Excel label creating - excel

I have the following problem! I am working in a restaurant, and I am in charge to prepare food labels for our buffet on a daily basis. I do know my way around excel. But still it gives me a headache to maintain hundreds of labels. The main problem is that they all have to contain a small picture, as a header, if I simply copy paste it through the cells, it starts to add up on each other and the sheet becomes slow and unresponsive. Is there a way or a macro to manage all these small pictures per cell?


Is there a way to enter, save and delete entire row in a scrollable list and reflect the same changes in main data sheet in excel

Fisrt i would like to state that i don't know much about vba other than what i pick up from the internet and forums like this one. I have a problem and i'm hoping some on this forum will come to my rescue.
I'm trying to create a simple equipment maintenance system in excel. I do not want to use the vba user form Because i do not have much knowledge of vba coding.I have two sheets, Sheet1 (called Form) and sheet2 (called Data). So i have craeted an on sheet form on the left of the sheet1 (Form) which i would like to stay visible at all times So to achieve this i picked up a method from the internet of creating a scrollable list (Displaying all data entries from sheet1 (Form), i have also picked up vba code to save and reflect form entries on Sheet1 (Form) on sheet 2, so far so good. Coming to the problem, i would like to make and delete entries directly on to the scrollable list which would also reflect on the data sheet. Another problem i would like to know if possible is how to make the maximum value of the scrollable can increase automatically as data rows increase.
Please HELP!

Excel: Scroll Box Populated By Other Sheets

So, I'm working on creating a simple ledger for tracking my finances in Excel. Currently, it looks like this:
So I've got a place to track my fixed monthly expenses, the actual ledger itself, and my current savings.
However, obviously that ledger is going to get kind of big over time. What I'd like to do is two things:
First, make the data in ONLY the Checking and Saving sections scroll. It doesn't appear that Freeze Panes will do what I want it to, since it only seems to do whole rows or columns.
Second, I'd like to set up the Checking section so that it only shows one month at a time, with some sort of selection (IE a drop-down) to change the month and year I'm looking at.
What would be my best options for this?

Excel Line Chart with separate data points for a single line

I have a weird problem that google's not being too kind on results (mostly basic things on how to create a line chart, or combination charts, neither of which I'm after).
I'm trying to automate a report we do each month, I've managed pretty well so far by having a linked excel chart and objects, I have a single sheet in excel I paste my formatted data (set format is consistent each month) then excel picks out the data, creates the charts and when opening powerpoint it reads it all in from there.
Great! Until I was given a new piece of information, there's monthly data and a yearly tally in my data, monthly data is shown with a particular "weighting" applied, year with a different one and it's this that's caused a problem.
The package that's exporting the data can't show these figures contiguously, so we have an export with all the monthly weights, then with annual weights.
So say originally we were looking at C83 to O83 for our data for this year, we're now looking at C83 to N83 and O1364.
I've tried to look at how I would add this to the chart, which currently has the reference:
='Monthly Data to Update'!$C$83:$O$83
But doing anything + or & doesn't seem to work.
So, I decided to just pull all my data in to contiguous set to reference, (so ='Monthly Data to Update'!C83 one cell, ='Monthly Data to Update'!C84 next cell and so on).
This caused a problem for future months that're empty, having 0's in them, so I updated my code to check:
=IF('Monthly Data to Update'!C83=0,NA(),'Monthly Data to Update'!C83)
And this works, my table below my chart is blank for the empty months, my chart doesn't try and plot these empty months. Hurrah!
Now, the wrinkle. The Yearly nets aren't charted but are displayed in the table (I'm not up on Excel charts so how this was originally setup, I just copied the charts from Powerpoint in to Excel and reset the data to where it needed to be before copying it back to Powerpoint as a data linked chart).
First chart I did, works fine, second chart I did it's decided to start plotting the annual net for two of the three lines = \
So, this is how my chart looks like, running off the contiguous (but wrong) data:
And this is how it looks running off the fetched contiguous (correct) data:
It's really baffling, Exceeded and Met now plot the Year to Date figure, whereas Not Met behaves as it should, and they all have the same data layout (on the right) using the same formulas (just pointing at different cells).
I am confused..
I'm hoping to keep this light and simple so have avoided using any macro's to date, so that down the line when I hand this project over to someone any maintenance should be easy to do (say add a chart) without them asking me and me then having to remember what the hell I did a few months ago.. - so if this is doable without going down that line (which, seems like it should be, given my first chart the two lines there worked fine, and one of the three in this is behaving itself).
Apologies for the long winded description, I've given full history so if there's a step further back I could've done better, then happy to fix it up there rather than where I got to.
Ah, so apparently I could've had non-contiguous data with a comma, not a plus or ampersand, so the chart data would be:
=('Monthly Data to Update'!$C$83:$N$83,'Monthly Data to Update'!$O$1404)
So I don't need to rebuild the data in to a contiguous set, and my charts don't cock up when selecting the data this way, win's all around.
Thank you for your time, hopefully this helps someone in the future. (as a saving grace for my lost morning)

Excel Timesheet Matrix to Listed entries

I'm tying to convert a matrix of data into a list of entries. I have found a few solutions that are close but nothing that I can get working completely. My challenges are I need 4 pieces of information from each row and I want it to be automatic. This Solution was close, but I need something That brings an extra two columns with it.I don't want to have to process the data once it's entered into the Grid.
I created something that works but I feel it's clumsy and there has to be a better way to do it. I have added a Sample Time sheet to my Google drive of what I have created. Essentially I enter the work order, description and pay code on the left. The dates are up top and hours hours worked are entered into the grid. I use a few simple formulas to make a list of every grid cell in the format my finance department needs and then bring it back into the main sheet to sort it. I feel this setup is fragile and it requires manual sort every time info is updated.
Can you help me get from the format on the left to the format on the right with 0 steps. The data arrangement on the left can be modified but the data on the right has to be exactly as show. Mostly I don't know what I'm trying to do is called. It took me longer than I care to admit to find the term "matrix to list." All suggestions are welcome.
A Screenshot of the excel sheet for when the google drive link stops working.

How can I change the data source per tab instead of for the entire workbook?

I am in the process of upgrading an excel spreadsheet we use to manage timecards with for employees every week, we use OCR to process them. Currently our big spreadsheet, its a multi-tabbed spreadsheet where every employee in a given department can see everyone else's time that gets logged.
What I am in the process of doing is making individual spreadsheets inside folders for each employee to access, these folders will be locked so employees of each department cant go in and see other peoples timecards. One master spreadsheet with the use of index/match will pull the data into the master spreadsheet.
I have one page completed for one employee but I have about 20+ more employees to go and it took 6 hours to do one page, is there a way that I can change the spreadsheet connection of one individual page instead of the entire workbook?
here is an illustration:
i have hundreds of cells on one tab connected to this external spreadsheet
With the use of the "Edit Links" prompt I am aware that I can change data sources, but I want to edit the connection per tab not the entire workbook
i want to have one tab pulling from one data source, and the next tab pulling from another data source. I want to accomplish this without going into each cell and updating the link and spending a 40 hour work week on something so small.
How can I do this?
using replace all, [ctrl + h] for windows, you can change any value within formulas on the entire page
works great
