How to count random rows - excel

I have a problem trying to come out with a solution for my job.
I work at a warehouse and we work on containers. Each containers has X amount of boxes and X amount of paperwork for the boxes. We are also given a due date.
I wanted to use some kind of algorithm or formulas but I don't know how to use it of any kind.
Lets say i have 1000 containers and 700,000 boxes&28,000 Paper Work to be done in the next 7 days with 2 different shifts. For those containers I already have a list of the 1,000 of what needs to be done, but i want to do it quickly with excel to distribute the work based on categories. In those 1000, I also have a due date. So lets say I want to do 72 Containers per shift (144 for 1 day). I also want to do 50,000 boxes each shift with 2000 paper work also each shift.
My priorities is first Due Date, if a container is getting close to current date, that takes priority(lets say within 1 day). Next if i want to do 50,000 boxes and 2000 paper work per shift, i want to insert that into a cell and excel will automatically select the best 72 containers per shift that prioritizes due date(doesn't matter how many boxes or papers if it is within 1 day)and then chooses what ever best containers that will equal out to 50,000 boxes and 2,000 papers. Each container and its information in written per row with the columns having headers. I want it to be done this way so that i don't manually count each container so that i can best distribute the same amount of work to each shift. This way my 1 hour process can be done in 5 minutes.
I don't know if i am asking too much but i just need a sample to then test it on a file.
Sorry for providing the wrong information right away. I've included a sample of what I am trying to achieve.
Instead of 72 containers, with the example I lowered it 11 per shift but the boxes and paper count didn't change.
Container List
What this shows is that the yellow highlighted were selected because of due date being very close to current date. Orange highlight were selected to complete the 11 container count goal while being as close as possible to 50k boxes and 2k load slips. Then were sorted for email purposes, the other 11 were also already selected for the 2nd shift when they come in keeping in mind of the same goal as 1st shift. Any left containers are going to ignored at least till the next day.
Is this possible or am I thinking too far ahead of myself.


Using Sumproduct to calculate two tables using horizontal (table headers) and vertical references

Hopefully the title makes some sense because I'm trying to wrap my head around the logic and I'm not quite sure how to phrase the question.I'll try to give a brief explanation of the end goal without over complicating it with unnecessary details.
I have a table of survey score averages for every month per person and a correlating table with the number of surveys each person received for each month. The logic is essentially multiple the score for each month by the number of surveys, combine them, divide by the total number of surveys within that time period to get their true average. Where things get a little complicated is that I have to include the ability to set a custom date range and return the value. So sometimes I might be looking at the average for Jan - Apr, other times I might just be looking at Feb-Mar etc.
I think sumproduct is going to get what I need done but I'm running into issues trying to write it out. I've written it several different ways and none of them worked so here's one that best conveys what I'm trying to do,
I super appreciate any assistance I can get on this. I'm hoping the end result is not nearly as difficult as I'm making it out to be.
Some additional information:
I'm going to be using this same process to calculate multiple metrics across multiple worksheets.In the test example each of the tables will most likely be on different sheets. The dashboard with the calculated results will contain everyone's names and will be filtered and rearranged frequently, so I need to make sure we're always matching directly to their names and not just the relative rows. Basically, in my example I show that Agent 1 is always lined up on row 8 but that's not always going to be the case. Agent 1 could be in Row 8 on Sheet 1, Row 10 on Sheet 2, and Row 12 on Sheet 3 and I need all the correct values to multiply and sum against one another.

