FreeBSD with fusefs-s3fs - freebsd

How i can install fusefs-s3fs on FreeBSD OS(example FreeNAS)? I just tried to install via command:
[root#freenas] #pkg install fusefs-s3fs
But it doesn't work and shows the following error:
pkg: file://usr/ports/pakages/meta.txz: no such file or directory
repository local has no meta file,using default settings pkg:
file:///usr/ports/packages/packagesite.txz: no such file or directory
unable to update repository local all repository upt o date pkg: No
packages available to install matching 'fusefs' have been found in

To use pkgng pkg(8) tool for installing packages in prebuilt binaries, it is better to resolve installation error with pkg, as using pkg is faster and don't require compiler installation.
First, run pkg update with -f to force fetching the repository:
pkg update -f
To install the package with its dependencies:
pkg install fusefs-s3fs
You may also use "pkg search" to make sure that the package available to be installed (fusefs-s3fs is available in my FreeBSD 11.1-R), run:
pkg search fusefs-s3fs
After installing fusefs-s3fs, load fuse module using:
kldload fuse
To automatically load fuse moudle on boot, add fuse_load="YES" to /boot/loader.conf file.
Note: if you still receive errors when updating packages list using "pkg update -f". Check that you can connect to , and that the pkgng repository config file /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf exists and configured.

Look like you have error with your FreeBSD repository. Try to install install using port:
cd /usr/ports/sysutils/fusefs-s3fs/ && make install clean

You need to build the port:
sudo portsnap fetch extract
cd /usr/ports/sysutils/fusefs-exfat; sudo make install clean
Or you can compile it as follows:
git clone
cd s3fs-fuse
sudo make install


How to resolve conflict when use yum install

I built and installed some libraries into my CentOs 7.9. I guess I used --prefix=/usr when I configured. However, I found the version of the source code was inappropriate. So I decided to install the package by yum install. But I saw conflicts when I run this command. Seemed the libraries in the package are older than what was installed. I couldn't use yum remove to remove what had installed. Because they were not installed from the package. How to resolve the conflicts or force yum to install the package?
1. when u install it from source code
If u want to uninstall the package which was installed from source, actually it's hard to delete all the files u have installed when u put them in /user directory. But there is method: when the installation is finished, usually there is a 'install_mainfest.txt' file in your installation directory which logs all the files the installation generates.
so read this file, and delete all the files using:
xargs rm < install_manifest.txt
2. when u install it using yum install
Find all the rpm package then delete them using:
rpm -qa|grep "your software name u wanna delete"|xargs yum -y remove

How can we enable UCI interface available on openwrt on ubuntu.

How can we enable UCI interface available on openwrt on ubuntu. Currently, I installed libuci and libubox, with which I am able to get and set configuration parameters for files under /etc/config in ubuntu. But these values are not reflected in system services when I do a service restart. For example I set some values in /etc/config/network and /etc/config/dhcp . But /etc/init.d/networking reload, the system is picking up values from /etc/dnsmasq.conf and /etc/network/interfaces.
You can run uci in Ubuntu by following the instructions available in (external link). Make UCI in UBUNTU 16.04 , Raspbian Jessie or similar.
First make a directory for download source codes
mkdir ~/Desktop/uci
Install json-c
Install the required packages:
sudo apt-get install dh-autoreconf git
Download source code:
cd ~/Desktop/uci
git clone
Make and install json-c:
cd json-c
sh ./
sudo make install
make check
Install libubox
Install the required packages:
sudo apt-get install lua5.1 liblua5.1-0-dev cmake
Download source code:
cd ~/Desktop/uci
git clone
Install libubox
cd libubox
cmake .
sudo make install
Install uci
Download source code:
cd ~/Desktop/uci
git clone
Make and install uci:
cd uci
cmake .
sudo make install
Now you can use uci :
If you still see this message:
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
edit this file:
sudo nano /etc/environment
Add this command into it:
or this file
sudo nano /etc/profile
Add these commands into it:
Then restart your computer.

Install git or update git without apt-get or yum

I have some linux boxes that do not allow me to use yum to install packages. Instead I need to download the zip or tar and then use a package manager to install the items on my linux boxes.
When you go to the git-scm page, the only way they provide to install git is to use yum, apt-get, etc from the command line.
Why is there not just a zip file?
Where can I find the package to install?
Has anyone else had this same issue?
I had the same issue before. I tried to install git from source and it works.
Intalling these packages first:
Getting the GIT scm source code:
Compiling the GIT scm from source
tar xzvf git-latest.tar.gz
cd git-{date} // edit it
./configure --with-curl=/usr/local
make install

how to install oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall

just completed installing oracle linux 6 update 2 on my virtual box and i have been trying to install oracle 11gr2 on the same operating system i am following the installation guide but i have encountered some problems when i run this command on my terminal
yum install oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall
i am getting an error
no package oracle-rdbms-server-11gr2-preinstall available
error nothing to do
is there any way i am doing this wrongly??how can i install the oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall
It seem you don't have oracle repository configured, do following:
As an authorized user (for example, root), retrieve the file that configures repository locations:
$sudo cd /etc/yum.repos.d
$sudo wget
Using a text editor, modify the file, changing the field enabled=0 to enabled=1 to reflect repositories that correspond to the machine's operating system release.
Next, install the oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall RPM using the yum install command.
The output in Listing 1 shows how the installation checks dependencies and then downloads and installs the required packages.
$sudo yum install oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall
mv /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-oracle-ol6.repo /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-oracle.repo
I've given :
yum install oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall.x86_64
and works perfectly

How can I (is it possible to) install mysql workbench locally?

I want to install a mysql workbench binary locally on my linux machine because I don't have sudo rights. I did this when I installed python using --prefix. Can this also be done with mysql workbench?
Yes, you can, provided that you are willing to compile Workbench from sources. You are advised however that you'll need sudo rights to install its compilation dependencies. Here are the steps:
Download Workbench's sources from the official download site. You should download the version tagged "Generic Linux (Architecture Independent), Compressed TAR Archive".
Uncompress the downloaded source file. From the linux terminal:
$ tar -zxvf mysql-workbench-whatever.tar.gz
Move to the directory with Workbench's source code:
cd mysql-workbench-whatever
Read the INSTALL file located in this directory to find out the required packages that you would need to install in order to compile Workbench. For Ubuntu here's the command to install them:
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake libtool libzip-dev libxml2-dev libsigc++-2.0-dev libglade2-dev libgtkmm-2.4-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libgl1-mesa-glx mesa-common-dev libmysqlclient15-dev uuid-dev liblua5.1-dev libpixman-1-dev libpcre3-dev libgnome2-dev libgtk2.0-dev libpango1.0-dev libcairo2-dev python-dev libboost-dev
Run with the path to where you want Workbench installed:
$ ./ --prefix=~/bin/wb52
(The above command will get your Workbench's binaries in the directory bin/wb52 within your home directory once compiled). Just change the destination dir to whatever you like.
Compile and install MySQL Workbench:
$ make install
This will take some time (maybe half an hour depending on your system). If you have more than one CPU core available you should use, for instance:
$ make -j3 install
and this will use three cores for compilation (adjust the number of cores to whatever you find reasonable for your system).
Once compiled you can run Workbench's executable that will be located inside a bin directory within the path you set in step 5.
Have a lot of fun!
