SPARK parallelization of algorithm - non-typical, how to - apache-spark

I have a processing requirement that does not seem to fit the nice SPARK parallelization use cases. On the other hand, I may not see how it can be done in SPARK easily.
I am seeking the easiest way to parallelize the following situation:
Given a set of N records of record type A,
perform some processing on A records that generates a not yet existing set of initial results, say, of J records of record type B. Record type B has a data range aspect to it.
Then repeat the process for the A set of records not yet processed - the leftovers - for any records generated as part of B, but look to the left and to the right of the A records.
Repeat 3 until no new records generated.
This may sound odd, but it is nothing more than taking a set of trading records, and deciding for a given computed period Pn, if there is a bull or bear spread evident during this period. Once that initial period is found, then date-wise before Pn and after Pn, one can attempt to look for a bull or bear spread period that precedes or follows the initial Pn period. And so on. It all works correctly.
The algorithm I designed works on inserting records using SQL and some looping. The records generated do not exist initially and get created on the fly. I looked at dataframes and RDDs, but it is not so evident (to me) how one would do this.
Using SQL it is not such a difficult algorithm, but you need to work through the records of a given logical key set sequentially. Thus not a typical SPARK use case.
My questions are then:
How can I achieve at the very least parallelization?
Should we use mapPartitions in some way so as to at least get ranges of logical key sets to process, or is this simply not possible given the use case I attempt to present? I am going to try this, but feel I may be barking up the wrong tree here. It may just need to be a loop / while in the driver running single thread.
Some examples record A's shown in tabular format - as per how this algorithm works:
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
key X -5 1 0 10 9 -20 0 5 7
would result in record B's being generated as follows:
key X Jan - Feb --> Bear
key X Apr - Jun --> Bull

This falls into the category of non-typical Spark. Solved via looping within a loop in Spark Scala but with JDBC usage. Could as well have been a Scala JDBC program. Also variation with foreachPartition.


In HPCC ECL, when running a LOCAL, LOOKUP JOIN. Does the RHS dataset gets copied to all nodes, or kept distributed due to LOCAL?

Say I have a cluster of 400 machines, and 2 datasets. some_dataset_1 has 100M records, some_dataset_2 has 1M. I then run:
Then, I run the join:
Will the distribution of ds2 "mess up" the join, meaning parts of ds2 will be incorrectly scattered across the cluster leading to low match rate?
Or, will the LOOKUP keyword take precedence and the distributed ds2 will get copied in full to each node, thus rendering the distribution irrelevant, and allowing the join to find all the possible matches (as each node will have a full copy of ds2).
I know I can test this myself and come to my own conclusion, but I am looking for a definitive answer based on the way the language is written to make sure I understand and can use these options correctly.
For reference (from the Language Reference document v 7.0.0):
LOOKUP: Specifies the rightrecset is a relatively small file of lookup records that can be fully copied to every node.
LOCAL: Specifies the operation is performed on each supercomputer node independently, without requiring interaction with all other nodes to acquire data; the operation maintains the distribution of any previous DISTRIBUTE
It seems that with the LOCAL, the join completes more quickly. There does not seem to be a loss of matches on initial trials. I am working with others to run a more thorough test and will post the results here.
First, your code:
Since you're intending these results to be used in a JOIN, it is imperative that both datasets are distributed on the "same" data, so that the matching values end up on the same nodes so that your JOIN can be done with the LOCAL option. So this will only work correctly if ds1.field_a and ds2.field_b contain the "same" data.
Then, your join code. I assume you've made a typo in this post, because your join code needs to be (to work at all):
Using both LOOKUP and LOCAL options is redundant because a LOOKUP JOIN is implicitly a LOCAL operation. That means, your LOOKUP option does "override" the LOCAL in this insatnce.
So, all that means that you should either do it this way:
Or this way:
Because the LOOKUP option does copy the entire right-hand dataset (in memory) to every node, it makes the JOIN implicitly a LOCAL operation and you do not need to do the DISTRIBUTEs. Which way you choose to do it is up to you.
However, I see from your Language Reference version that you may be unaware of the SMART option on JOIN, which in my current Language Reference (8.10.10) says:
SMART -- Specifies to use an in-memory lookup when possible, but use a
distributed join if the right dataset is large.
So you could just do it this way:
and let the platform figure out which is best.
Thank you, Richard. Yes, I am notorious for typo's. I apologize. As I use a lot of legacy code, I have not had a chance to work with the SMART option, but I will certainly keep that in mine for me and the team, - so thank you for that!
However, I did run a test to evaluate how the compiler and the platform would handles this scenario. I ran the following code:
sd1:=DATASET(100000,TRANSFORM({unsigned8 num1},SELF.num1 := COUNTER ));
sd2:=DATASET(1000,TRANSFORM({unsigned8 num1, unsigned8 num2},SELF.num1 := COUNTER , SELF.num2 := COUNTER % 10 ));
j11:=JOIN(sd1,sd2,LEFT.num1=RIGHT.num1 ):independent;
j12:=JOIN(sd1,sd2,LEFT.num1=RIGHT.num1,LOOKUP ):independent;
j13:=JOIN(sd1,sd2,LEFT.num1=RIGHT.num1, LOCAL):independent;
j21:=JOIN(ds1,ds2,LEFT.num1=RIGHT.num1 ):independent;
j22:=JOIN(ds1,ds2,LEFT.num1=RIGHT.num1,LOOKUP ):independent;
j23:=JOIN(ds1,ds2,LEFT.num1=RIGHT.num1, LOCAL):independent;
j31:=JOIN(ds1,ds3,LEFT.num1=RIGHT.num1 ):independent;
j32:=JOIN(ds1,ds3,LEFT.num1=RIGHT.num1,LOOKUP ):independent;
j33:=JOIN(ds1,ds3,LEFT.num1=RIGHT.num1, LOCAL):independent;
j41:=JOIN(ds4,ds2,LEFT.num1=RIGHT.num1 ):independent;
j42:=JOIN(ds4,ds2,LEFT.num1=RIGHT.num1,LOOKUP ):independent;
j43:=JOIN(ds4,ds2,LEFT.num1=RIGHT.num1, LOCAL):independent;
j51:=JOIN(ds4,ds2,LEFT.num1=RIGHT.num1 ):independent;
j52:=JOIN(ds4,ds2,LEFT.num1=RIGHT.num1,LOOKUP ):independent;
j53:=JOIN(ds4,ds2,LEFT.num1=RIGHT.num1, LOCAL,HASH):independent;
] , {unsigned8 num, string lbl});
On a 400 node cluster, the results come back as:
If you look at the row 12 in the result ( lbl 34 ), you will notice the match rate drops substantially, suggesting the compiler does indeed distribute the file (with the wrong hashed field) and disregard the LOOKUP option.
My conclusion is therefore that as always, it remains the developer's responsibility to ensure the distribution is right ahead of the join REGARDLESS of which join options are being used.
The manual page could be better. LOOKUP by itself is properly documented. and LOCAL by itself is properly documented. However, they represent two different concepts and can be combined without issue so that JOIN(,,, LOOKUP, LOCAL) makes sense and can be useful.
It is probably best to consider LOOKUP as a specific kind of JOIN matching algorithm and to consider LOCAL as a way to tell the compiler that you are not a novice and that you are absolutely sure the data is already where it needs to be to accomplish what you intend.
For a normal LOOKUP join the LEFT-hand side doesn't need to be sorted or distributed in any particular way and the whole RHS-hand side is copied to every slave. No matter what join value appears on the LEFT, if there is a matching value on the RIGHT then it will be found because the whole RIGHT dataset is present.
In a 400-way system with well-distributed join values, IF the LEFT side is distributed on the join value, then the LEFT dataset in each worker only contains 1/400th of the join values and only 1/400th of the values in the RIGHT dataset will ever be matched. Effectively, within each worker, 399/400th of the RIGHT data will be unused.
However, if both the LEFT and RIGHT datasets are distributed on the join value ... and you are not a novice and know that using LOCAL is what you want ... then you can specify a LOOKUP, LOCAL join. The RIGHT data is already where it needs to be. Any join value that appears in the LEFT data will, if the value exists, find a match locally in the RIGHT dataset. As a bonus, the RIGHT data only contains join values that could match ... it is only 1/400th of the LOOKUP only size.
This enables larger LOOKUP joins. Imagine your 400-way system and a 100GB RIGHT dataset that you would like to use in a LOOKUP join. Copying a 100GB dataset to each slave seems unlikely to work. However, if evenly distributed, a LOOKUP, LOCAL join only requires 250MB of RIGHT data per worker ... which seems quite reasonable.

Does spark use memorization when applying a transformation?

For example : assume we have the following dataset :
when spark executes the following transformation :
df.withColumn("Grade_minus_average", df("Grade") - lit(average) )
will spark compute "30 - average" 3 times or will it reuse the computation ?
(let's assume there is only one partition)
An excellent source:
Constant folding is the process of recognizing and evaluating constant expressions at compile time rather than computing them at
runtime. This is not in any particular way specific to Catalyst. It is
just a standard compilation technique and its benefits should be
obvious. It is better to compute expression once than repeat this for
each row.
As you have a constant and a variable, it will be done for each row and there is no process within Spark, that at run-time track if the previous invocation had the same input, nor a cache of previous values outcomes.

Cassandra data modeling timeseries data

I have this data about visited users for an app/service:
contentId (assume uuid),
platform (eg. website, mobile etc),
softwareVersion (eg. sw1.1, sw2.5, ..etc),
regionId (eg. us144, uk123, etc..)
I have modeled it very simply like
id(String) time(Date) count(int)
contentid1-sw1.1 Feb06 30
contentid1-sw2.1 Feb06 20
contentid1-sw1.1 Feb07 10
contentid1-sw2.1 Feb07 10
contentid1-us144 Feb06 23
contentid1-sw1.1-us144 Feb06 10
Reason is because there's a popular query where someone can ask for contentId=foo,platform=bar,regionId=baz or any combination of those for a range of time (say between Jan 01 - Feb 05).
But another query that's not easily answerable is:
Return top K 'platform' for contentId=foo between Jan01 - Feb05. By top it means to be sorted by 'count's in that range. So for above data, query for top 2 platforms for contentId=contentId1 between Feb6-Feb8 must return:
sw1.1 40
sw2.1 30
Not sure how to model that in C* to get answers for top K queries, anyone has any ideas?
PS: there are 1billion+ entries for each day.
Also I am open to using Spark or any other frameworks along with C* to get these answers.

Find sub-sequence of events from a stream of events

I am giving a miniature version of my issue below
I have 2 different sensors sending 1/0 values as a stream. I am able to consume the stream using Kafka and bring it to spark for processing. Please note a sample stream I have given below.
Time --------------> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sensor Name --> A A B B B B A B A A
Sensor Value ---> 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0
I want to identify a sub sequence pattern occurring in this stream. For eg- if A =0 and the very next value (based on time) in the stream is B =1 then I want to push an alert. In the example above I have highlighted 2 places – where I want to give an alert. In general it will be like
“If a set of sensor-event combination happens within a time interval,
raise an alert”.
I am new to spark and don’t know Scala. I am currently doing my coding using python.
My actual problem contains more sensors and each sensor can have different value combinations. Meaning my subsequence and event stream
I have tried Couple of options without success
Window Functions – Can be useful for moving avgs cumulative sums
etc. not for this usecase
Bring spark Dataframes /RDDs to local python structure like list
and panda Dataframes and do sub-sequencing – it take lots of
shuffles and spark event streams queued after some iterations
UpdateStatewithKey – Tried couple of ways and not able to understand
fully how this works and whether this is applicable for this use
Anyone looking for a solution to this question can use my solution:
1- To keep them connected, you need to gather events with collect_list.
2- It's best to sort your event on the collect_list, but be cautious because it arranges data by the first column, so it's important to put the DateTime in that column.
3- I dropped DateTime from collect_list, as an example.
4- Finally, you should contact all elements to explore it with string functions like contain to find your subsequence.
.agg(expr("array_join(TRANSFORM(array_sort(collect_list((Time , Sensor Value))), a -> a.Time ),'')")as "MySequence")
after this agg function, you can use any regular expression or string function to detect your pattern.
check this link for more information about collect_list:
collect list
check this link for more information about sorting a collect_list:
sort a collect list

Multiple windows of different durations in Spark Streaming application

I would like to process a real-time stream of data (from Kafka) using Spark Streaming. I need to compute various stats from the incoming stream and they need to be computed for windows of varying durations. For example, I might need to compute the avg value of a stat 'A' for the last 5 mins while at the same time compute the median for stat 'B' for the last 1 hour.
In this case, what's the recommended approach to using Spark Streaming? Below are a few options I could think of:
(i) Have a single DStream from Kafka and create multiple DStreams from it using the window() method. For each of these resulting DStreams, the windowDuration would be set to different values as required. eg:
// pseudo-code
val streamA = kafkaDStream.window(Minutes(5), Minutes(1))
val streamB = kafkaDStream.window(Hours(1), Minutes(10))
(ii) Run separate Spark Streaming apps - one for each stat
To me (i) seems like a more efficient approach. However, I have a couple of doubts regarding that:
How would streamA and streamB be represented in the underlying
Would they share data - since they originate from the
KafkaDStream? Or would there be duplication of data?
Also, are there more efficient methods to handle such a use case.
Thanks in advance
Your (i) streams look sensible, will share data, and you can look at WindowedDStream to get an idea of the underlying representation. Note your streams are of course lazy, so only the batches being computed upon are in the system at any given time.
Since the state you have to maintain for the computation of an average is small (2 numbers), you should be fine. I'm more worried about the median (which requires a pair of heaps).
One thing you haven't made clear, though, is if you really need the update component of your aggregation that is implied by the windowing operation. Your streamA maintains the last 5 minutes of data, updated every minute, and streamB maintains the last hour updated every 10 minutes.
If you don't need that freshness, not requiring it will of course should minimize the amount of data in the system. You can have a streamA with a batch interval of 5mins and a streamB which is deducted from it (with window(Hours(1)), since 60 is a multiple of 5) .
