Awesome Effect on Ripple XRP Website - ripple

I recently decided to check the new website for the Ripple (XRP) cryptocurrency and as a web developer, the showcase blew my mind. Can someone explain to me how this is possible and how can I replicate this effect. Thanks!

Try DYOR first my friend.
Have a look at this.
Looks like a pure css implementation
perspective: 1px;
transform: translateZ(-1px) scale(2);
being your key words.


SwiperJS get crushed by using GRID

i'm working on some website. I wanted to add a Cube Effect by swiper.js.
But when i'm adding into my JS an [effect: 'cube',] the whole website is going crazy :/
But if delete [effect: 'cube',] OR use flex-box instead of GRID, everything works?
Plz help
The solution was to add a position: absolute; FOR .swiper-wrapper

SharePoint online - show Calendar as modern page

I would like a consistent look in my SP Online Sites. Prefer modern, but cannot find a way to show a calendar in the modern style.
Here is a document library. Looks great.
But here is my calendar.
This looks crappy. How can I get this site to display the calendar (and the discussion page) in the modern page look.
You can also use an iframe in an embed web part for this, it's not perfect but works for me.
<iframe width="100%" height="1000px"
scrolling="no" style="margin-left: -200px; margin-top: -190px;">
Yuliya Haradniuk posted it here -
One possible option: Add a site page and add either an event or group calendar to the page.

How To create dynamic List ul and li based on data from database

I'm trying to create a small notification feature in my personal project, I'm using JSF, Primefaces as technologies, and i would like to make the ul and li dynamically behaving based on the size od data retrieved from database, like github or stackoverflow or facebook does.
I hope you guys can give a clue solution, suggestion, a tutorial.
Thanks in advance.
you can use <p:repeat>, see this showcase to adapt the component to your need. or you can use <ui:repeat>, see this example.
If I understand your request, you can integrate ui:repeat into a p:dataScroller.

Need helpeople with website design

I am newish to coding websites, I've done it before but I want to start getting more advanced. And I need some help, I am attempting to make a website that looks like this:
Ihave the logo and can do any gfx.
Ok let me give a summery, I want to have the navigation bar around the logo likeep shown, and the quick news could be a feed from a forum or something and I would like to have the navigation bar on all pages not including forum.
I am not asking for you to code it for me but simply just help and general tips.
Thank you very much for reading,
You should have the navigation at the head of every web page. Think of your users!

Code bbcode in phpbb3

Here is a question for the code bbcode in phpbb3. As we can see here (official site of phpbb3) two ways of presenting a code are used. Is this a bbcode? If so, how can I add it to the board? If not, is this a mod? If yes, where can I find it?
I have searched a lot of how I can achieve a result like this but I came up empty. I appreciate for your help.
Edit: I am talking of course about the code that is presented as an inline next to the text.
I'm not sure how phpBB implement it, but you could use BBcode to achieve the same effect. To add custom BBcode go to the Posting tab in your ACP, and BBcodes is the first option in the left column.
BBcode usage:
HTML replacement:
<span style="background: #fff none repeat scroll 0 0;border: 1px solid #c9d2d8;color: #2e8b57;display: inline;font-family: Monaco,"Andale Mono","Courier New",Courier,monospace;font-size: 0.9em;font-style: normal;line-height: 1.3em;padding: 0 3px;">{TEXT}</span>
Help line:
[inline-code]Your code here[/inline-code]
The above css is taken from the link you posted so should look the same on your site.