Calculate minutes in specific period

I have a spreadsheet which has employee working times, listed as Sat-In and Sat-Out for a specific date. The employee shift spans several ours and each "In-Out" period is recorded as a separate line which means the time between the Sat-Out and the next Sat-In means the employee is on a break. I also calculate the time, in minutes of each "sitting" period.
What I can't seem to figure out is how to add a formula which takes the data and further refines it in this manner:
1. I have a core period of 1030-1530, as an example, which is the busy time and requires the maximum employee coverage. The shifts of employees generally spans this core, but in some cases their shift may start or end in the core.
2. I want to calculate how many minutes the employee worked within the core only. I can obviously do this manually using the data, but a formula would be preferred, if possible.
3. As an example, if a person sat-in at 1445 and sat-out at 1545, the core time calculation would be 45 minutes (1445-1530).
I've attached a snapshot of the data to help my explanation.
FYI - the information is pulled from a database as JSON data and converted to excel. I'm not very familiar with JavaScript, but if someone knows a way to do it programatically, I'm willing to give it a try and learn.
In below example I've used: =MAX(0,MIN($O$2,H2)-MAX($O$1,G2)), and formatted like [mm].
In Excel, units are days, so if you want to calculate the amount of minutes between two timestamps, you need to subtract both and multiply the differencee by 24*60 (being the amount of minutes in one day).
E.g. You start working at 09:07 (cell B2), and finish at 18:07 (cell B3), having a 45-minutes break. Then the time you worked in minutes, is:
Make sure the cell formatting is correct (general), you'll get : 495.

How do I distribute a value over multiple cells evenly but under a maximum limit?

Example data with desired outcome that I need to calculate
I have 12 items of a certain current value. I have a 'soft' cap of $1,000,000 for these values. Some of the items fall above, and some below this cap level.
I have an amount of money (for this example $900,000) that I want to distribute amongst only the items that fall below the cap (in this example 6 items), with the aim of bringing the value of these items up to but not over the cap value.
If I distribute the $900,000 evenly over these 6 items (each receiving $150,000), you can see that items 2 and 9 would then be over the $1,000,000 cap. So items 2 and 9 should only receive $100,000 to raise their value to the cap, then the remaining 4 items would receive and equal share on the remaining pool of money ($700,000 / 4 = $175,000).
So I need a formula to check every item to see if it needs a distribution (i.e below the cap) and then portion/divide out the money pool as illustrated above in the desired distribution column.
Note: The pool of money to be distributed can change. Also the number of items below the cap can change. The cap value itself can change.
I am hoping to avoid VBA or Solver because the spreadsheet could be used on other people's computers.
Hopefully this makes sense. Thanks.
So far I have been able to get close by adding a helper column and using the following formula:
Working example when values are sorted.
This seems to work when the values are sorted in descending order, as shown in the example image above. But seems to break when the values are a bit more randomly assorted which is likely to happen (as in the original post).
Just to give you an idea of how the solver can be set up to do a capital budget model here is one, also shows the solver and its settings:

How to sum total hours in a row while skipping certain values?

