Is scapy-ssl-tls work supported in Windows - scapy

I need to work with scapy-ssl-tls library through python program. I am a Windows user. I tried to find way to install it in Windows but coudl not find any reference including the library's Github page here. Any suggestions please?

Update: nowadays there is a SSL/TLS implementation builtin scapy.
To install scapy-ssl-tls, there are two steps:
Install scapy: download it using pip pip install scapy --pre or via the github page:
Download scapy-ssl-tls, and install it using the instructions here:


How to install github python files which pip installation is not provided?

I want to install package in windows 10, but no pip installation method is provided in the page. I use vs-code python-3.9.10 and all my libraries are installed in a virtual environment. The git address of all files is but I don't know how to download and install directly to the (venv). Is there any easy way to install and import it to my code? I tried 'pip install pyfin', but it installed other library included in this page : which is different.
First activate your venv.
(activate it using the .\venv\Scripts\activate command.)
The run pip install git+

How to install libdoc2testbench on Ubuntu

libdoc2testbench is a tool of Robot Framework which supports importing test results to imbus testbench. Due to Robot Framework documentation, it is to be installed by
pip install robotframework-libdoc2testbench
I want to install it on Ubuntu 18.04; there I get the error:
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement robotframework-libdoc2testbench (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for robotframework-libdoc2testbench
Best regards
You are probably calling pip from Python 2.7.
Make sure you use Python 3, for example with:
python3 -m pip install robotframework-libdoc2testbench
EDIT: You can download the .wheel or source tar from and install with pip pointing to it (and then if needed, download other required packages).
However the solution to your problem is the Python version. From the project page, we see it needs Python 3.7.

how to do pip install manually

i'm trying to run this code
pip install pandas
from my company laptop, but i think to have a firewall block.
getting this error:
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pandas (from versions: ) No matching distribution found for pandas
I can't modify the firewall settings (in order to fix my problem) and i'm guessing if there is alternative way to download & install all libraries into python3.
Could i dowload the library and then paste it into a folder?
PS. i'm using pycharm
Thank you
Download appropriate file matching your Python version and architecture from and then install it locally with pip, i.e.:
$ pip install --user pandas-0.25.1-cp36-cp36m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
Processing ./pandas-0.25.1-cp36-cp36m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
Note that the package might require further dependencies, so you might need to repeat for different packages.
If your machine requires a proxy, add this bit after install:

How to install dltpy library via python anaconda

I'm developing an application via spyder that can read and convert dlt files into a txt extension file, therefore I need to add dltpy library to spyder
I found a site in which it provided commands( you'll find below) to install the "dltpy" library. however, I wasn't I able to install it via anaconda.
git clone git+
(cd dltpy; git checkout native-dltreader)
pip install --user ./dltpy
Is it possible to install a github library into spyder?
Thank you for your help.

Install python package (e.g. lxml) to specific python version (e.g. 3.1) when another python package (e.g 2.6) is default

It bugs me theese simple things:
I notice that my installed lxml can't be found from my python3.1 shell.
There is no problem in python2.6 shell
So my question now is - how can I install lxml to python3.1? sudo pip install lxml just tells me that lxml is already installed.
I know I could properbly use virtualenv to do this - but quite honestely I am just trying to learn python in the most simple manner posible. I therefore don't think I need "package lockdown" the way I (mis)understands virtualenv provides. Anything that can keep the confusion at bay and let me focus on the programming :-)
I could of course just uninstall python2.6 but I guess all hell would break loose on my debian box then.
Thanks in advance
Each version of Python is independent of the others. This goes for everything including pip commands. You need to install pip once per each version, and you then get one pip command per version.
For a longer explanation, see my blog post on the topic.
