What are flip-flops&latches and transmission&switch gates in Verilog? - verilog

I've looked everywhere to figure out what flip-flops and latches are. Could you give me a brief description of them in the simplest possible way (as if to a child)?
Also, could you tell me the functionalities, input and output of transmission primitives (buf, bufif0, bufif1, notif0, notif1) and switch primitives (pmos, rpmos, nmos, rnmos, cmos, rcmos, tranif1, tranif0, rtranif1, rtranif0, tran, rtran, pullup, pulldown)?
It is a lot of stuff I am requesting, so if you have a URL with comprehensive description of the given primitives, and any other ones with other introductory level information on Verilog, I would be very grateful. (NOT http://www.asic-world.com because that is precisely where I'm learning this from and I don't understand them)
PS: I'd like to be familiar with more primitives to prepare for my exam.

Could you give me a brief description of them in the simplest possible way (as if to a child)?
Once upon a time a wise genie named Lindley invented a magical box called a Flip-Flop. Whenever the enchanted Clock strikes a chime, if a peasant farmer Mr. D. is feeling high, his neighbor Mrs. Q will see this and suddenly do a "flip", landing upon the rail. And there she stays until the next time the clock chimes.
But instead, if Mr. D. is feeling low when the enchanted clock chimes, Mrs. Q will "flop", quite dejectedly, ending up flat on the ground.
And so this continues on forever as long as the enchanted clock continues to chime, with Q flipping and flopping as to however D feels. But only each time the clock chimes, much to the bemusement of the genie. If the clock were to stop, Q will freeze right where she is, and no matter what is happening to D, there she will stay frozen.
This may seem an singularly odd amusement, but it happens that with enough enchanted boxes and flipping peasants, a wise fellow named Turing is said to be able to compute most nearly anything.
Now a latch is something, not quite different, but also very much not quite the same. It involves some different peasants and in lieu of the magical clock, another peasant simply tells the others when to freeze. For this reason it is not as interesting as the famous flip-flop of Antioch.
if you have a URL with comprehensive description of the given primitives
Please see the following freely download-able reference. This contains comprehensive and authoritative descriptions of all of the primitives you request.
IEEE 1800 System Verilog-2012


How to capture keyboard input during runtime in Verilog?

I've been trying to find a way to capture keyboard input during runtime simulation of my Verilog code. Is this even possible?
I have taken a look at resources like asic-world and the Quick Reference for Verilog found on Google, but found nothing regarding a way to take keyboard inputs.
There seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding here in the difference between a hardware description language used to simulate a design versus using that same description to implement a design in actual hardware. It's like drawing a picture of a pinwheel, blowing on that picture, and expecting the pinwheel to start turning.
You can certainly build a 3-D model of that pinwheel, simulate the force of the wind on that model and watch it turn, and then send that model to a 3-d printer to get your pinwheel. I suppose you could put wind sensors in front of your monitor, and write a program that converts a value from the sensor to a value used in the simulation. The point is, the simulator has no knowledge that the value came from someone blowing on the monitor, it just sees a parameter value change.
Unless you are designing the keyboard hardware yourself and simulating that, there really is not much point in taking keyboard input from a computer and using that to stimulate your design in simulation. The operating system has already abstracted away the keyboard hardware and provides you with a string of character codes. The reason you are simulating in the first place is to verify the functionality of your design. If you find a problem, you are going to want to replay the exact same stimulus until you fix your problem.
Just like the pinwheel example, I do know it's possible for someone to set up a program that reads keyboard input and provides that as stimulus to a simulation. But that involves inter-process communication(IPC) and specific tool knowledge to set that up.

Verilog Multiplier/Divider Propagation Delay

I'm about to start coding a basic shift multiplier and a shift divider structurally in Verilog, but I wanted to first figure out what the expected propagation delays should be. Does anyone know the propagation delay equations for basic shift multipliers and dividers?
May be being more specific can help us answer your question more accurately. The expected delays and actual hardware depends on the method you use to implement your circuit.
May be this PDF can provide some help regarding simulation and timing.
Not Only does this depend on the multiplier and divider architecture used but the process and voltage you run the circuit at.
For example at 350nm, 1.3v you will struggle to meet timing at 100MHz. While at 14nm, 1.0v # 1GHz you will not have a problem.
If you have the manual for your standard cell library it should list propagation delays for a given voltage for each cell.

