Buildozer build fails at NDK build giving SDL_JAVA_PACKAGE_PATH error - android-ndk

Buildozer (0.34) fails with this error when set up using Kivy's VM (2.0). I was able to replicate it in an unrelated environment (no VM) in Ubuntu 16.04 and the same spec file.
Log output:
*** Please define SDL_JAVA_PACKAGE_PATH to the path of your Java package with dots replaced with underscores, for example
"com_example_SanAngeles". Stop.
This happened right after it switched to running the NDK build:
Log output:
RAN: /home/kivy/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r9c/ndk-build V=1
Does anyone have insight into why this error would appear exactly the same way in both the VM and when I set up the environment on my own? Is it Java-related somehow? I will elaborate with more detail, but I'm not sure what would be the most helpful. I can't find references to this error elsewhere, and I would appreciate any clues at all. This is my first question on SO, but this community has really helped me learn. Thank you.


Please add a #NgModule annotation but I cannot figure why

I have a Node/Angular app which works locally in a Docker instance. For deployment to a Google VM, we have a script which checks out the Git files, compiles them, copies the outputs into an nginx folder and restarts the nginx.
I have (what I thought was) identical setups on two different VMs. I test any changes on the "staging" VM and then if all is working correctly, I run them on the "production" VM.
Yesterday, this system broke. My staging VM pulls, compiles and runs the code without any issues or even warnings. The production VM gives errors during the compilation
The compilation line is
sudo $(npm bin)/ng build --prod --output-path=dist
and the first error I see is
ERROR in : Unexpected value 'AngularFireDatabaseModule in /home/redacted/ng-app/node_modules/#angular/fire/database/angular-fire-database.d.ts' imported by the module 'AppModule in /home/redacted/ng-app/src/app/app.module.ts'. Please add a #NgModule annotation.
So, I saw this question which said I should move import to the declarations section. I did this for AngularFireDatabaseModule and then it would not compile on my (working) staging server, giving me an error
Please add a #Pipe/#Directive/#Component annotation
Which this answer says means I need to move the declaration back to the imports!
My assumption is that my two supposedly identical VMs have something different about them, but I am having difficulty figuring out what.
Is there some kind soul who can help me figure out what the difference is?
Both VMs: Running Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.11.0-1028-gcp x86_64)
Both VMs up to date
Both VMs: node --version
Both VMs: sudo node --version
Both VMs: npm -v
Both VMs: sudo npm -v
What else should I be checking for?
OK, I can't be sure what exactly fixed it, but in the end, I had to go into the folder where the compilation was occurring and run
sudo npm update
which seemd to fix the problems. Could've sworn I did that a few times before, but ¯\(ツ)/¯
Leaving this for anyone who is despairing - the simple answers seem to work best

I cannot run Gazebo and Rviz Due to Missing sdformat.dll and image_transport.dll

Hello there hope you are all well.
Few days ago I installed ROS on my Windows-10 computer by following the tutorials on their site. I worked with TurtleSim and some other features of ROS without any problem. However when I try to run Gazebo, I get an error saying sdformat.dll is missing. And when I try to run Rviz, I get an error saying image_transport.dll and resource_retriever.dll is missing. I tried updating ROS but it did no good. I asked about this on ROS' official answer site but no one responded. Is there any CMD command or chocolatey feature which I can use to repair missing files? If not, what can I do to resolve this error?
Thank you so much

getting error when starting xampp with error missing job name

I installed xampp in ubuntu 12.04 and everything is ok but when i am trying start it from terminal i get this error:
start: missing job name
try 'start --help' for more information.
JOB is the name of the job that is to be started, this may be followed by zero
or more environment variables to be defined in the new job. This is the information which i got from help but is my first experience with linux. all tutorials on the web tells that all the things that i need to do is just enter start...
What to do?
When you follow this guide:
and run command:
/opt/lampp/lampp start
Or, you run some other command?(in question is not specified what you have executed). If so, most likely something is not correctly installed...
Also you should provide xampp version, how the software was installed (rpm, compiled,....)

Error to launch winghci shipped in haskell platform package 2012.2.0.0

Everytime I double click winghci.exe an error message CreateGHCiProcess failed with failed with error 2 pops. I assume the installation hasn't completed setting environment variables successfully since cmd C:\>ghci ends up with no command found either. Could anyone help posting changes that might take place during the installation or any solution to this?
To complete the incomplete answer: add the path of the bin directory inside your haskell platform folder, e.g. C:\Programs\Haskell Platform\2012.2.0.0\bin, to your PATH. That should be all.
Issue closed. Solution is to set $PATH$ by either reinstallation or manual
I think that's supposed to be %PATH% when you're dealing with windows. path = c:\programs\Haskell Platform\2012.2.0.0\bin;%path% for your example.You could also make a shortcut and point the "Start in:" entry at where you've installed the bin directory.For me, I have it installed under "c:\users[ME]\my documents\dev\Haskell Playform\2013.2.0.0\bin"Starts up fine.

Coverity Set Up (Cygwin Warning)?

I am currently trying to run Coverity Prevent and I believe I have everything set up appropriately on my windows 7 build machine. I have run it with AnthillPro and when my code finishes and gets to Coverity it says that everything was built fine and the only error I get is:
Warning: Cygwin pathname conversion ignored; no applicable
'bash'/'mount', 'cygpath', or registry keys found.
I have even tried to install Cygwin to see if this could rectify the problem and I still end up with the same error.
I am currently using AnthillPro 3.7 and Coverity 5.5.3. The build log says that I have warnings but no errors and that it hasn't emitted anything. I have tried to run a script directly from the machine (not server) itself and I have the same error as I do using the Coverity Prevent in Anthill
This is the only information I get at the bottom of the build log.
Run from AnthillPro:
Build time (cov-build overall): 00:00:17.753597
[WARNING] No files were emitted. This may be due to a problem with your configuration
or because no files were actually compiled by your build command.
Please make sure you have configured the compilers actually used in the compilation.
For more details, please look at:
Run from Script:
The cov-build FAILED.
This may be because less than 90 percent of units were successfully compiled
Check for errors here:
It sounds like you haven't configured the compiler - that's when you tell your Coverity Analysis installation which compiler you are using. devenv is not a compiler, cl.exe is.
Run the following command:
coverity-analysis-dir/bin/cov-configure --msvc
This will say that you are using the cl.exe compiler and it's of type msvc no matter where it's installed.
Then rerun your Coverity build and see if it captures more of your compilations.
