Debug IOS xamarin app on windows - xamarin.ios

Is there any way that's I can debug IOS xamarin app from windows directly to iPhone using USB or any other way .
I tried to use macOS Sierra emulator
But it doesn't work.

Try this one. I think you should read the xamarin documentation


Can we deploy Xamarin.iOS app into simulator using windows Machine without connecting to Mac agent

Any one suggest me using visual studio can we deploy any of the iOS application in Simulator not connecting to Mac Agent??? Through Windows Machine.
Thanks In Advance!!
No it is an apple licensing requirement. There is the xamarin live player in preview which will let you test apps on an iphone without an mac
Simulator for iOS always runs on Mac, there is no simulator for iOS for Windows. You can only cast the screen to Windows so that you don't have to look on the Mac screen, but that's all, you need a mac for that (and this requires Visual Studio Enterprise which you probably don't have - assuming from your other statements).
If you want to develop without Mac you can try to install Xamarin Live Player on your iOS device. And also you can't build the final package without a Mac (and it also required for uploading it to the store), just in this case you can possibly get some Mac in the cloud and pay per hour.
If you don't have even the iOS device then you need to buy it as this can't be resolved in any way.

I'm trying to run bluetooth chat app in android studio emulator...but am unable

I'm trying to run Bluetooth chat app in android studio emulator...but am unable.Please let me know if I can run it on any other software emulator.
How to run a genymotion plugin for this application project
I think android studio emulator does not support bluetooth
Android Emulators are not real devices.You can not use bluetooth,Wifi etc.. functionalities like you do in real devices.
So you better try running your App on a real device not Emulator.

How to Compile the Xamarin.iOS app using Visual Studio only?

Recently i came to know that Xamarin 3 got released and there a is beautiful GUI designer for iOS. But am not sure still for compilation do we need to use the Mac? With out Mac is it possible to compile iOS app?
With invention of GUI designer for iOS in Xamarin, makes it easy for the developer to switching between xCode to windows. For compiling there is no need of Mac. But to run and see the output, you still require Mac - iOS build host. Also, Mac would be required to host iOS app on App store.

Use Xamarin Studio on Windows to build iOS app

Is it possible to build an iOS app using Xamarin Studio running on Windows and have it connect to the Xamarin.ios Build Host running on the mac?
The example I have seen only talk about using Visual Studio.
No it is not possible. Xamarin Studio on Windows will only build Android apps. If you are going to use Xamarin Studio and you have a connected Mac, then why not just use it on the Mac?
No you can't use Xamarin Studio on Windows and connect to the Xamarin.iOS build host, you have to use Visual Studio.
Just remember that you will need to do any design and layout tasks on Mac OS X using XCode though. On Xamarin Studio for OS X Alpha Channel there is an interface builder but I think it does not apply to the Windows version of Xamarin Studio or the Visual Studio addon.
You can write iOS apps on windows but you can not compile them unless you have xcode on mac
While not specifically answering the question, it should be noted that it is possible to develop for iOS in Visual Studios using a connected Mac as a build host. This connected Mac could either be through the network or can even be a VM running from your Windows machine.
You can now use the Interface Builder inside of Visual Studios on Windows to create iOS interfaces (only while connected to a Mac as described above).

WP7 emulator not working after WP8 sdk

So I wanted to debug using the WP 7.1 emulator option but can't make the emulator to start, it says is doing a complete OS boot, then WP logo and sits there forever
This happened after installing WP8 SDK
Anyone has solved this?
Please uninstall the WP7 SDK prior to installing the WP8 SDK. The WP8 SDK includes support for WP7 applications.
The WP8 SDK emulator is a Hyper-V powered emulator, and is quite different from WP7.
