How to get spark tasks detail information - apache-spark

By view Spark UI timeline, I find my spark application's last task of a specific stage always cost too much time. It seem the task can't finish forever, I have even waited six times longer time than normal tasks.
I want to get more information about the lask task, but I don't know how to debug this specific task, is there anyone can give me some suggestions?
Thanks for your help!
The data has been partitioned well, so the lask task don't have too much data.

Check the explain plan of the resulting dataframe to understand what operations are happening. Are there any shuffles? Sometimes when operations are performed on a dataframe(such as joins) it can result in intermediate dataframes being mapped to a smaller number of partitions and this can cause slower performance because the data isnt as distributed as can be.
Check if there are a lot of shuffles and repeated calls to such dataframes and try to cache the dataframe that comes right after a shuffle.
Check in the Spark UI (address of the driver:4040 is default) and see what the data volume of cached dataframes is, what are the processes and if there are any other overheads such as gc or if it is pure processing time.
Hope that helps.


Apache Spark: is it possible to get dataset counts in a spark job?

Sometimes some Spark job which runs in our cluster runs too long not because of bad optimization, but because of bad logic of the algorithm. In most cases this is a consequence of some unnecessary joins that produce too many rows. Normally we spot such jobs by looking at Spark execution plan where we can find such joins by looking at "number of output rows: xxx" in blue stage labels.
I want to understand - is it possible to optimize this procedure and somehow automatically notify the programmer that the job has too many rows in some dataset (after execution)?
Maybe we can print this in logs (without manually counting dataset's size in code)?
Maybe after running the job we can get the output of the execution plan somehow and save it for further investigations?
No, it's not an option. Spark will do its best to optimize the query plan, so manual interaction with lower execution level is pretty much limited. However, you can "control" the rows for each jobs/tasks by changing some configurations (like spark.sql.shuffle.partitions or spark.sql.files.maxPartitionBytes), or by repartitioning data, which will cause data to be shuffled and re-distributed nearly equally between executors.

Memory Management Pyspark

1.) I understand that "Spark's operators spills data to disk if it does not fit memory allowing it to run well on any sized data".
If this is true, why do we ever get OOM (Out of Memory) errors?
2.) Increasing the no. of executor cores increases parallelism. Would that also increase the chances of OOM, because the same memory is now divided into smaller parts for each core?
3.) Spark is much more susceptible to OOM because it performs operations in memory as compared to Hive, which repeatedly reads, writes into disk. Is that correct?
There is one angle that you need to consider there. You may get memory leaks if the data is not properly distributed. That means that you need to distribute your data evenly (if possible) on the Tasks so that you reduce shuffling as much as possible and make those Tasks to manage their own data. So if you need to perform a join, if data is distributed randomly, every Task (and therefore executor) will have to:
See what data they have
Send data to other executors (and tasks) to provide the same keys they need
Request the data that is needed by that task to the others
All that data exchange may cause network bottlenecks if you have a large dataset and also will make every Task to hold their data in memory plus whatever has been sent and temporary objects. All of those will blow up memory.
So to prevent that situation you can:
Load the data already repartitioned. By that I mean, if you are loading from a DB, try Spark stride as defined here. Please refer to the partitionColumn, lowerBound, upperBound attributes. That way you will create a number of partitions on the dataframe that will set the data on different tasks based on the criteria you need. If you are going to use a join of two dataframes, try similar approach on them so that partitions are similar (for not to say same) and that will prevent shuffling over network.
When you define partitions, try to make those values as evenly distributed among tasks as possible
The size of each partition should fit on memory. Although there could be spill to disk, that would slow down performance
If you don't have a column that make the data evenly distributed, try to create one that would have n number of different values, depending on the n number of tasks that you have
If you are reading from a csv, that would make it harder to create partitions, but still it's possible. You can either split the data (csv) on multiple files and create multiple dataframes (performing a union after they are loaded) or you can read that big csv and apply a repartition on the column you need. That will create shuffling as well, but it will be done once if you cache the dataframe already repartitioned
Reading from parquet it's possible that you may have multiple files but if they are not evenly distributed (because the previous process that generated didn't do it well) you may end up on OOM errors. To prevent that situation, you can load and apply repartition on the dataframe too
Or another trick valid for csv, parquet files, orc, etc. is to create a Hive table on top of that and run a query from Spark running a distribute by clause on the data, so that you can make Hive to redistribute, instead of Spark
To your question about Hive and Spark, I think you are right up to some point. Depending on the execute engine that Hive uses in your case (map/reduce, Tez, Hive on Spark, LLAP) you can have different behaviours. With map/reduce, as they are mostly disk operations, the chance to have a OOM is much lower than on Spark. Actually from Memory point of view, map/reduce is not that affected because of a skewed data distribution. But (IMHO) your goal should be to find always the best data distribution for the Spark job you are running and that will prevent that problem
Another consideration is if you are testing in a dev environment that doesn't have same data as in a prod environment. I suppose the data distribution should be similar although volumes may differ a lot (I am talking from experience ;)). In that case, when you assign Spark tuning parameters on the spark-submit command, they may be different in prod. So you need to invest some time on finding the best approach on dev and fine tune in prod
Huge majority of OOM in Spark are on the driver, not executors. This is usually a result of running .collect or similar actions on a dataset that won't fit in the driver memory.
Spark does a lot of work under the hood to parallelize the work, when using structured APIs (in contrast to RDDs) the chances of causing OOM on executor are really slim. Some combinations of cluster configuration and jobs can cause memory pressure that will impact performance and cause lots of garbage collection to happen so you need to address it, however spark should be able to handle low memory without explicit exception.
Not really - as above, Spark should be able to recover from memory issues when using structured APIs, however it may need intervention if you see garbage collection and performance impact.

