when i try to migrate using truffle i get this error : ParserError: Expected token Semicolon got 'LParen' - truffle

To use truffle migrate, I am running this command:
truffle migrate
However, I receive the following Error:
ParserError: Expected token Semicolon got 'LParen'.
I have tried everything and I am not able to find the correct solution yet.

You can update the truffle version to latest and try .I solved this issue by updating the version.


truffle unbox react have Type error default.then is not a function

Recently, I used truffle unbox example. (https://github.com/truffle-box/react-box)
But, I have facing big problem.
When I run my App.js with npm run start, It hasn't compile error.
However, when I connect my application on web browser, It appear error, like this:
I also upgraded my nodejs and npm version, but all my attempting is fail.
My nodejs version is 7.10.1 and npm version is 6.4.1.
Why this error occur? and What is the solution to solve this problem??
Please help me anyone.
What worked for me was calling getWeb3 as a function, then chaining the then.
so instead of getWeb3.then, it's getWeb3().then.

When attempting to migrate, Truffle (nodeJS) waffles between two errors?

I'm using truffle with a Node.js project, and when I attempt to migrate the project, I get the following error:
Windows Script Host
However, when I use the suggested fix, which is to rename the truffle.js file to something other than truffle.js (i.e. truffle-config.js), then I get a different error:
Could not find suitable configuration file.
When I rename the configuration file back to "truffle.js", then I get the first error all over again.
The solutions I've tried have included using Windows Powershell to run the program and running the command npm install --force -g truffle, neither of which have worked. I've looked into the recommended solution (https://github.com/trufflesuite/truffle/issues/150), and none of the proposed solutions have worked so far.

No component found for view with name " RNSVGViewBox "

I just followed the documentation and installed victory native (to be able to generate charts) following this link https://github.com/FormidableLabs/victory-native
I also installed react-native-svg and linked it.
I keep getting this error although I'm following this https://formidable.com/open-source/victory/docs/native and I just started by the first example.
According to the documentation
And since I'm using react native 0.42.0 and react 15.4.2 so I installed react-native-svg 4.5.0 but it's not working and I get this
I tried to uninstall it and unlink it and I changed to the newer version but still getting the same error.
Maybe this is not a react-native-svg issue and it's a victory-native issue.

How to run tests of DefinitelyTyped repository

Pulled latest commit from master branch.
Ran following commands referring the official contribution guide
npm install
tsc --noImplicitAny .\mongoose\mongoose-tests.ts
But this is giving numerous errors like
error TS1005: ';' expected.
error TS1006: Identifier expected; 'this' is a keyword.
error TS1008: Unexpected token; 'module, class, interface, enum, import or statement' expected.
error TS1003: Identifier expected.
error TS1005: '=>' expected.
Similar errors are also displayed while running tests for youtube package definition.
What am I doing wrong?
You most likely have a typescript version that isn't the latest stable release.

sails js running testProjects issue in ubuntu

I am new to nodejs and after installing sails when i try to run it, using command sails lift, it gives me below error. Need help to resolve it.
function runInContext(context) {
illegal access
It was an issue with the version of node i was using v0.11.13. I have changed the version and it started working.
