SVG text shift/text change animation - svg

I'm new to SVG animation, I want to create this animation in SVG, and save it as an .svg file. How do I do it? I can create an static SVG file in illustrator but I want to animate it.


How to embed a SVG symbol with pyQGIS

In a python QGIS plugin, how can I embed a SVG symbol, as if I used the 'Embed file' function in a svg marker symbology in QGIS (at the end we don't need the svg file anymore, the svg description should be embedded into the symbology definition)?

Can we create sprite sheet from a svg sequence?

Adobe animate can convert the animation into svg sequence, but, for some reason, it only can generate png spritesheet. Not only animate, but all the sprite sheet generators i found(like texture packer and other) can only generate png and other bitmap format sprite sheet. Is there a way i can merge this svgs into spritesheet?

Illustrator save SVG text issue

Illustrator save SVG text issue
I have an adobe illustrator file that contains many objects polygon, rec and text when i save the file as SVG it render the text as path i want to render the text as text.
Any help please to render the text with the tag.

OpenModelica svg icon for blocks

The svg icon of a block is not displayed. Here's how I set it:
I switch to Icon view
Click on Bitmap
Draw a rectangle
In Bitmap properties I select the svg file through Browse (the option for svgs exists). The svg file is in the same folder as the .mo file.
Click Ok and the svg icon is not displayed - I get nothing (like a white icon - I can only see the corners of the bitmap rectangle). The svg file was created in Inkscape and saved as Plain svg.
Is this svg icon option not implemented yet but will be in the near future? or am I doing something wrong?
The svg option was there by mistake. The supported formats for bitmap are PNG, BMP and JPEG. I have fixed it now in r18662.

Possible to take a svg made in illustrator and turn it into a raphael path to then animate?

Would like to take my logo made in illustrator then turn it into a svg so that i can then use Raphael to animate it. I know how to make a simple image by creating my own path using lineTo.
Didn't know if this is possible or not.
Thank you
Once you save your logo created with Illustrator as svg file, there is a way to convert the SVG into a Raphael object and then you can use it with Raphael library.
Chack out this website:
If you can, open the page with Firefox. Chrome messes up the page. Good Luck.
Well, if its just the path you need without the colors, stroke widths etc, i would save the illustrator logo as an SVG and then open it with a text editor(say Notepad).
From there i would extract the d attribute as a path and manually add the rest of its ''features'' like colors,stroke widths etc.