Spark createDataFrame(df.rdd, df.schema) vs checkPoint for breaking lineage

I'm currently using
val df=longLineageCalculation(....)
val newDf=sparkSession.createDataFrame(df.rdd, df.schema)
In order to save time when calculating plans, however docs say that checkpointing is the suggested way to "cut" lineage. BUT I don't want to pay the price of saving the RDD to disk.
My process is a batch process which is not-so-long and can be restarted without issues, so checkpointing is not benefit for me (I think).
What are the problems which can arise using "my" method? (Docs suggests checkpointing, which is more expensive, instead of this one for breaking lineages and I would like to know the reason)
Only think I can guess is that if some node fails after my "lineage breaking" maybe my process will fail while the checkpointed one would have worked correctly? (what If the DF is cached instead of checkpointed?)
From SMaZ answer, my own knowledge and the article which he provided. Using createDataframe (which is a Dev-API, so use at "my"/your own risk) will keep the lineage in memory (not a problem for me since I don't have memory problems and the lineage is not big).
With this, it looks (not tested 100%) that Spark should be able to rebuild whatever is needed if it fails.
As I'm not using the data in the following executions, I'll go with
cache+createDataframe versus checkpointing (which If i'm not wrong, is
actually cache+saveToHDFS+"createDataFrame").
My process is not that critical (if it crashes) since an user will be always expecting the result and they launch it manually, so if it gives problems, they can relaunch (+Spark will relaunch it) or call me, so I can take some risk anyways, but I'm 99% sure there's no risk :)
Let me start with creating dataframe with below line :
val newDf=sparkSession.createDataFrame(df.rdd, df.schema)
If we take close look into SparkSession class then this method is annotated with #DeveloperApi. To understand what this annotation means please take a look into below lines from DeveloperApi class
A lower-level, unstable API intended for developers.
Developer API's might change or be removed in minor versions of Spark.
So it is not advised to use this method for production solutions, called as Use at your own risk implementation in open source world.
However, Let's dig deeper what happens when we call createDataframe from RDD. It is calling the internalCreateDataFrame private method and creating LogicalRDD.
LogicalRDD is created when:
Dataset is requested to checkpoint
SparkSession is requested to create a DataFrame from an RDD of internal binary rows
So it is nothing but the same as checkpoint operation without saving the dataset physically. It is just creating DataFrame From RDD Of Internal Binary Rows and Schema. This might truncate the lineage in memory but not at the Physical level.
So I believe it's just the overhead of creating another RDDs and can not be used as a replacement of checkpoint.
Now, Checkpoint is the process of truncating lineage graph and saving it to a reliable distributed/local file system.
Why checkpoint?
If computation takes a long time or lineage is too long or Depends too many RDDs
Keeping heavy lineage information comes with the cost of memory.
The checkpoint file will not be deleted automatically even after the Spark application terminated so we can use it for some other process
What are the problems which can arise using "my" method? (Docs
suggests checkpointing, which is more expensive, instead of this one
for breaking lineages and I would like to know the reason)
This article will give detail information on cache and checkpoint. IIUC, your question is more on where we should use the checkpoint. let's discuss some practical scenarios where checkpointing is helpful
