Internal Server Error updating Watson's STT Language Model - speech-to-text

A few days ago we started seeing Internal Server Errors in responses to Watson's custom language model training requests. Here's the error message:
"error": "{\"code\":500,\"code_description\":\"Internal Server
Error\",\"error\":\"sreq 95f48de6 aborted PUT
{} after timeout of 100.000000s.\"}",
This custom model is no longer usable as a result. Any help would be appreciated.

Please check your model now. I am guessing you were experiencing an intermittent error. Sending another train request usually helps.


"Error: Internal error encountered" while running RequestSync to Google Homegraph API - Node.js

I am using a Nodejs client to integrate with Google Smart Home.
When I request to RequestSync API, it sometimes shows the following error.
Error: Internal error encountered.
Although I saw the above error, it seems that the SYNC request has been triggered properly.
Does anyone know why this happens?
Since the request failed and returned an error, our app retries the RequestSync again and again, so I'd like to fix the error if possible.
Thank you.
#googleapis/homegraph: 3.0.2
Nodejs: 18.4.0

Azure app service some requests returns 400 Bad Request. The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax

So we have a simple .net core 5.0 service that only serves some simple pages with mvc. We are starting to get 400 Errors (details below) on some of the requests. Our frontend is embedded in an iframe which forces us to use our own domain for our api-calls. The 400 errors disappears when we use the azure internal-urls. (* instead of * When I get to the "diagnose and solve problems" -> "availability and performance" -> HTTP 4XX ERRORS i can se below errors. Any ideas on what can cause this error?
Bad Request. The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax. The client should not repeat the request without modifications.
So, the biggest problem above is that we do not get the correct errormessage. After a lot of experimentation we activated the ConnectionLogging for Kestrel.
.UseKestrel(options =>
options.ConfigureEndpointDefaults(listenOptions =>
And after that we found some more intressting logs. One that said:
Connection id "0HMFSA73IA4LS" bad request data: "Malformed request: invalid headers."
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.BadHttpRequestException: Malformed request: invalid headers.
After some more investigation we could diff a succesful request from a failing request. And the problem was related to the certificate of * In a part of the certificate we hade a string thats named "Stockholms län" in the cases where it failed the string decoded to l�n and when it succeeded the string decoded to l%C3%A4n. We are now investigating if this is a load balancer problem. But this app is running hostingmodel outofprocess. By changing this to inprocess and wrap our Kestrel in IIS the errors disapears.

ListView in sharepoint 2013

I am getting following error when I use pagination of view.
Unable to render the data. If the problem persists, contact your web
server administrator.Correlation
When I checked the Logs from ULSViewer I got these errors messages
Error while executing web part: System.ArgumentException: The
specified view is invalid. at
Microsoft.SharePoint.SPViewCollection.get_Item(Guid guid) at
strCmd) at
Forced due to logging gap, cached # 12/24/2015 10:59:32.88, Original
Level: Verbose] No data was found on the incoming client request
Proxy response returned error: 'The remote server returned an error:
Could you please check and let me know what is the issue? I am not able to resolve it.
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
Have you added the custom web parts or add custom code?
For troubleshooting the issue, you could check things below:
Create a new list view to check if the same issue will occur.
Do an IIS reset to check if it can work.

APNS Gateway Message Error

I am new to IOS development and I was trying to implement APNS. It was working fine until suddenly it started to give this error after sending the notifications form Node backend.
{ [GatewayMessageError: Invalid token] message: 'Invalid token', code: 8, identifier: 0 }
Any leads would be helpful.
This is such a strange Problem. I am using apnagent in Node.js to send notifications. This error occurred to me and then it solved on its own. I am still confused as to how it is solved as i did not change anything in my code. From what I have read, this might be due to apnagent's irregularity or non performance.

Heroku/MongoLab not working

I ma using heroku and mongolab to host my node app.
So far everything had been working great but now everytime I try to access my mongolab dashboard from heroku I get the following 500 error:
HTTP Status 500 - Cannot call sendRedirect() after the response has been committed
type Exception report
message Cannot call sendRedirect() after the response has been committed
description The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot call sendRedirect() after the response has been committed
note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/7.0.52 logs.
Apache Tomcat/7.0.52
I am trying to access this url:
have I dont something wrong??
Apologies for the confusion. For your protection, we have expired all passwords after the heartbleed issue was announced this week and it appears that while you usually SSO in from Heroku you do actually have a password with us.
You appear to have hit an edge case with that code. You should be forced to your user info screen where you can update your password, but it appears you're tripping over an error. Could you write us at so that we can identify your account and work through the issue with you?