Nexys3 interface to a VmodTFT

I'm trying to interface a Nexys3 board with a VmodTFT via a VHDCI connector. I am pretty new to FPGA design, and although I have experience with micro-controllers. I am trying to approach the whole problem as a FSM. However, I've been stuck on this for quite some time now. What signals constitute my power up sequence? When do I start sampling data? I've looked at the relevant datasheets and they don't make things very clearer. Any help would be greatly appreciated (P.S : I use Verilog for the design).
Sorry for the vagueness of my question. Here's specifically what I am looking at.
For starters, I am going to overlook the touch module. I want to look at the whole setup as a FSM. I am assuming the following states:
1. Setup connection or handshake signals
2. Switch on the LCD
3. Receive pixel data
4. Display video
5. Power off the LCD
Would this be a reasonable FSM? My main concerns are with interpreting the signals. Table 5 in the VmodTFT_rm manual shows a list of signals; however, I am having trouble understanding what signals are for what (This is my first time with display modules). I am going to assume everything prefixed with TFT_ is for the display and everything with TP_ is for the touch panel (Please correct me if I'm wrong). So what signals would I be changing in each state and what would act as inputs?
Now what changes should I make to accommodate the touch panel too?
I understand I am probably asking for too much, but I would greatly appreciate a push in the right direction as I am pretty stuck with this for a long time.
Your question could be filled out a little better, it's not clear exactly what's giving you trouble.
I see two relevant docs online (you may have seen these):
Schematic: https://digilentinc.com/Data/Products/VMOD-TFT/VmodTFT_sch.pdf
User Guide: https://digilentinc.com/Data/Products/VMOD-TFT/VmodTFT_rm.pdf
The user guide explains what signals are part of the Power up sequence
you must wait between 0.5ms and 100ms after driving TFT-EN before you can drive DE and the pixel bus
You must wait 0 to 200ms after setting up valid pixel data to enable the display (with DISP)
You must wait 160ms after enabling DISP before you start pulsing LED-EN (PWM controls the backlight)
Admittedly the documentation doesn't look great and some of the signals names are not consistent, but I think you can figure it out from there.
After looking at the user guide to understand what the signals do, look at the schematic to find the mapping between the signal names and the VHDCI pinout. Then when you connect the VHDCI pinout to your FPGA, look at your FPGA's manual to find mapping between pins on the VHDCI connector and balls of the FPGA, and then you can use the fpga's configuration settings to map an FPGA ball to a logical verilog input to your top module.
Hope that clears things up a bit, but please clarify your question about what you don't understand.

What is the point of "create_clock" command in FPGA design?

In FPGA programming, what is the point of using the create_clock command in the XDC (or UCF) file? Let's say I have a clock port CLK that is assigned to a physical pin (which is my clock), in the XDC (or UCF) file. Why can't I just go ahead and use this CLK pin in my top level HDL? Why do I need to add something like this:
create_clock -name sys_clk_pin -period "XXX" [get_ports "CLK"]
Also, let's say I have a main clock "CLK" and some other clocks which I generate in HDL. Do I have to use "create_clock" for all the minor clock in XDC too?
I don't get this whole "create_clock" thing. Any help or direction is much appreciated.
Design constraints, as the name suggests, are used in order to define additional constraints of your design, which can't be captured from HDL description.
Lets take create_clock command as an example. You specified the clock pin in your HDL description, why isn't this enough? The reason is that clock signal is not a usual signal - it is used as a reference signal by a synchronous logic (flip-flops).
I suppose you're familiar with "propagation delay" (through logic gates) concept. You want to make sure that all signals originating at one flop and sampled at the other will be able to propagate during a single clock cycle. Now, the total propagation delay you can know right after synthesis because each logic gate in FPGA has associated propagation delay (just sum these up). But how your analysis tools know what is the maximal allowed propagation delay? You do not specify these constraints in HDL, right? This is one of the cases where the frequency you specified with create_clock command will be used - it will be converted to period, and an analysis tool will warn you if any of the combinatorial paths in your design takes longer to propagate than clock's period.
The above example describes one of the actions performed by Static Timing Analysis (STA) tools in which "design constraints" are employed.
Another kind of tools which make extensive use of design constraints is Clock Domain Crossing (CDC) tools. These tools employed in designs containing more than one clock. The CDC concepts are described brilliantly here
In case you take one clock and generate another one from it (clock divider for example) you want to make CDC tool aware of this, because the fact that these clocks are related is important. Your way to inform CDC tool that the clocks are related is to use create_generated_clock constraint.
NOTE: the above examples are basic and by no means comprehensive.

Reset an Altera M9K's content to 0 (power-up value)

Good day,
I am working on a Stratix III FPGA which contains M9K block memories, the contents of which are conveniently initialised to zero on power-on. This suits my application very well.
Is there a way to reset the contents back to zero without power-cycling/reflashing/etc the FPGA? There seems to be no such option in the megawizard plugin manager, and I would like to avoid wasting a bunch of logic which just goes and sequentially writes zero to every address...
I have looked around and there is no reference to such a mechanism, but I thought I'd ask just in case someone knew a handy trick :] By the way I'm working in VHDL but I should be able to translate any Verilog.
Datasheet (does not contain the answer!) : http://www.altera.com/literature/hb/stx3/stx3_siii51004.pdf
Thanks in advance,
- Thomas
PS: This be my first post here, so if I've violated any etiquette please let me know :)
Sorry, the conventional ways to do that are:
to re-configure the fpga (you could trigger that from within your hardware if you don;t mind the whole thing "disappearing" while it reconfigures)
explicitly write zeros in (as you already suggested)
At the wackier end of the solution space, I guess you could also wire something up to the JTAG port if you already have a microcontroller either in the FPGA or outside - you might be able to overwrite the RAM contents that way too.