Let's take a scenario where we have one dataset on which we want to perform 100 iterative operations and each iteration takes the last iteration result as input(Spark MLlib use cases). Now during this iterative process lineage is going to grow over the period. Here checkpointing dataset at a regular interval(let say every 10 iterations) will assure that in case of any failure we can start the process from last failure point.
Let's take some batch example. Imagine we have a batch which is creating one master dataset with heavy lineage or complex computations. Now after some regular intervals, we are getting some data which should use earlier calculated master dataset. Here if we checkpoint our master dataset then it can be reused for all subsequent processes from different sparkSession.
My process is a batch process which is not-so-long and can be
restarted without issues, so checkpointing is not benefit for me (I
That's correct, If your process is not heavy-computation/Big-lineage then there is no point of checkpointing. Thumb rule is if your dataset is not used multiple time and can be re-build faster than the time is taken and resources used for checkpoint/cache then we should avoid it. It will give more resources to your process.
I think the sparkSession.createDataFrame(df.rdd, df.schema) will impact the fault tolerance property of spark.
But the checkpoint() will save the RDD in hdfs or s3 and hence if failure occurs, it will recover from the last checkpoint data.
And in case of createDataFrame(), it just breaks the lineage graph.

Spark Understanding Interval between jobs

In spark UI, I am wondering what is going on between jobs and looking for any ways reduce them, especially after collect and before writing parquet.
I see a really long break before submitting parquet, almost 1 minute. Considering the whole application is taking 2 minutes, it takes a great proportion. Does this break usually means sparking is going over all the workers and collecting datas? Even so, the interval before parquet is quite longer than other actions, such as collect or first.
Here is the image
In my experience, that delay is generally present when the driver portion of your job is busy doing work. For instance, if you do a .collect(), and then iterate over the resulting Array, that work is being done sequentially on the driver, and would result in no tasks being assigned to the executors during that time.

Parquet write OutOfMemoryException on spark

I have about 8m rows of data with about 500 columns.
When I try to write it with spark as a single file coalesce(1) it fails with an OutOfMemoryException.
I know this is a lot of data on one executor, but as far as I understand the write process of parquet, it only holds the data for one row group in memory, before flushing it to disk and then continues with the next one.
My executor has 16gb of memory and it cannot be increased any further. The data contains a lot of strings.
So what I am interested in is, some settings where I can tweak the process of writing big parquet files for wide tables.
I know i can enable/disable dictionary, increase/decrease block- and pagesize.
But what would be a good configuration for my needs?
I don't think that Parquet is really contributes to failure here and tweaking its configuration probably won't help.
coalesce(1) is a drastic operation that affect all upstream code. As a result, all processing is done on a single node, and according to your own words, your resources are already very limited.
You didn't provide any information about the rest of the pipeline, but if you want to stay with Spark, your best hope is replacing coalesce with repartition. If OOM occurs in one of the preceding operations it might help.
