Unable to find libisl.so.15 - linux

I ve been trying to install bazel on a Linux system - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. While installing, I run into this error : (pls see link below)
As seen, it is unable to load libisl.so.15. But that shared file is indeed present on the system and it is a symbolic link. How can I make the bazel build step recognize the presence of that library file. I did search online forums for solutions but could not find any suitable one for this. Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Note: I do not have sudo permissions.


How to download Dark table on Linux Mint, from source code

I am wondering if someone can explain to me how to download programs such as Dark table, using Linux Mint and the source code. I have consulted many sites, but they are not all beginner friendly.
Thank you very much,
Installing open source projects with the source code is nothing beginner friendly. Depending on the software you want to install you need at least basic knowledge of build systems (in case of darktable it's cmake).
A general approach is: Look on the website of the project or the git repo for instructions on how to install manually ( e.g.: darktable: https://www.darktable.org/install/ chapter 'Install from source').
Most likely at the end, it will provide the steps to compile it. First step is always to install the dependencies. After that downloading the provided archives or clone the repo and executing the build commands or the provided build script. Then you most likley will have compiled an executable which you can execute or create a desktop entry for it on your mint desktop.

Downloading debian Neo4j version from Windows

I'm trying to download the Debian Neo4j version from a Window 7 machine. I'm not managing to find the URL in order to download the package/file . I have installed the GOW software for some linux commands.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
I found this link - https://neo4j.com/download/other-releases/ . Know I need to figure out what is the best file to download in order to install it on an Ubuntu Machine
You've got two options :
If you've got access to the package repository (from your Ubuntu machine), follow the information in https://neo4j.com/docs/operations-manual/current/installation/linux/debian/ to install it as a package. That's the best option which also provides start/stop scripts, a user that runs Neo4j (neo4j) and also allows for easier upgrades.
If you can not reach the internet from your Ubuntu machine (as could be deduced from the way you're trying to do it, the zip (or tar.gz for Linux) download is the way to go. You can find that at http://info.neo4j.com/download-thanks.html?edition=community&release=3.2.3&flavour=unix
Hope this helps.

Is it possible to install JBoss Fuse 6.3 on Linux (Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS)?

I have gone through the JBoss FUSE guide in official guide but I could not see any details regarding capabilities of install FUSE in Linux server. Have any one try this before? I have not seen any document regarding this, Appropriate if some experienced person provide feedback about this.
Is it possible to install the FUSE in Linux server for example Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS ? If it's possible is there any reference document guideline ?
Yes it's possible to run the FUSE on linux without any issue. Only thing is it is required to install JDK and its better to have maven installed in your PC as well.(Note that path variable needed to be updated after install JDK and maven). If you haven't install please go through following guide lines.
01) Install JDK in linux
02) Install maven in linux
After you installed those two then you need to download the relevant zip file from JBoss Fuse official site. Then extract the zip file in to desired location. (This location can be any place you want to install in folder structure)
Open the command line and go to bin folder on extracted folder.
then Type following command and press enter
As show on below image
Then you will see similar interface to below(Usual fuse loading interface ).
Since there is not much dificulties on this I don't think there will be any documentation regarding this. I believe this steps will help you to setup JBoss Fuse in linux environment.

Linux, How to integrate icc with eclipse and set icc from evrywhere

I'm using ubuntu 14.04.
I just downloaded and installed Intel parallel studio 2016.
If I'm typing icc not from the icc folder, I'm getting error command not found. Is there a way to set icc like gcc (type the icc command from every place I'm running ?)
How can I integrate icc and eclipse ?
I found the following link:
enter link description here
But t doest help me (it using icc13 and I cant understand from where I can find the site)
Pls help
1)In the directory where you installed the compiler (by default that is /opt/intel), you will find a directory composerxe/bin/ . In that directory are scripts compilervars.csh and compilervars.sh. Choose the script that matches your shell and executed that with either the ia32 or the intel64 as an argument - you probably want intel64. This will set up all your environment variables.
2) The files for eclipse support will be in the same place you installed the compilers. So if you installed the compilers in the default location, /opt/intel, then you can use /opt/intel/composerxe (or /opt/intel/composer_xe_) instead of .../composer_xe_2013.0.079.

Cross-Compiling Linux Kernel for Raspberry Pi

I'm trying to follow this guide. I'm running on a 32bit Ubuntu installation.
I'm confused by this part: export CCPREFIX=/path/to/your/compiler/binary/prefix-of-binary-. I've looked through the tools folder I downloaded from github and can't find any binary files. Does anybody know what file the guide is referring to?
The link that you are following gives an example of how to do this. At the top of the document it says CCPREFIX=/home/me/tools/arm-bcm2708/arm-bcm2708-linux-gnueabi/bin/arm-bcm2708-linux-gnueabi-
In other words, if you cloned https://github.com/raspberrypi/tools into the home directory then there would be a tools directory there and you should have the same path as the example.
