Azure SQL Deleted Database cannot restore because of region restriction - azure

Is there any way to change the region for a Azure SQL server/database from one geographical region to another region?
I have a deleted database which I cannot restore as I get "MSDN subscriptions are restricted from provisioning in this region. Please choose a different region. For exceptions to this rule please contact Microsoft Support."
The Server was originally setup in US-West region with a VS MSDN Subscription.

To answer the ways to change region from Azure SQL database, there are mutiple options -
Configure active geo-replication for Azure SQL Database in the Azure portal and initiate failover
Copy an Azure SQL database
Export an Azure SQL database to a BACPAC file
Set up SQL Data Sync (Preview)
However, based on the error if there is limitation on specific region and you have strict requirement to have database in same region you may need to work with Azure support on it.


In Azure CosmosDB - disable the Data Explorer to user

In Azure Portal to user - how to disable the Data Explorer in Azure Cosmos DB service.
I guess what you are looking for is to restrict users from executing query on Azure portal. You can have a look at different roles available and control the access level accordingly. In this case what you need is Cosmos DB Operator
Can provision Azure Cosmos accounts, databases, and containers. Cannot
access any data or use Data Explorer.

How to Automate On-Premises to Azure SQL Database Data Export?

I have 5 SQL Servers where there is an average of 200 Databases on each of them, how can I go about exporting all of these databases to azure and create the SQL Databases with the same name in azure as well.
This Can be done using azure automation account feature the DSC Configurations?
Can someone tell me or point me in the right direction for this??
Azure Database Migration Service can really help you in this case. Locate the service on Azure portal and create a "Migration Service" for each database server. It will ask you for subscription, resource group, VNET, location and pricing tier. For the pricing tier choose Basic if you intend to migrate small and medium tier sizes. In your case, use "General Purpose". Take advantage that SKU choices of database migration service are currently in preview.
Once you have created the project you can click on it and the following Migration Wizard will appear. Provide the name of the on-premise database server on step #1. On Step #2 select all 200 databases on the server, On Step #3 select the target. On Step #4 you will have to provide a SMB network share that Migration service will use to take backups of the on-premises database.
Once you finished the wizard you can follow the progress on the migration project as shown below.

How to replicate Azure sql db in cross subscription

Is there any way we want to replicate sql db in other subscription
To copy data from one subscription
to another subscription
The job should do incremental copy daily.
I do have bigger questions around why you'd want to do it across subscriptions. That aside, you could automate things via Azure Automation and Runbooks:
Export SQL DB to BACPAC from subscription 1 and save it to storage account in subscription 2 (
Import BACPAC file in to sql server in subscription 2 (
Another option to look in to would be Azure Data Factory ( I'm especially fond of the Azure-SSIS integration in Azure Data Factory (
SQL Data sync might be a good solution:
I've only used to to sync between azure and on premise SQL:
But here is a PowerShell example configures Data Sync (Preview) to sync between multiple Azure SQL databases:

Migrate Azure database server/database different region

Is there any way to migrate Azure SQL server/database from one geographical region to another region? Thanks.
You can use Geo-replication to create a replica of your actual databases on the new desired region, then you can failover all of them making databases on the new region the primary databases, now you can drop all secondary databases on the old original region. You can learn about setting up Geo-replication using Azure portal here.
Another option is to copy the databases to a server located on the desired region using the Copy Database feature as explained here.
A third option is exporting the database to a blob storage as bacpac then import it to a SQL Azure server on the new region as explained here.
Finally, you can also use SQL Data Sync (as explained here) to copy databases to the new region on a new server, and keep the servers synchronized, then you can remove databases from the sync groups, remove SQL Data Sync and drop the original databases.
Hope this helps.
The official Azure documentation about moving SQL resources across regions.

Azure DB sync or mirror between DBs hosted in different azure accounts

I need to mirror sync two azure DBs stored in two different azure accounts (so different subscription also different azure enterprise accounts as well); the DB is Azure DB not SQL Server in azure VM.
the DBs are in the same geo area.
how can this be achieved?
thank you
The Answer is no,you can't have mirroring between two SQLAzure databases even if they are in same region..
It seems that you are trying to keep two databases in sync which are in different regions and are under different subscriptions..This is not possible,only HA option SQLAzure supports is replication with onpremises as publisher and SQLAzure database as subscriber..
One more option you can use is Georeplication(only for premium ,last when i checked) which keeps one more database in sync, which can be in different region
