Azure Data Factory V2 SFTP Error - azure

I am trying to perform a copy activity using Azure Data Factory V2 and configured source and sink properties, everything looks fine. When i executed the process, it fails with the below error. I tried with a different SFTP server but still getting same issue.
Please make sure Sftp server is not throttling ADF Service or Integration Runtime (Self-hosted)., Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.ClientLibrary.SftpConnector,''Type=Renci.SshNet.Common.SftpPathNotFoundException,Message=No such file,Source=Renci.SshNet,'

This is not due to the path or file not found but its due to the MaxSessions setting at SFTP server. I set this property in SFTP server and it works !!

The message is clear, "Path not found exception" and "No such file" means that when it builds the path with folderPath+fileName and tries to navigate to it, the path doesnt work. Try fixing that, at least its not an authentication issue.
Hope this helped!


Azure SignalR: HubException method does not exist

I am finding we receive this error:
Failed to invoke 'CreateChatRequest' due to an error on the server. HubException: Method does not exist.
at _this.callbacks.<computed> (chat.min.js:2060)
at HubConnection.processIncomingData (chat.min.js:2154)
at WebSocketTransport.HubConnection.connection.onreceive (chat.min.js:1881)
at WebSocket.webSocket.onmessage (chat.min.js:3922)
The method does exist. The code does work, then after a while of testing, it returns this and won't stop.
What seems to temporarily fix the issue is restarting the Azure SigR service, but it comes back. This issue does not occur when targeting local SigR during development; it only happens against Azure SigR.
According to documentation, this seems to be a catchall error when something errors up on the server but, no exceptions are being logged. I've turned on detailed errors, but that didn't change the error coming back from the server. I've also tried catching the exception and sending back a HubException to see what is going on, but that didn't change the error message either.
TIA for any help.
So the answer, for me, was that i'd checked in (to source control) my azure service's connection string, so other devs were also using this and pointing their versions of the API service at that azure service. So when i ran my code sometimes azure would hit my API service with the new method in and it would work, sometimes it would hit someone else's API service and so fail because their code didn't have the new method in.

The gateway did not receive a response from 'Microsoft.Web' within the specified time period while creating FTP in Azure

I have an Azure logic app, inside that i am creating FTP (when file is added or modified) but after creation of FTP connection, i am unable to see the folder name inside the folder box with the error "The gateway did not receive a response from 'Microsoft.Web' within the specified time period".
Did you follow the steps in the doc create the FTP connector?
I think the problem is you didn't open the passive mode, the mode is a prerequisite asked in the doc. Due to environmental constraints, I couldn't open the passive mode, you could try it. And you need make sure you server is accessible from the internet.
If you still have questions, please let me know.

Copying a file from an FTP location into Azure DataLake

I have followed all steps shown in the MSDN documentation to Copy File from FTP.
So far, the data sets are created, linked servers were created, the pipeline is created. The diagram for the pipeline shows the logical flow. However, when I schedule the ADF, to do the work for me. It fails. The input dataset passes, but when executing the output dataset, I am presented with the following error.
Copy activity encountered a user error at Source side:
find the file specified. Folder path: 'Test/', File filter:
remote server returned an error: (500) Syntax error, command
I can physically navigate to the folder and see for myself the file, but when using the ADF, I ma having issues. The firewall is set to allow the connection. Still I am getting this issue. As there is very minimal logging, I am unable to nail down the issue. Could someone help me out here?
PS: Cross Posted at MSDN
I encountered the same error and I was able to solve it by adding "enableSsl": true,
"enableServerCertificateValidation": true

Error trying to FTP files to Azure

I am trying to FTP some file to my Azure web site using FileZilla. However it doesn't seem to be connecting. It keeps getting blocked at the "Initializing TLS..." message.
Here's a screenshot of the log from FileZilla.
Here are my FileZilla settings.
Any ideas what's wrong?
Few details to make it work.
First I don't think you need Encryption : make it a simple (unsecured) connexion. Lame my FileZilla is in french for exact terms.
Second, you're user shall more looks like "blah-blah\$blah-blah" as shown in your connection profile in Azure Portal.
Last, and really least, port 21 is default port and could be erase.
Hope you'll figure this out !

Unable to deploy web application using web deployment tool

I deployed an application on Azure. Now, I setup my MvcWebRole project to publish directly to my role instance through web deploy. (refering link : )
However, whenever I am trying to publish an application, it is giving an error like:
Error 1 Web deployment task failed.(Remote agent (URL http://mywebsvr/MSDEPLOYAGENTSERVICE) could not be contacted.
Make sure the remote agent service is installed and started on the target computer.)
The requested resource does not exist, or the requested URL is incorrect.
Error details:
Remote agent (URL http://mywebsvr/MSDEPLOYAGENTSERVICE) could not be contacted. Make sure the remote agent service is installed and started on the target computer.
An unsupported response was received. The response header 'MSDeploy.Response' was '' but 'v1' was expected.
The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found. 0 0 CPE Tracking System
I read some articles and most of them advise to make sure the remote agent service is already started by issuing the command "net start msdepsvc". But I don't know why issuing this command will return the error "The service name is invalid".
How come the server can't understand the parameter msdepsvc?
Would anybody please help!
I would try to use the new SDK 1.4 Refresh. That includes an officially supported WebDeploy tooling now and is much more likely to work without hiccups.
More information and link to download here:
Thanks for your reply. Problem is resolved now. The user trying to deploy an application didn't have permission on machine.
Reference link:
Link Used for setting up permission on server is:
