How do I create files with special characters in Linux? - linux

I am using the touch command to try and create a file with the name "\?$*'KwaMe'*$?\" (quotation marks included as part of the file name). However when I type touch "\?$*'KwaMe'*$?\" in the Terminal, it doesn't give me the result I am expecting. How can I create this file?

You need to escape special characters with the backslash symbol (\).
This command will create a file named "\?$*'KwaMe'*$?\":
touch \"\\\?\$\*\'KwaMe\'\*\$\?\\\"
Double your \, like this: \\, so that your shell does not interpret the backslashes from your filename as escape characters.
Escape " and ', like this: \", \', so that your shell interprets the double quotes as part of the filename.
Escape $, like this: \$, otherwise your shell will think you're using a variable.
Escape ? and *, like this: \?, \*, to prevent filename expansion.


String commands in the file path

I wanted to write the file path into a variable so i used the str to do that and got that:
\f inside of the path
and that happens often so how do i solve this issue?
Replace all your \ with \\.
From the Python docs:
The backslash (\) character is used to escape characters that otherwise have a special meaning, such as newline, backslash itself, or the quote character.

res.downalod changing the name of .tiff file while downloading if fileName contain forward slash

I am using express to download the file from the server location as below-'path', 'report a/b/c.tiff')
on downloading above file name is getting changed to c.tiff.
what will be the possible reason and how to get downloaded file as report a/b/c.tiff only.
/ is a globally user for differentiating directories hence forth OS will not allow / in file names as well as for directory.
In Windows you will get the below error,
likewise linux OS also uses the same. But we can use '\' for creating files. Allowed chars in Linux,
Double your \, like this: \, so that your shell does not interpret the backslashes from your filename as escape characters.
Escape " and ', like this: \", \', so that your shell interprets the double quotes as part of the filename.
Escape $, like this: \$, otherwise your shell will think you're using a variable.
Escape ? and *, like this: \?, *
Hence you download has only c.tff

shell script replace and add next line with special characters

I am trying replace a line with another line and add new line below that using shell script. My file content looks like below. I want to replace export PATH with JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-ibm-
export PATH
It should be after:
That means, it has to replace replace export PATH with these two lines.
Please help me how can I do with sed or shell script
sed -e 's#^export PATH$#JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-ibm-\n\nexport PATH JAVA_HOME#' <yourfile.txt
This is just a single substitute command in sed.
Some notes:
The # is used after s instead of the usual / to avoid having to quote all slashes in the path. Otherwise you have to quote each / in the path this way: /. ow you only have to quote #.
The escape sequence \n insert a newline.
Add the -i parameter to sed if you want to actually update the file. The code above only prints the new file to stdout.
The regex is anchored (^...$) so that it matches the whole line and not just a part of it.

Backslashes are removed unless quoted in command line flags

I'm using the flag package to interpret flags entered at the command line.
I created a variable using
ptrString := flag.String("string", "", "A test string")
Then when I want to print it,
fmt.Println("You entered " + *ptrString)
If I enter something like -string=hello! as a command line argument, it prints "hello!"
If I enter something like -string=hello\Bob as a command line argument, it prints "helloBob"
Is there a recommended way to convert or interpret the flag argument to a string that doesn't remove the backslash? (This is being tested on Linux and OS X, if the shell is interfering...)
Characters that have special meaning in the shell need to be quoted or escaped. You can find complete list in the shell's man pages (under "Quoting" in man 1 bash).
In this case, you can either quote or escape the baskslash
// or

vim :gsearch (greplace plugin) escaping characters

I am using the greplace plugin for vim and am not sure how to escape brackets in a search.
I want to search for cookies[:parent] and have tried:
:Gsearch cookies[:parent] # returns nothing
:Gsearch cookies\[:parent\] # returns nothing
How should I be doing this?
Gsearch cookies\\\[:parent\\\]
Gsearch 'cookies\[:parent\]'
. If I understood correctly, shell invoked by :grep! invoked by :Gsearch gets string grep -n cookies\[:parent\] /dev/null (assuming grepprg option has default value) and thus your escapes are interpreted by shell that thinks they are for escaping [ in order to prevent glob expansion. But after globbing done by shell grep takes argument as a pattern, so you need to escape it for grep also and it is why I have three backslashes here: two are to make grep get a backslash and third to prevent glob expansion.
:Gsearch cookies\\\[:parent] works for me.
Remember that :Gsearch requires a file mask in addition to the pattern, so in reality, you'd want to type something like :Gsearch \\\[:parent] *.php or whatever, to specify which files you want to have searched.
:Gsearch cookies\[:parent]
[ is the start of a character class, so needs to be escaped. The ] isn't particularly special so doesn't need to be escaped.
