Interface issue in the script editor of the Dbeaver - database-administration

I tried to find a solution for this issue but i couldn't. Whenever I try to execute a query, the editor generates multiple scroll bars which overlap my script. Well, a picture is worth a thousand words:
(I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 and my Dbeaver version is 5.1.4)
Can someone help me to solve this?


VS Code input and variables don't show frequently in Interactive window

I have started using VS Code for work instead of Anaconda and there are some weird observations which I am not able to figure out.
If I try to execute some code in a cell in the interactive window, many-a-times, only output remains available and the input code automatically gets hidden. For eg. I type the following and execute:-
And this is what I see at the window:-
Similarly, there are some variables which I have already defined but they don't show up in the Jupyer:Variables tab. For eg. there is a variable _link_name_to_index which is not visible in the tab as shown below:-
However, when I execute the same in the window, I can see the values of the dictionary as expected:-
Maybe it is just a matter of some settings, but I still couldn't find out which one. Also, I know I have put a lot of images, because it is not a code doubt as such, rather more of a tool doubt. I have taken only one particular example here, but I face this issue often. I am using VS Code version 1.75.0 in Ubuntu 20.04, using Python 3.9.12 in a virtual environment, if it helps.
This is a bug in the latest Version of VSCode (1.75). It is tracked in this issue. For now, the only option seems to be downgrading to v1.74.x

Why am I seeing attributes twice in the dropdown menu in Jupyter Notebook?

Each time I load up a Jupyter Notebook in Python, it works fine, BUT I am seeing options from the dropdown menus (when pressing tab) twice. I am trying to figure out why this is and correct it. I have included a screenshot to illustrate what I mean more clearly.
One idea is perhaps that I have multiple instances of Python running? Is that possible? Other than that I am not sure how to investigate and find out what is causing this so that I can correct.
Any ideas, direction or overall solution appreciated. Thanks!

How to run Selected Text using activate.bat instead of ps1 in Visual Studio Code?

Running into this weird issue and I don't seem to be able to find a solution online or forums. My VS Code was working fine last night, but this morning when I launched VS Code and trying to execute code (in Python) using the Run Selected Text feature, I kept getting "& "C:/Users/jiejenn/Documents/Python Venv/vtest2/Scripts/activate.ps1"
& was unexpected at this time." error message.
In the past, VS Code is using the activate.bat file, which is what I want, but all of sudden, PowerShell took over the command. I am trying to revert back to using the activate.bat file instead of activate.ps1.
Can anyone provide me with some guidance how can it be done? Thanks.
I have already Googled for the past 2 hours, haven't find any solution that solves the issue.
It sounds like your default terminal application changed from cmd to PowerShell, possibly during an update. Click the terminal dropdown button and then Select Default Profile to change it back to cmd.
See also this related issue.

Watir-Webdriver Windows Firefox slow text entry

I have prepared web testing script on Mac OSX with watir-webdriver. It was running fine with Firefox. However, then I ran the script on Windows with Firefox and the text entry is slow, like typing each word individually. I have read couple of threads in regards to this problem, but never came to the solution. Maybe someone could shed some light on this.
Please also kindly note that I use browser.element(:xpath).set "text" to locate the elements to set the text.
Thank you very much in advance.
The issue has been resolved using Clipboard gem. Instead of using .set or .value methods, I started using Clipboard copy / paste, which worked perfectly. I still do not consider this as best solution, but it can get the job done.

qt creator editing missing some characters (blank) Linux

Im running a fedora 18 box and just installed Qt Creator 3.0,
as well as trying 2.8.1. Both versions, when I pull up my source
code, there are many characters missing in patterns. It looks like
15-25% of the code has sections "missing"
I think its a graphics problem maybe, but I can find no articles online
about this issue so far. Anyone know what this is or how to fix it?
EDIT: Here's the image. Also using vim they look fine. Im compiling and running
from an xterm window due to qcreator's issue (unfortunately). if I 'file' the source
files, they are: C source, ASCII text
