
Step 3
Under data validation, choose list and type in this equation:
=INDIRECT("Countries[" & A2 & "]")
If the row that's active is row 3, type this in instead:
=INDIRECT("Countries[" & A3 & "]")
This is actually working for me. Try it!


How to condense column data in excel at a change in the row data

I'm not sure exactly how to explain this, but I want to combine rows in Excel while condensing the column data. I'm looking to take a spreadsheet like this:
Chocolate Ice Cream
and turn it into this:
Chocolate Ice Cream
Any tips would be super helpful.
You can setup a pivot table for this.
Select your table > Insert Pivot Table, then follow this screenshot:
Drag Name colum in Rows
Drag Coffee, Bananas, Chocolate ice creams in Values and you're set!
If you want the data transformed and cleansed, you can always use PowerQuery.
Go to Data -> Get Data -> From File -> whatever source your data is in.
In there, use the Group By function to suppress the rows.
From there, you'll have a new set of data which can then be loaded into the destination worksheet.
If the usage of PowerQuery is new to you, a quick Google search will help you through this.
Naturally, this assumes you have a version of Excel that has PQ built in.
Here/screenshot(s) refer:
Condensed table comprises 3 sections (colour coded respectively):
Row labels (names, blue) - assuming these are unique at source
Column labels (food product, green) - ditto
Values (sum per row / col label, yellow)
note: included an extra '1' for Tom + Chocolate IC in 1st row for testing...
1] Row labels
(array function - requires Office 365 compatible version of Excel)
2] Col labels
(array function - enter in single cell if using Office 365 compatible version of Excel, otherwise highlight relevant area and enter function with shift + alt + enter)
3] Values
(can drag this function across values / yellow section)

How to group multiple cells with the same values in Excel

I am trying to group multiple cells in Excel to give me an end value of the total of times those three cells exist, for example, if the Country is "UK", the Method is "Method1" and Weight is "400", instead of that appearing 2 times as it does in the table below, I would like to merge it so it is there only once, but the Amount column has a value of "2" to represent how many times it is in the Sheet. The data I am using has thousands of different and varying values. I am using Microsoft Excel 2016.
Thank you.
Current Sheet:
Country Method Weight Amount
USA Method7 200 x
UK Method1 400 x
UK Method1 400 x
FRANCE Method55 3994 x
Desired Sheet:
Country Method Weight Amount
USA Method7 200 1
UK Method1 400 2
FRANCE Method55 3994 1
This is how my original data looks like:
And I can resume it as you need using Pivot Tables
Make sure you set the Pivot Table Value Property as count when
using the field Amount
Just in case it may help, I'm attaching how I set up this Pivot Table to make the operations you need (please, note my Excel is in Spanish, but position of each field must be the same, and the operation in Values section affecting field Amount must be COUNT)
As there is a direct link between country, method and weight, you can use subtotals for that (menu "Data", chapter "Outline", feature "Subtotals"). You configure it as:
At each change in : "Country"
Use function : "Count"
Add subtotal to:
Country (No)
Method (No)
Weigth (No)
Amount (Yes)
Replace current subtotals (Yes)
Page break between groups (No)
Summary below data (Yes)
Your result will look as follows:
By clicking on the numbers 1, 2 or 3 in the left margin, you'll be able to view/hide subtotals for that country.

I need to find a way to show the number of relationships between values in two different excel columns

OK, I have two columns in excel that contain city names. I need a rank of how many times a relationship between two cities occurs. For example, the ranking for the data below should be as follows. #1 is Austin to Dallas with 3 occurrences. #2 is Chicago to Boston with 2 occurrences. #3 is Chicago to New York with 1 occurrence.
sample data set
You can use a =COUNTIFS statement to check specific cities.
For example:
Row 1 = Headers
Column A = Origin City
Column B = Destination City
Data in your table should be in A2:B7
You can use:
=COUNTIFS($A$2:$A$7,"Chicago",$B$2:$B$7,"New York")

Excel Charts for table with many duplicates

I have a list of names with 1000 entries and maybe 750 unique. There are other attributes, like location and position. Can I create a pivot table that would show me simple stat's like X number of unique people, X number unique in location 1, location 2, location 3, and finally x number of positions in location 1, position 2/location1, position 3/location2...?
Name Location Title
Smith, Bob UK Sales Manager
Smith, Bob UK Plant Manger
Jones, Keith UK Sales Manager
Jones, Keith UK Plant Foreman
White, Derick Denver Sales Manager
Brown, Frank Boston Supply Chain
Black, Jay Denver Sales Manager
Smith, Jeff Denver Sales Manager
Gonzalez, Al UK
Gonzalez, Al UK Staging Area Manager
Bright, Susan Denver Legel Secretary
Bright, Susan Denver Paralegal
Bright, Susan Denver Executive Assistant
Bright, Susan Denver Press Secretary
Alf, Jeff Denver VP, Sales
Green, Burt Boston VP, Sales
Jones, Chuck Denver Plant Foreman
Alten, Cory Denver Sales Manager
Clark, Jerry Boston Plant Foreman
Romo, Tom Denver Sales Manager
You may want to consider using CountifS functions in adjacent columns to the data. For example to count unique people, just create a column (call it column x for this example) and enter =Countif(Column A, A1) and copy down for all the rows. then just enter =countif(Column X, 1) and that should give you the unique names.
You can use CountifS function for more complicated counting logic to answer the other questions.
I have done similar counting of unique entries using pivot tables.
I create a additional column that has a 1 if it is the first occurance of the "key" (ie name). The formula is similar to this: (assume Column A has the "key")
=IF(ROW(A1) = MATCH(A1,A:A,0),1,0)
This formula is then copied down for every row (or if it's a proper table, it's auto copied!)
The idea is that the MATCH returns the row number of the first occurrence of "key". If it is the same as the current row, then count 1. If the values aren't the same, it's a duplicate, so give it a 0 value.
When you then do a pivot table sum on this value, it adds up to the number of unique entries. (ie unique names in a region.)

Excel - Counting unique records in a group

I'm having difficulty counting records in a file that have a unique ID and listing the number of rows associated with that specific ID.
For this file, the unique ID represents a specific family (column A). Each member of the family is in a different row with the same ID. I would like to count the number of family members(rows) in each unique family. I can have a few thousand rows so automating this would be wonderful. Thanks for any help!!
You can do this now automatically with Excel 2013.
If you have that version, then select your data to create a pivot table, and when you create your table, make sure the option 'Add this data to the Data Model' tickbox is check (see below).
Then, when your pivot table opens, create your rows, columns and values normally. Then click the field you want to calculate the distinct count of and edit the Field Value Settings:
Finally, scroll down to the very last option and choose 'Distinct Count.'
This should update your pivot table values to show the data you're looking for.
So if I'm understanding you correctly, you have something like
Fam. ID LastName FirstName
1 Smith John
1 Smith Mary
1 Smith Johnnie Jr
2 Roe Rick
3 Doe Jane
3 Doe Sam
and you want a new column (say, D), with a count of members per family:
Fam. ID LastName FirstName Fam. Cnt
1 Smith John 3
1 Smith Mary 3
1 Smith Johnnie Jr 3
2 Roe Rick 1
3 Doe Jane 2
3 Doe Sam 2
This will do it -- insert at D2 and drag down:
