Installing Nightmare.js on Heroku - node.js

My app needs installing nightmare.js which includes electron browser for web scraping. I followed this article but there are no results. So how can I install Nightmare.js with electon in it?

In this Nightmare Heroku Example project I include easy to follow step by step instructions about how to set up a Heroku app with Nightmare.


Meteor Tool stuck on extracting or downloading. Deploying app on AWS EC2 Linux

Ive scoured to web with no avail..
noob here as well... sorry im still learning
App Dependencies are all out of date... I honestly dont know how to go about updating them yet
System Meteor version is 2.9.1
App Meteor version is
when I run Yarn Start, Meteor Tools starts download and extracting. well, it never finishes extracting, even if i leave it for hours.
Works locally no problems but when running on the AWS server or Digital Ocean droplets, both get stuck on Meteor Tools Extracting
I attempted to remove meteor and reinstall meteor globally. Didn't touch anything inside the app as i dont want to break the app. Tried running
meteor update
only for it to freeze on meteor tools extracting. Also tried
meteor update --patch
only to have it freeze as well.

Unable to run Shopify Getting started app on macOS Catalina

I am trying to run the Shopify Getting started app. Configuration and steps followed up to now:
Running on macOS Catalina 10.15.7 (don't reply with update your macOS, please) on a late 2013 MacBook Pro Retina (don't reply with buy a new Mac).
Created my Shopify partner account and development shop/store
Installed Node.js 14.19 with nvm (10.18.1 is my default and still in use for development unrelated to Shopify)
Installed shopify-cli 2.15.2 from Homebrew (I was using Homebrew before)
Ran nvm use lts/fermium
Ran shopify login
Ran shopify app create node, naming it hello_world, and as a public app
Created my ngrok account and the auth token
Ran shopify app tunnel auth with the token
Ran a first time shopify app serve
Installed the app into my development store using the URL shown by the preceding command. I saw an "Hello World"-style line (I don't remember the exact text)
Stopped the app with Ctrl+C
Rebooted computer for a security update
Ran nvm use lts/fermium then shopify app serve again
Now, I am unable to see again what I saw at the end of step 11.
Inside the Shopify development store dashboard, when I go to Applications then I click the link to my app that is listed, I get a 404 error from Github Pages.
When I point the ngrok endpoint URL in a browser on the same Mac, it tries and fails to redirect to https://undefined/admin/oauth/authorize?client_id=1f78cccba52990ef59c873bf295d0d4f&scope=write_products%2Cwrite_customers%2Cwrite_draft_orders& . The undefined host seems very fishy. Of course, I don't have a network node named that way.
The same happens when I point http://localhost:8081 to that same browser on the same Mac.

Google App Engine - Node.js with all locales

I have developed a Node.js application on my system. The app is using French locale and is working properly on my system because I installed Node.js with --with-intl=system-icu option.
When I deploy it to google using gcloud app deploy it doesn't work properly. I searched online and found that the default installation of Node.js doesn't contain all the locales.
Is there any way I can install Node.js with all locales for the Google App Engine?
You can install things that are not offered by default in Google App Engine if you use Custom Runtimes in the Flexible Environment.
Custom Runtimes let you define your own Dockerfile where you can add commands like:
RUN npm install full-icu
I found this example for Dockerizing a Node.js web app, which may help you.

Grunt Server and WebStorm javascript debugging (and SpyJS) not working

I have an app that I made with yeoman, grunt an angular JS (typical setup - image included below). I'm trying to debug my project with spyjs (or even regular javascript debugging) but I can't seem to get it working when I run "grunt serve" - the file that's loaded from WebStorm clearly isn't going through the grunt server (but localhost:63343 instead). Any ideas how I could configure things properly to get debugging to work?
Here's my SpyJS configuration:
I've also tried localhost:9000 for the URL to trace (which is the port that grunt serve runs on), and I've tried using another node interpreter.
You need using the server your client code runs on (localhost:3000) and not WebStorm built-in webserver to debug your Angular application served by Grunt. See Debugging grunt with Intellij for some hints
Note: haven't tried this with spyjs - only with a regular debugger
You need to upgrade to Webstorm 9. As per spy-js
Node.js tracing is now supported in WebStorm 9 EAP, including multi process and node cluster tracing support.
Then instead of using Spy-js profile, use Spy-js for Node.js profile.
This screenshot is from Webstorm 9 RC.
I am using too the Yeoman generator (AngularJs + grunt), and I am debugging the application using the JavaScript Debug configuration like this:
Have a look to this post about how to debug angularJS with Intellij (It should work too for web storm)

heroku like deploy tool for vps

Deploying your web app to heroku is easy
What I want to know it is there any open source tools installed on your linux server so you can have the same deploying experience, since heroku buildpacks is all open source.
Dokku is single-host version of Heroku. It allows you to push Heroku-compatible applications to via git.
