How to check that package is available to install? - freebsd

How to check that package givent by name exactly is available to install?
Some packages may be not available when install packages by list:
pkg install some packages ... ruby-gems
No packages available to install matching 'ruby-gems' have been found in the repositories
The pkg info show info only for installed packages:
pkg info ruby23-gems
pkg: No package(s) matching ruby23-gems
Now install and check info:
pkg install ruby23-gems
pkg info ruby23-gems

The command pkg search have appropriate args:
pkg search -S name --exact ruby23-gems
-S name - specify the field to search the repository catalogue on
--exact - pattern should be an exact match against the search field


Conan saying "No package 'fontenc' found"

i'm trying to use Conan to dev a c++ project (on a debian 10.x 64 bits).
I've setup my conanfile.txt as follows :
lib, *.so* -> lib
bin, *.dll -> ./bin
lib, *.dylib* -> ./bin
But when i use conan install .. (inside a build directory ofc), i get the following error:
No package 'fontenc' found
I don't see any similar problems on google and i'm new to Conan so i'm a bit lost.
No package 'fontenc' found
"package fontenc" means package config file fontenc.pc
The file fontenc.pc is provided by the Debian package libfontenc-dev : apt install libfontenc-dev
Searching for a package name, when you know a file name : Please use the above Debian search page, or use apt-file →
apt install apt-file
apt-file update
apt-file search fontenc.pc
apt-file search ice.pc ## ref. comment
Installing multiple packages: apt install package package package package

Cabal install works but cabal list does not find package

I have separately installed cabal in I:\cabal and ghc in I:\ghc folders. I had a previous installation of Haskell-Platform which did not work and I had to uninstall it. But there is a folder named C:\Users\myname\AppData\Roaming\cabal which has many packages (total size 705mb).
Now when I try to install a package, I get error message:
>cabal install easyplot
Resolving dependencies...
Up to date
cabal: installdir is not defined. Set it in your cabal config file or use
So, I do following and it installs ok:
>cabal install easyplot --lib --installdir="C:\Users\myname\AppData\Roaming\cabal"
Resolving dependencies...
Up to date
There is now an easyplot package in folder C:\Users\myname\AppData\Roaming\cabal\packages\
But when I try list command, it is shown as not installed:
>cabal list easyplot
* easyplot
Synopsis: A tiny plotting library, utilizes gnuplot for plotting.
Default available version: 1.0
Installed versions: [ Not installed ] <<<<<<<<<<<<< NOTE
License: MIT
Where is the problem and how can it be solved? Thanks for your help.
Good catch! I opened up an issue on the cabal tracker.
With cabal-install 3.0 and beyond, packages you "install" are put into the store rather than the packagedb, and then made available through tools by being listed in the global ghc environment file. The list command isn't updated to be aware of this workflow, and only lists packages which are in the standard packagedb.

Let Cabal-Install show the install plan

If I install a package using cabal install pkg then cabal will install all packages that pkg depends on. If there is a conflict with already installed packages then cabal shows which packages have to be installed freshly, which ones are updated and which installed ones will be broken.
Is there a way to get this list unconditionally instead of running the install procedure?
cabal install <pkg> --dry-run will print the packages that will be installed without actually performing any of the installation. It will not show this information though if the package is installed or similar.

FreeBSD with fusefs-s3fs

How i can install fusefs-s3fs on FreeBSD OS(example FreeNAS)? I just tried to install via command:
[root#freenas] #pkg install fusefs-s3fs
But it doesn't work and shows the following error:
pkg: file://usr/ports/pakages/meta.txz: no such file or directory
repository local has no meta file,using default settings pkg:
file:///usr/ports/packages/packagesite.txz: no such file or directory
unable to update repository local all repository upt o date pkg: No
packages available to install matching 'fusefs' have been found in
To use pkgng pkg(8) tool for installing packages in prebuilt binaries, it is better to resolve installation error with pkg, as using pkg is faster and don't require compiler installation.
First, run pkg update with -f to force fetching the repository:
pkg update -f
To install the package with its dependencies:
pkg install fusefs-s3fs
You may also use "pkg search" to make sure that the package available to be installed (fusefs-s3fs is available in my FreeBSD 11.1-R), run:
pkg search fusefs-s3fs
After installing fusefs-s3fs, load fuse module using:
kldload fuse
To automatically load fuse moudle on boot, add fuse_load="YES" to /boot/loader.conf file.
Note: if you still receive errors when updating packages list using "pkg update -f". Check that you can connect to , and that the pkgng repository config file /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf exists and configured.
Look like you have error with your FreeBSD repository. Try to install install using port:
cd /usr/ports/sysutils/fusefs-s3fs/ && make install clean
You need to build the port:
sudo portsnap fetch extract
cd /usr/ports/sysutils/fusefs-exfat; sudo make install clean
Or you can compile it as follows:
git clone
cd s3fs-fuse
sudo make install

dependenacy libraries when installing svgcairo

I want to run a Setup.hs file to install svgcairo library, So I run first the command runhaskell Setup.hs configure --prefix=/usr/local but it's give me the following error :
Configuring svgcairo-
setup: At least the following dependencies are missing:
cairo >= && <0.14, glib >= && <0.14
This is confused me, since both cairo and glib are installed with the correct versions !
to make it convince, I have run the commands cabal install cairo and cabal install glib, and the following output appear:
Resolving dependencies...
All the requested packages are already installed:
Use --reinstall if you want to reinstall anyway.
Resolving dependencies...
All the requested packages are already installed:
Use --reinstall if you want to reinstall anyway.
Note : I tried to run the Setup.hs file with runhaskell Setup.hs but its tell me that no command given (try --help)
cabal install defaults to installing to the local package database. Setup.hs defaults to installing to the global package database (hence will ignore anything installed in the local package database when trying to satisfy dependencies). You can change the behavior of either by passing --local or --global to the appropriate stage -- configure for Setup.hs, and configure or install for cabal.