I study wildlife and currently, I am doing an analysis regarding how long my focal species goes off of the mountain (its main habitat) and into human settlements.
Here is a picture with the data: data
Anyways, as you can see there are three coloured columns. Yellow is data, green is time, and blue is whether the animal is on or off the mountain (with red being when the animal is off).
As you can see, this one particular animal went off on several occasions. In this case, he went off the mountain three times but stayed off at various lengths. As I have thousands of data points, I essentially would like to determine how long each "off the mountain" event lasted. That is, since I consider every time the animal went off the mountain to be a separate event, I would like to determine how long the animal was off the mountain for each excursion, separately. In this case, the animal went off three times and I would like to total those three events individually.
So, as stated, an event would be every single occasion that the animal left the mountain, stayed there (for however long), and eventually made its way back up.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The simplest way would be just to count how many consecutive "off" periods there are in a particular run following an "on" period then multiply by 3 hours 20 minutes which you could do like this (starting in (say) K2)
=IF(AND(G1="On",G2="Off"), MATCH("On",G3:G$100,0)*TIME(3,20,0)*24,0)
You could take it further by looking at the individual times of the fixes as well to get an upper and lower limit (e.g. for the first excursion it could be between 3 hours 20 minutes and 10 hours 40 minutes roughly).
Upper limit
=IF(AND(G1="On",G2="Off"), (INDEX(J3:J$100,MATCH("On",G3:G$100,0))-J1)*24,0)
Lower limit
=IFERROR(IF(AND(G1="On",G2="Off"), (INDEX(J3:J$100,MATCH("On",G3:G$100,0)-1)-J2)*24,0),0)
where my column J contains a datetime value formed by adding the date and time in columns A and B together.
This raises an issue about what happens when the animal is still off-mountain at the end of its data (currently gives #N/A because MATCH is unable to find a cell containing "On"). Would need to decide how to treat this case if it ever occurs in practice.
Note when there is only one off-mountain measurement the lower limit is zero because in theory the animal could have left immediately before the measurement and returned immediately afterwards.
To address the above issue where the animal is still off-mountain at the end of its data (and looking at the sample data it looks as if a different animal's data is immediately following the first animal's data) you would need this
=IF(AND(G1="On",G2="Off"), IFERROR(MATCH(1,(G3:G$100="On")*(E3:E$100=E2),0),MATCH(TRUE,E3:E$100<>E2,0))*TIME(3,20,0)*24,0)
which would have to be entered as an array formula using CtrlShiftEnter
You could argue that you might need to do some averaging for an incomplete off-mountain excursion like this which would make it even more complicated, but this is an Excel answer and can't go too far into the rights or wrongs of the analysis.
I guess a good starting-point would be knowing how you gather these statistics in the first place.

Excel - Evaluate multiple cells in a row and create report or display showing lowest to highest

In an Excel 2003 spreadsheet, I have the top row of cells calculating the number of days and hours I have worked on something based on data I put in the cells below for each category. For example I enter the time spent on Programming, Spoken languages, house, piano, guitar...etc. The top cell in each category will keep track of and display how many days and hours I spent as I add the time spent for each category each day. I want to evaluate this top row and then list in a "report" (like a pop up box or another tab or something) in order from least amount of time to the most amount of time. This is so I can see at a glance which category is falling behind and what I need to work on. Can this be done in Excel? VBA? Or do I have to write a program from scratch in C# or Java? Thanks!
Unbelievable... I've been scolded for trying to understand an answer and requested to mark this question answered. I don't see anything to do this and could not find anything that tells you how, so I'm just writing it here. MY QUESTION WAS ANSWERED... But thanks anyway...
Consider the following screenshot:
The chart data is built with formulas in columns H3:I3 and below. The formulas are
H3 =INDEX($B$3:$F$3,MATCH(SMALL($B$2:$F$2,ROW(A1)),$B$2:$F$2,0))
I3 =INDEX($B$2:$F$2,MATCH(SMALL($B$2:$F$2,ROW(A1)),$B$2:$F$2,0))
Copy down and build a horizontal bar chart from the data. If you want to change the order of the source data, use LARGE() instead of SMALL().
Alternative Approach
Instead of recording your data in a matrix, consider recording in a flat table with columns for date, category and time spent. That data can then easily be evaluated in many possible ways without using any formulas at all. The screenshot below shows a pivot table and chart where the data is sorted by time spent.
Edit after inspecting file:
Swap rows 2 and 3. Then you can choose one of the approaches outlined above.
Consider entering the study time as time values. It is not immediately clear if your entry 2.23 means 2 hrs and 23 minutes, or 2 hrs plus 0.23 of an hour, which totals to 2hrs, 13 minutes.
If you are using the first method, then all your sums involving decimals are off. For example, the total for column B is 7.73 as you sum it. Is that meant to be 7 hrs and 73 minutes? That would really be 8 hrs and 13 minutes, no? Or is it meant to be 7 hrs and 43 minutes? You can see how this is confusing. Use the colon to separate hrs and minutes and - hey - you can see human readable time values and don't have to convert minute values into decimals.
